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  • Totem Arts Staff


Renegade X will be having its first Dev Night of 2011 on Sunday, January 16, at 3:00pm Eastern Standard Time (GMT -5).

Dev Night is your opportunity to play with the Renegade X developers, ask questions, team up with us or against us, and get some classic R&R&R: Rest, Relaxation, and Renegade!

If you haven't tried the beta yet, what are you waiting for? Pick up Unreal Tournament 3, get the latest patch, and download Renegade X 0.55 here: http://www.renegade-x.com/site/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=50&Itemid=64

We will be playing on MP-Gaming's RenegadeXServer.com

The developers hope to see you this Sunday at 3:00pm EST!

See ya there!

Edit: A live stream of the event will be go on GLHF.tv starting at 3:00pm EST this Sunday For more information, CLICK HERE


*Warning! No0b question*

Can anyone show me what time it will start in Germany?

Im confussed a bit when I want find it out by myself...

  • Totem Arts Staff

ill try record the whole thing now i got a new HDD :) just hope my little CPU can handel it just gotta remeber the record demo command lol oh yeah its demorec and F9 to screen shot :) Nice :D


For Germany looks like :

New York (U.S.A. - New York)Sonntag, 16. Januar 2011, 15:00:00UTC-5 hours EST........

Berlin (Germany - Berlin)Sonntag, 16. Januar 2011, 21:00:00UTC+1 hour CET........

Corresponding UTC (GMT)Sonntag, 16. Januar 2011, 20:00:00

If that is not right adjust it.

ill try record the whole thing now i got a new HDD :) just hope my little CPU can handel it just gotta remeber the record demo command lol oh yeah its demorec and F9 to screen shot :) Nice :D

You can automatically record in Renegade X again? like that erm ryplcam or whatever it was called

Otherwise I'll just use Fraps lol


You were always able to record ingame with the demorec command, RypelCam isn't needed to do that. RypelCam allows you to move around freely and set up camera paths.

  • Totem Arts Staff

works for me ... but i used 0.55 exe as i couldent be asked to reinstall the hole thing lol (i keep a back up file of renx just incase i over write some thing in the editor) ...btw was the editor fixed with these updates as there was no change list !

i did not have any problems with the old updator

from UK


Question about the demorec command

1. How do you stop it? (demostop??)

2. Solution to this problem? : When I tried to watch it (demoplay ) it told me 'missing package RenXbot or something'. I rec'd this in MP gaming server, and tried to watch it from there so I typed demoplay name ingame there and it gave me that error and brought me to the starting menu. Then I tried joining an offline game and open the demo, but then it brings me back to the menu where to choose what game type (the menu before where you choose what map). Any idea how I can watch it?

  • Totem Arts Staff

Guys, that was awesome. We should definitely do that more often, props to thegunrun for having us too!


Saturdays &&& Sundays? :D Weekend events ftw

'N yesh! thegunrun's site and himself r0x my s0x

Anyway, I made some vids of the game (I hope atleast) and I will try to make a kick-*** video from it. Sadly I don't have much time these 2 weeks so it'll probably comes a little late :P


WOW! its 02:20am, im browsing through some c&c stuff on the net cos im still gutted on how EA have ruined such a good series, and iv just found this mod! WOW!!! Wens the next session? coz i want in, this looks awesome!!!

  • 2 weeks later...

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