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No no! Horrible idea! Now it will make it impossible to snipe and spot targets on maps like Under and Field. Ugh! Please get rid of this as soon as possible Dx

Oh and, typekilling happens in every and all FPS games. Simple as that, no need to do something drastic to it.

No no! Horrible idea! Now it will make it impossible to snipe and spot targets on maps like Under and Field. Ugh! Please get rid of this as soon as possible Dx

I agree, as I do quite a bit of spotting and sneaking around. Besides, what is even wrong with typekilling (a little annoying, I know)? Is it against the rules on your server? If so, I have an idea.....


It was a nice idea but unfortunately it doesn't work out. The bubbles are annoying when typing, and they make you highly visible (especially bad when sniping or sniped).

  • Totem Arts Staff

I personally like them. I can understand that it stands out if you're hiding, but you probably shouldn't be typing in that scenario anyhow :P

Maybe if it was just a yellow exclamation mark above their head without the big bubble?


The idea is good but like the others said before, it isnt very useful, you get killed anyway.

@ Fobby

Even in scenarios where you are hiding, there might be something you need to tell your teammates.

Best could be: "They are going for a xyz rush".

No offense though ;)


You're more likely to be typing in a scenario where you're hiding.

The idea of this is good, but it is not executed very well. Two things need to be done to make this more useful:

1. Make the icon appear only when you're in the sights of someone else. This way, if someone is aiming at you, then they alone will see that you're typing. This is better because:

-You don't have to worry about people finding you when hiding. (Or finding people who are hiding next to you)

-You don't obscure lines of sight for everyone who wants to look in your general direction.

2. Change what the icon looks like. Get rid of the word bubble, it looks really dumb IMO. Make it more subtle and more in the style of the current selection boxes (outlines and health bar). Maybe make a little box with an "!" in it and stick it to the left of the name/health bar of the person. It shouldn't be very big. About the size of the text of the unit's name. It should be bright white so it stands out from the name and health bar.

Something like this:




Well... How about instead of that you make something else...

I think everyone remember those "!" and stuff when you use radio command.

Like "Enemy Vehicle spotted" and a little blue vehicle shows up above the person who "said" that.

just visible to the own team, it would improve the precision (wrong written?) when everyone knows who said where the enemy tank in this case is.

I hope you know what i mean




Zunnie, we all appreciate your work towards the server, but you have to understand Renegade X is quite new....'Mutators' shouldn't be there in the beginning of a new game...I mean, the game isn't even 100% done and you already start adding new stuff.

What I'm saying is, 'mutators' should be done when the original game gets kinda 'boring' and people are waiting for new stuff to be created to make the game attracted again

We luv u tho ;D


I think people's replies kind of speak for themselves here. The typeicon is more or less un-needed, seeing as people will just ignore it and shoot you anyways.

Hopefully, this wont just be ignored, and some action should be taken.


Yea, exactly. Why should I stop what I'm doing and wait for the enemy player to finish typing when all it does it make me vulnerable?

Kill him now so he learns not to type in the open and then I get to live for a few more minutes.

Yea, exactly. Why should I stop what I'm doing and wait for the enemy player to finish typing when all it does it make me vulnerable?

Kill him now so he learns not to type in the open and then I get to live for a few more minutes.


Also, enforcing a rule against typekilling is just silly. People would just exploit it by typing when they know they're about to be in trouble, hence my earlier post.

  • Totem Arts Staff

I'd be in support of having a mutator like this only for teammates, not enemies. It gives away enemy positions - also a rule against typkilling would be lame. If you kill someone who was tying, its their fault for typing in an unsafe environment.

Fobby[GEN]]I'd be in support of having a mutator like this only for teammates, not enemies. It gives away enemy positions - also a rule against typkilling would be lame. If you kill someone who was tying, its their fault for typing in an unsafe environment.

hear hear

Only visible for teammates, like they had in original renegade, works quite good. this function would help well with spotting who is coördinating an attack, perhaps asking you something.

Typekilling is something that should be allowed. You should pick a safe spot to type, you get killed during, then it's your own fault for choosing such a spot. Some people actually say 'you typekiller, you are a noob and unsportive to kill me like that'. I say it's even more shamefull if you get caught with your pants down because you are typing then if you simply get overwhelmed and killed.

Think of it like this: you are on a battlefield, and you try to set your radio to a specific frequency (PM'ing someone) and during that an enemy soldier comes up and says 'oh, you are busy with your radio, I'll wait untill you are done'.

Yours sincerely,



Also, if there was a rule to not allow type killing, it could easily be exploited.

For example, you can stand where you can see the enemy base and press the type button so they can see you as typing, but then just scout their forces rather than typing a message.

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