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Let me be as simple as I can. The first part talks about the night, so I believe it is dealing with midnight. The second talks about the beginning which in the gaming world constitutes release. Put those two together and you get "midnight release" . Am I close :)

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  • Totem Arts Staff
QUOTE (cubera @ May 8 2010, 12:22 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Let me be as simple as I can. The first part talks about the night, so I believe it is dealing with midnight. The second talks about the beginning which in the gaming world constitutes release. Put those two together and you get "midnight release" . Am I close :) [/b]

midnight it what time zone ? lol
QUOTE ((NE)Fobby(GEN) @ May 7 2010, 06:57 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Is liquourish, the night sky and ants (maybe some of them), reddish?[/b]

Well.... actually yes. To all 3.

Red liquorish is a lot more common than black. At least from what I've seen.
The night sky can be red if you live in a well-lighted area. Also, just around twilight.
And, I don't think I need an image to point out that there are red ants...
  • Totem Arts Staff
QUOTE (R315r4z0r @ May 7 2010, 07:54 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Well.... actually yes. To all 3.

Red liquorish is a lot more common than black. At least from what I've seen.[/b]

A google image search gets me more black than other colours, but other colours do exist yes.

The night sky can be red if you live in a well-lighted area. Also, just around twilight.[/b]

It's more orangey than red - I live in an urban city of a million people. But normally, I don't associate reddish with night time. Of course, there can always be exceptions.

No clue what you are talking about and I just reread all the posts. Head is spinning too.

Like the picture and took it off and had a close look at it. It looks like maybe you are allowing for building CONSTRUCTION with the three Barracks and maybe even building capture. Planes would be good as strikes can be called in for some of the regular C&C games. Flyable planes, helos and Orcas would rock...



Ofcourse, in the beginning of the mod we asked the question 'will Renegade-x have day-night cycles'. Upon which they found out that UT3 did not support those.

With UDK they might be able to create it.

Let's see how it fits:

Sentences contain these, for they are what they require

And the phrase you are about to acquire

Will incorporate 2 of these:

A sentence has to have a beginning and an end. A beginning as in a day, and an end as in night.

I will first be frank and handy:

The first is as crepuscular as liquorish candy

Dim as the night sky of space

Dark like the ants crawling on earth's face

Dim as the night sky of space. Litteraly the sky during night. Also it could be that they are talking about the new nuke: it turns the sky a liquorish red, and it casts a dark shadow on humanity and the earth.

The second is the beginning of all days

The start of all times

It is the end of all nights and circle of life

As darkness meets its sunrise

The second is litteraly the beginning of all days. It could also mean that they reworked the Ion cannon and are going to show it off next update. As this wasn't mentioned before I'm thinking its wrong :) .

And together this phrase

Will bring you a dangerous happiness in a new place

A new adventure, only if you can keep up the pace

This seems time related. So either it's day-night cycle again, or it's the dangerous advanture of placing a superweapon and defending it long enough to go off.

Yours sincerely,


QUOTE (Demigan @ May 8 2010, 10:06 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Ofcourse, in the beginning of the mod we asked the question 'will Renegade-x have day-night cycles'. Upon which they found out that UT3 did not support those.

With UDK they might be able to create it.[/b]

Nah, I'm pretty sure it always supported it in some way. I remember someone saying that it was supposed to.

The person who got it right is probably the one who suggested the date.
QUOTE (R315r4z0r @ May 8 2010, 04:43 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Nah, I'm pretty sure it always supported it in some way. I remember someone saying that it was supposed to.

The person who got it right is probably the one who suggested the date.[/b]

I guess so. Although, a midnight release isn't really something special is it? I mean, so it's gonna be released on midnight. Whoop-dee-do. It doesn't tell us the date, and its certainly not worth making a riddle about. I mean, its not even a feature. Even the inclusion of nukes would be more appropriate.

But that's just my POV, and goodness knows I don't know anywhere close to everything.

What all of this means is:

It's coming to a file hosting service near you.

Not in a while, but sometime

The end of it being a mod and the beginning of it embodying a standalone game.

And Warthogs shooting down C-130s will be included.


QUOTE (EternalEquinox @ May 8 2010, 11:49 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I guess so. Although, a midnight release isn't really something special is it? I mean, so it's gonna be released on midnight. Whoop-dee-do. It doesn't tell us the date, and its certainly not worth making a riddle about. I mean, its not even a feature. Even the inclusion of nukes would be more appropriate.

But that's just my POV, and goodness knows I don't know anywhere close to everything.[/b]

QUOTE (cubera @ May 7 2010, 12:56 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
After analyzing my results, I have come up with a date. Midnight of June 1st. It will be a midnight release b/c you guys haven't provided a time in your earlier releases and this is a change you need. You mention crepuscular because that is what we will all be. Up at midnight hunting prey :) . Next you say that "THE SECOND IS THE BEGINING OF ALL DAYS" why did you excessivly use two/2 in this forum post? Is it because before Midnight of the first, we are in chaos and on the "second" of june we will be shown the game. Take what you will from this post. This is the best I could come up with.[/b]

I think he was referring to this post, but i have no clue either :(
QUOTE (cubera @ May 8 2010, 04:32 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I think he was referring to this post, but i have no clue either :( [/b]

Oh, I didn't remember if your post referred to a specific date, so I assumed not. My sincerest apologies.
  • Totem Arts Staff
QUOTE (cubera @ May 9 2010, 01:52 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Aww :( but that could mean it will be released sooner :D [/b]

well that would be very nice but dout it :(

QUOTE (Mighty BOB! @ May 8 2010, 06:12 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Someone got it 100% right. I'm not saying who or which post. :P[/b]

well if some 1 has got it 100% right, i can stop melting my brain over it, im just going to wait till the next monthly update, if there is 1 next month !
QUOTE (cubera @ May 8 2010, 06:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Aww :( but that could mean it will be released sooner :D [/b]

No date means it has an equal chance (from our perspective) of being released LATER. Remember that.

Let's not get stuck on one thing here. But I guess if someone's already figured it out then we'll find out eventually.

Whatever, I'm tired.
QUOTE (EternalEquinox @ May 8 2010, 10:19 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
No date means it has an equal chance (from our perspective) of being released LATER. Remember that.

Let's not get stuck on one thing here. But I guess if someone's already figured it out then we'll find out eventually.

Whatever, I'm tired.[/b]

Way to see the glass half empty, I was bringing optimism to the table and it has been shot down. WOW.
QUOTE (cubera @ May 9 2010, 06:47 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Way to see the glass half empty, I was bringing optimism to the table and it has been shot down. WOW.[/b]

But he hasn't got it right you know. It hasn't got an equal chance to be later then that date. It has an infinite minus the time before that date chance of being released later, as there is an infinity of time on the other side of that date (I hope).

I think EternalEquinox has the right idea.
QUOTE (zeth @ May 9 2010, 02:27 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

Argh, so operation black dawn is correct. Nice one EternalEquinox, you had the right guess.

And that C130 got shot down by a missle! Nod must have cut down on expenses and didn't buy some flares :) . Nice animation sequence Havoc.

Ooh, and nice work Mighty bob, is there going to be deathmatch in the next release? That reactor didn't seem connected to CNC somewhere.

Who said anything had much to do about something?

If you only all knew the truth.

What is the truth?

Misdirection, lies, white lies, spin, distraction are a magician's best friend. And we are the magicians.

QUOTE (maty @ May 9 2010, 03:00 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Who said anything had much to do about something?

If you only all knew the truth.

What is the truth?

Misdirection, lies, white lies, spin, distraction are a magician's best friend. And we are the magicians.[/b]

Y'know, being all mysterious isn't getting anyone anywhere anytime soon.
Not that I'm about to tell you what to do or anything, I'm just sayin'.

Aaaanyway, pretty sweet logo you have there guys.
And going by only the name (which is not much to go on), I'd say Operation Black Dawn is a (campaign/co-op mission) on the NOD side. If true, it is refreshing. Nod is so neglected in terms of story POV in Renegade.

Though, the way the existence of OBD was confirmed kind of feels like cheating, like finding out a game is in development by looking to see if the name's been trademarked. It just doesn't feel right, like we should've let the team announce it themselves.



And there's that little thing called the GAU-8.[/b]

Shhh. You're not suppose to know they exist.

Just like the C-130 eh?[/b]

No it was never shot down just like Schroedinger's cat. The plane being shot down was because the pilot had a radioactive material next to him and it had cyanide connected to a radioactive detector. A atom decides to release in the time he was being chased. Why he was strapped to that? Havoc was learning quantum physics and decided to try something out. He obviously died, that's why it was so easily shot down. C-130s are too awesome to be shot down unless they have a dead or crappy pilot driving them. So in your alternate universe it was shot down.

BTW nice work whoever made that animation.

QUOTE (EternalEquinox @ May 9 2010, 11:39 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
And going by only the name (which is not much to go on), I'd say Operation Black Dawn is a (campaign/co-op mission) on the NOD side. If true, it is refreshing. Nod is so neglected in terms of story POV in Renegade.[/b]

True that, and so much more interesting. GDI has all the powerfull tools with the big tanks and advanced aircraft. Nod has on one side the cheap rebuild weapons (buggy for instance) and on the other hand all the unconventional weapons some of which are top of the bill research (the railgun for instance, although if it WAS a railgun, then a bullet of that size would have the impact of something a whole lot more fierce). So having a go at GDI's arsenal will require a lot of tact and subtlety.

And, if not too much asked, a lot of firepower on the side.
QUOTE (R315r4z0r @ May 9 2010, 10:27 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Does that little lock on the top corner have something to do with the poem in the first post? Two things: username & password? Or is that just restricted Dev-only access?[/b]

Devteam only
QUOTE (Killa @ May 10 2010, 01:21 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

I see what you did there ;)

Now on to the important things, You guys say "Renegade-X Coming Soon" Does this mean that you are releasing Renegade-X 1.0 ? Oh god please be true. I know that you have way more maps completed than you have released. Please be true... please be true!

you will have to wait and see :) but i promise some awesome stuff is coming your way!

BTW! why hasn't anyone said nice logo god damn it! i busted my ass on that thing... maybe a high res version so you can appreciate the craftsmanship?

QUOTE (Killa @ May 10 2010, 05:48 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
you will have to wait and see :) but i promise some awesome stuff is coming your way!

BTW! why hasn't anyone said nice logo god damn it! i busted my ass on that thing... maybe a high res version so you can appreciate the craftsmanship?[/b]

Chill man I only just saw it now, and yeah that's some fucking awesome stuff right there, good work! High-res version!?? OH YES PLEASE!
QUOTE (Demigan @ May 9 2010, 05:43 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Ooh, and nice work Mighty bob, is there going to be deathmatch in the next release? That reactor didn't seem connected to CNC somewhere.[/b]

Completely unrelated project.

QUOTE (cubera @ May 9 2010, 02:02 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
On a side note, have you guys moved from ts2 to ts3 yet?[/b]


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