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Everything posted by KrypTheBear

  1. Quick recap. Crash site: Nod controls the field early on with arties, lights and variety vehicles. GDI pushes out ever so slightly, fails. Bar falls to continued shelling, Ref falls to infiltration. Weps gets bombarded, PP is shelled and infiltrated. Volcano: While GDI managed to protect the base early on, Nod manages to kill two harvesters while receiving both intact. A follow up arty shelling almost kills the Bar, only to be retaliated by Gunners. GDI picks up some speed again, Nod PP falls to infiltration, Hon is turned to Swiss cheese, same goes for Ref and Strip. Horologu (with extra cheese and salt): After the shaders were generated and nearly all players connected, we got to play whiteout horologue. GDI rushes with infantry to the side path, gets intercepted. Both harvesters fall, GDI gets humwees and SPOODBEASTS WITH MACH 10 TO THE NOD BASE. Failed though (Although getting run over by Ruud with about 300 kmh is hilarious). Nod gets arties, shells GDI base into shambles. Team me 3 - 0 Team TONY-STARK BONUS Deck: A nice 10 minute death match on Deck. Never not funny. Bibi won that one. Gliven best KDR. Madskill repairing the troops.
  2. This applies to maps only. We don't have a rule that says you cannot abuse the game (otherwise Spoodbeasting would be prohibited), as long as you stay in the maps intended boundaries and don't use external programs. EDIT: Under this rule fall severe bugs on certain maps, e.g. Undisarmable Beacons or shooting out of locations you shouldn't be able to access, as these are not intended per map design.
  3. Recently I've noticed this strat being used less and less due to this strategy being a gamble. If you're not being spotted, hooray, you get past everyone and blow up a building. Then aswell we could complain about early sneakers blowing up a building. If you're spotted then well, you get picked off that humwee/buggy. What I've seen once even was a clever engineer putting down remotes on Walls in the GDI vehicle entrance, denying that early buggy rush from even entering the base. It's a real gamble, and engineers don't have strong enough repair beams to repair each other fast enough. It was a surprise strategy when a couple of people started doing that, but now people are prepared for this. And even if we prevent people from surfing on top of vehicles, they can still just sit in front of the vehicle which makes no real difference. And as to why this is a gamble, if you lose your buggy you're already 350 creds low. This can delay all sorts of follow-up strategies, least for one person.
  4. EDIT: Use the search function next time, please. But yeah, European evening is usually the typical peak.
  5. Noooooo... "Mendoza and SBH at Refinery" So yeah Yosh, that's where your tankers are. =D
  6. uhhhhhhh... veterancy? They already can buy an airstrike marker??? Haha. Have fun.
  7. please no. no more flechette gun technicians or hotties. I feel like this would be a pita to implement and wouldn't even have that many usecases, unfortunately. Although it could /probably/ clean up siege moments in Under's Tunnels and help a bit against the sniper menace. That's just increasing the likelihood of stalemates. Something I'm not really a fan of. Meh. That would make Patch either literally unhitable or simply replaced by other classes. A general ammo upgrade would sound interesting as long as it takes over the item slot. Like, increase overall clip size by 10-20% or something. Clicking somewhere on the map in panic sounds like something that would get me killed, plus I could just go PIC and jump into the enemy base. Pistol upgrades don't sound good to me honestly. There's a reason why weak classes only have pistols (e.g. Engies, Techs/Hotties), and Burn Damage is a thing for Patch/McFarland/Gunner/Mobius/Sydney and LCG/SBH/Chem/Mendoza/Raveshaw already.
  8. Now that I'm home I can finally reply As Gliven had said, it was by no means meant to offend. It was just to point out that "Guys guys, I will join next time -doesn't appear in next PUG-" isn't productive in this thread. I'm not posting if I will join in a PUG unless I've had something relevant to say before. Just posting if you will attend is... I dunno man. Ask yourself the question, whether this thread would be interesting if everyone wrote that they will/will not be attending at the PUG. Dude I don't have enough !rec's to say how nice it is to see you heal in EVERY. FUCKING. PUG. Like everytime we fight against eachother on Walls I catch you repairing people. It's very nice to see someone do a job usually nobody does or wants to do. And honestly, you did just fine on Reservoir. We have captains picking teams, so it's no longer based on chance to be on the "good" or "bad" team. As Snake had pointed out, I don't think anyone was really angry about the picks on Saturday, right? Rebalancing mid-match is something we are CONSTANTLY doing. Like switching one player for another. Or if players leave just let players from the other team fill up unbalanced slots. I dunno, we never really had a PUG where we just were like "Whoop, 16vs20, happens", least none of which I'm aware of. And no, you being hostile in a PUG is not because the PUG is hostile. I've written this once before, if you're having a bad mood before the PUG, and you still want to join, you should really try to contain yourself, have a walk, make some tea. Cause a bad mood is the best way how to spoil the PUG. I'm not a good example for "not raging during the PUG", but for me it's short bursts of "Why did this happen" and "Where did my head go", and not with some people's "Oh my god bad team" or "giving up after losing one building". ( Little comment on raging: If I ever yell at someone, that's because I expected you to use your brain and you didn't. ) In the end, it's just all a bunch of people who enjoy a little game of Renegade X after a week of work on the weekends. I don't really think anyone just walks in there with a hostile mood and just goes "I will ruin this PUG for everyone". And Yagi, the PUG is actually quite nice for new players. Learned a lot of strategies and tactics that are common in Renegade X that way, in a quite friendly environment.
  9. Yagi, you don't need to (constantly) announce your arrival. You're not taking away 10 slots. You're a normal player like everyone else. Be there, be not there. If there's a slot hooray, if not then not. PUG drained me a little there, it was nice that quite a lot of people were still up for another round, but I simply wasn't ready for another one. And honestly, if I say "If you wanna do one more round then you need a new commander" and people start mocking me for that, I wonder in what sort of a community we are playing this game. !rec GDI, I could get commands through, everyone was listening. Enjoyable, albeit exhausting match.
  10. If it wouldn't make the chat look too convoluted I'd say just split the chat into two windows, a common, disableable chat window for anything actually written by players, and a second window for radio messages. The idea of italics or a different color for radio/normal messages sounds good too. ~ (tilde) for QWERTY, but honestly reading chat in the console is ass.
  11. Good PUG. Noone got really salty. GDI op
  12. Iirc in one of the last missions Nod had one too. The one where you attack that temple of Nod.
  13. I mean that's what you conspiracy theorists say all the time. Bush did 9/11.
  14. Not our fault. Blame the Black Hand for that Duke's assassination @Serbia
  15. "Oh damn, it's Savage! And it's free!" Will absolutely give it a shot. First I'll probably dwell in BF2142 for a little bit though. I'd be up for Savage this weekend probably.
  16. You're the commander. If you're having an idea then you must insist on it working, otherwise you're just making suggestions. Of course one can ask the team "How about option xyz or option zyx" and thus giving the players the possibility of working together on a plan. But this must work quickly otherwise the execution of such a plan can be prolonged and it ends in the typical "We needed 15 minutes to assemble a rush" problem. Depends on whose idea it is. If it's the commander's then just follow your commander's orders. Even if you disagree with your commander, say your concerns, if he doesn't change his mind stick with his plan. What do you have in mind? Eh, I think it has something to do with one's mood before the PUG begins. Or depending on how teammates behave during the PUG. If everyone listens and everyone tries to not do too much solo-shit then it's more fun for everyone (at least in my opinion), I prefer being groundstomped while trying some nice and crazy strategies instead of prolonged stalemates where nobody is really doing anything together as a team.
  17. Twice the same check? Instead of: if (Rx_InventoryManager_Nod_Shotgunner(Other) == None && Rx_InventoryManager_Nod_Shotgunner(Other) == None) Should be: if (Rx_InventoryManager_Nod_Shotgunner(Other) == None && Rx_InventoryManager_GDI_Shotgunner(Other) == None)
  18. I'm glad that most people had fun from what I recall, I've recieved some feedback about my commanding and I can see lots of potential for becoming a better commander. But in all honesty, I didn't really enjoy this one. This was one of my least favorite PUGs yet. Perhaps the worst one from my perspective. First things first, I won't command. Not with certain people in my team and not for a while. If I keep hearing stupid suggestions back and forth (Tranny rush while GDI has the plateau with 5 orcas) instead of just doing what you're told to do, and we try to execute these poorly thought ideas, then this just isn't fun. This was even before I said on Walls "I need a break from commanding for a sec". Like what the fuck dude. If you want to command then say so at the beginning of the fucking PUG. Not throwing any names here. Then when I say "Get Arties and Apaches" that doesn't mean by any way or form light tanks or stealth tanks. When I say get LCGs and Engies/Techs that doesn't mean Black Hand Snipers, especially since we already have our dedicated sniper ( !rec @poi ❄ for those sweet 50 kills on Walls), if you do otherwise ask your commander if it's alright. Otherwise I'm just wondering "Where are my repairs? Where are my LCGs? Oh they are sniping in our base!" If you are being toxic towards your team "Oh mein Gott what the fack are you doing" and nothing else, again not pointing any fingers, then maybe you should just get off voice comms. This PUG has kind of killed my mood. If nobody listens except for a couple of people (Huge huge thanks goes to: @yosh56 for getting drunk and keeping our base safe, @Madkill40 for trying to keep the mood chipper and being our secondary base defender, @Agent and @poi ❄ for listening to every single order I made, starting from Walls and ending in X-Mountain, and everyone else who was patient with me as commander and actually tried listening to me (e.g. that one LCG that tried running up the Plateau on Walls with me, or everyone who was repairing people during Complex) ) then that just cannot work. This isn't a public match. This is the PUG. If you don't like your commanders orders, be a commander yourself next time. If you don't feel like playing in a team then PUGs may not be really a thing for you. Anywho, I will stay as a normal player during the PUG, maybe help during player selection, but I won't command. And here, big apology for me ragequitting during X-Mountain.
  19. Random guns: Everytime you kill someone, your current weapon is swapped with a random weapon. This excludes throwables/deployables (both from being swapped and being recieved). If there's a way to fuck around with character sizes, I'd say during killstreaks your character increases in size. Starting with 5 kills, every additional kill increases your size 1.1x. Or any other arbitrary value.
  20. Yo. So 2016 is almost over and yadda yadda I will be: + 80% more bears and more honey related content (YES. I WILL BE HONEY CONTENT. NO STOPPING ME NOW) + 25% more LCGs cause they have been nerfed + not doing any maps. (as to why this is a "+", ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ) + Still be writing terrible banana code - any documentation for aforementioned banana code Have nice holidays Thommy, looking forward to hear you in the PUGs.
  21. As moderator on CT I just hand out warnings, followed by punishment if that behaviour doesn't cease (e.g. if I warn somebody to stop flaming in chat about "his team being a bunch of idiots" over and over again). I mean in this case that guy was obviously referring to a meme, I'd issue a warning if either someone would feel offended or if he kept spamming it/turned into actual racial slur.
  22. I was summoned?
  23. This. I dunno what you were thinking. There were tanks in front of your base laying siege on X-Mountain, and instead of repairing buildings, or getting additional tanks you call out an officer rush. Like, I only hear Jeff in the endgame screen saying "Do you guys want to know the real reason why we won? They had like 4 officers rushing us" Imagine if these 4 officers instead were engineers or rocket soldiers, trying to ward off the enemies or something the likes. In that situation (16 vs 16) taking 20% (!!!) for that is really silly. Especially you took your time preparing this rush, thus you had 20% of your team doing literally NOTHING useful for a while.
  24. KrypTheBear


    Everyone is per se invited to join. We have constant server messages advertising the PUGs on CT. We also advertise before we start. So idk.
  25. To summarize (Team1 point of view) X-Mountain: Lights and Arties, Lights and Arties. My two favorite snipers and field repairs. A stalemate ensued in front of GDIs base entrance, as GDI pushes with Mediums and Mammoths, whilst Nod keeps the GDI Harvester down. But the GDI harvester was the real MVP here, pushing out vehicles (TWICE). Death through swift destruction of the GDI Refinery which sealed GDIs fate. Volcano: A decent 70 credit start prevented the typical "Fartland vs Chems" confrontation and instead lead up to an interesting fight for the harvesters and close range building defense. An honorable, yet ineffective, attempt of Nod to strike the GDI base with arties was prevented by a fast reaction of GDI with rockets and guns. What ensued was primarily a fight for both sides with vehicles, as Nod started ultimately losing every Harvester and every strike with Flames and Arties was quickly taken out. What followed was the destruction of one building per minute in Nods base. Islands: The typical strats were in my opinion the best choice here as Nod, quickly pumping arties into the field and starting to wipe out vehicles and buildings. Oh how wrong I was! GDI made a good and fast interception of the Arties with gunners and began pumping meds into the field shortly. What ensued was a massive stalemate, until suddenly GDI gains the upper hand and pushes in with Meds and Mammoths and: "Uh guys, Ref-" *Boom* One leads to another, as we start losing vehicles and begin pumping less and less vehicles, GDI eventually takes the upper hand completely and wipes Nod off the face of earth. Whiteout: To quote: "Probably get the silo, probably get the comms, probably push meds into the field". What happened here was a constant back and forth, with us losing the Harvester and us gunning down the Nod Harvester with Machine guns and explosives. During the backs and forths of field control, GDI eventually took over the harvester control, while Arties shell our vehicles. Somehow during the process, the GDI weapons factory gets taken out, and as we start losing, GDI daringly tries attacking the HoN with a tranny filled with Sydneys, which ultimately failed. To quickly take out Nods buildings, we decide on Gunners and start shelling one building after another, whilst a stealh tank rush endangers the Barracks, luckily we happened to have our Gunners on the same side. After this, we finish our shelling and the PUG ends. Overall, good games everyone! I really enjoyed commanding this team. I might start to show up frequently again. My recs: The harvester, Ukill for switching teams, and team1 for a nice round.
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