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Phase 5 Beta Testers
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  1. I'd like to think I am Iron Man...
  2. The only fixes required are as follows: 1) Allow buying multiple airstrikes at a time. 2) Reduce the price to 400. 3) Remove the cooldown on airstrikes. 4) Profit!
  3. This post serves as a bookmarker for how far I've read. I'm sure this will be useful in the future.
  4. You don't have to respond. I mean some times I have my music on loud, and ignore everyone.
  5. By its definition isn't a pick-up game (PUG) the casual mode of play? We certainly seem to have dedicated the organized play as the competitive option. EDIT: I have no idea why I have a random empty quote box quoting nothing from the 1st post. I'd confusey-face my own post if possible.
  7. I'd rather you used line of sight blockers, or LOTS of tree cover. If the fog can be disabled via settings, it becomes pointless. If it can't, it can potentially be a framerate killer. Also I'd love to see some of the infantry paths become less "open" and more winding/twisty, this would negate alot of the distance advantage of snipers.
  8. Was it just me, or did the questions on this test/quiz seem either too extreme or too mild? I rarely found myself answering strongly to any.
  9. I haven't finished reading the whole post yet. But to whoever did the work to implement this, THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart!
  10. yes! this is a bug where it wont do anything!
  11. Emp Grenades appear to be bugged, I've tossed a few now that didnt even explode. Also occasionally weapons (both snipers for sure) will stop firing for a period of time, switching weapons, throwing grenades, shooting other weapons, and getting in and out of vehicles did not fix. After some time the weapon will shoot again.
  12. Sometimes I buy myself a shotty and rush snipers... Sometimes I get bored and channel my inner coredeath and just play soldier even with 8k...
  13. I have the 1st mouse. I second it. Not pricey, good software, nice feel.
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