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  1. I installed the game after several moths of absence, just to check if there are any performance improvements. Not a single change done to the config files, just setting available from the UI. And guess what ? After 3 days, I uninstalled it again. It works better, but still way below the level a shooter game should perform. See you again when you release the new UE4 version.
  2. Looks very interesting. Probably gonna return in a few months and give this game another try. Meanwhile, keep calm nurses !
  3. there is already a topic for scoreboard improvements (perhaps admins can merge it into one?):
  4. Hi, imao showing assists in the scoreboard would be a good thing. It is a team game and there is no information shown about assists !? I think this is quite important, way more than to see the ping. The player column width should be reduced to show all other columns properly. What do you think ? Example is attached.
  5. honestly idk. A lot had to be changed to make that mode playable. And it would lose the spirit of RenX.
  6. Yes, this happens only when I play online and on crowded servers.
  7. You can pick parts out of the context but you cannot make the whole picture disappear ! It does not change the fact that there are problems of different nature in RenX that got introduced with 64 player count !
  8. At least you have tried. Thank you for that.
  9. That is probably so, but it is not said that rubberbanding is not a thing in RenX. I couldn't move properly for a minute or so, then I decided to start recording. Short after the rubberbanding disappeared and it went back to normal. Look at the very beginning of this video and you will see how it was ! Also this engie is very interesting thing. You will see him gliding and moving very weird. At the end of this video you will also notice how he shakes up and down. Similar shaking appears to any moving unit during some rushes on full loaded server.
  10. Hi, I know many of you guys play with older or weaker hardware than you will find in the post below and it works for you. Nevertheless, I heard too many times statements like this: Sorry, but you don't know what you are talking about ! I started playing RenX 3-4 years ago on my old laptop and it worked good @40-60 fps with 40 players. I introduced RenX to several friends and they started playing and it worked good for them too. One of them had even a 2 core intel desktop pc and he could play. Dring the upgrades and updates, at some point the problems started. Some of us decided to buy new hardware some of my friends just left. I purchased a new gaming PC (it is the Spec 2 in the list). RenX worked good again for a while. But again after some updates and patches, at some point the performance was affected somehow. Since that point in the past (I cant remember when, the performance was more and more affected). RenX never again worked good as before. I tried almost everything possible but could not get it run smoothly. I was about to buy a gaming PC for my family, so I gave my Spec 2 away and buy for me Spec 1. My friend decided to buy a new PC too as he like to play games and he likes RenX. He purchased Spec 3. He is so upset, bcs he cannot enjoy playing RenX. It works only good up to 40 players but on full 64 servers, on most maps it doesn't. And he leaves, what else should he do ? For the majority of time, on these 3 specs, RenX performs bad on any of the rigs I listed. Due to the DDOS situation, we had a chance to play on 40-48 players cap and lower populated servers. I can confirm that the game works much better at lower player limits than on 64. Same goes for my friend. So, for some players the game is fine and super @64, and for some it is very hard to play or it turns to be unplayable. But I would not say that everything is fine and no need to fix something that is not broken ! Important: no such problems with other games ! Spec 1: CPU i8700k RAM 32 GB @3200 Hz CL 14 GPU 2080ti Only SSD disks 2x27" Monitors 2560x1440p @144 Hz and @240 Hz RenX performance: - relative high FPS, depends on number of players and the duration of the match (at start it can be even >200, on full server load it is around 110) - smooth at the beginning of the map but not for long, after 10 min fps drops and the longer you play the less you get and the hitching get worse - @64 players terrible to play, fps hitching and drops, massive input lag, hit detection problems, stutter, like the whole fps flow is desynchronized and delayed - @40 players it performs way better and with much less issues For comparison other games: - any other FPS game I own works perfect, e.g. Overwatch can run at constant 300 fps but it is capped to 240 to fit the refresh rate of my faster screen Spec 2: CPU i7700k RAM 16GB @3000 Hz CL 16 GPU 1080ti Only SSD disks 1x27" Monitor 1920x1080p @ 144Hz RenX performance: - experience same as above with even less fps For comparison other games: - any other FPS game works perfect, e.g. Overwatch can run at constant 240 fps but it is capped to 144 to fit the refresh rate of the screen Spec 3: CPU Ryzen 5 2600x RAM 16 GB @2600Hz CL 18 GPU GTX 1060 Only SSD disks 1 Monitor 1920x1080p @60-70 Hz RenX performance: - at the beginning of the game 60-70 fps and is smooth - smooth at the beginning of the map but not for long, after a while it starts to stutter and lose frames, the longer you play the worse it gets - @64 players from the mid of the game till the end on most of the maps it is unplayable - @40 players it performs way better, it is playable and smooth with occasional spikes during large rushes For comparison other games: - no issues in Overwatch or CSGO or any other game, all run smooth at constant 60 fps
  11. Imao, if a ban is the reason for DDOS, then the right person was banned !
  12. Hi Yosh, you are probably right. It looks like a desynch. Unfortunately, I cannot provide a better recording at a time, but I am glad that you guys are aware of the problem and I hope you will find a solution for it. Thanks !
  13. Hi Havoc, thank you for the detailed explanation. You are right about slightly changes in LOD, which is visible in the video below when I use the 2x zoom. You will also notice that I use very high level of details in my settings for LOD and other stuff. That guy was shooting at our HoN and he was not behind a rock, his head for sure not. I had similar situations with hitting vehicles (MRLS, Arty, Orca, Apache). Clear hit and 0 dmg. No rock no nothing in front. In 1 PUG I have hit a MRLS 3 times and the server refused all 3 hits ! But we can leave this example as an exception. Regarding the tick rate and lag, you are again right. RenX is having very low tick-rate(25-30) for a fast paced shooter with 64 players in a game ! Just for comparison, in E-sport competitions CsGo server use 128 tickrate and for standard public matches 64 tickrate. (side note: most public players would have issues with 128 tickrate due to hardware limitations). I bet if we would increase the tickrate on RenX servers(if even possible) that the performance would suffer a lot. I think there are certain refresh rates when the hit detection is working better and I have the feeling that these could be a multiplier of the server's base refresh rate, e.g. 90, 120, 150 etc.) Nevertheless it is a horrible experience to lose the fights several times in a match bcs of that. It is not just about 1-2 frames lag. I experience a lot of these situations even when I am in a full cover. As the hit detection is on client, it would be good if possible to have any kind of server-side validation, but idk if this is even possible with the old engine and how big would be the impact on the performance. I am saying it would be good, not asking to make it happen. It is frustrating as hell to know that you have done everything right but still lose the fight. In other words, you can beat players but you cannot beat the slow computing and the lag. Just yesterday in 2 matches I experienced this for 5 times, but have recorded only 2 of them. In the video below, it is even more obvious how slow the server is updating my actions on the other client - you can count at least 10 frames of my movement before the shot take place and it counts as hit. 10/60 = 0.1667ms which is above the 133ms but still no update (your assumption was exact, we both were at 40-50 ping). These and some other problems (which are not part of this topic) are the reasons why I stop playing RenX every now and then. It is too annoying as there is nothing I can do. You cannot beat the lag ! Again, I am really surprised about the detailed explanation. Thank you very much for your time. Appreciate it !
  14. Hi, please examine these 2 videos and share your opinion. 1st video: - did that sniper hit me or miss me ? 2nd video: - was that a head shot or a miss (I did 0 damage) ?
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