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Phase 5 Beta Testers
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Everything posted by Madkill40

  1. Not enough people use the bridge to flank on Mesa.
  2. At @KrypTheBear's moms house.
  3. Verify game integrity via the launcher.
  4. Not a big fan of the song, some good plays but you're limited to just one perspective at all times leaving very little to criticise in terms of suggesting ways to improve.
  5. In-bold parts are probably related? Before cutting out having disconnect issues, yet your post reads as if Discord was partly to blame anyway when it wasn't it was just your mischievous connection. :cry:
  6. Meds should cost 750 credits. Arty's and MRLS should cost 500. APCs should cost 450.
  7. Lets just ignore what vp scores. Doesn't matter of course.
  8. Slow down shells, tortoise too cheetah.
  9. Don't listen to Sarah on this one, scope improves accuracy.
  10. A boy who valiantly became a man I would have senseless sex with.
  11. These assholes in my life, making me enjoy that real world shiz. Ugh.
  12. LHC like lazers and damaging? https://qz.com/964065/this-is-what-happened-to-the-scientist-who-stuck-his-head-inside-a-particle-accelerator/?utm_source=kwfb&kwp_0=398325&kwp_4=1721731&kwp_1=737044 Just sayin', nothing wrong with lazers in this game having sone psuedo-scidnce backing it up.
  13. On old Ren I remember the decent servers having LCG and SBH being 550 and 500 and meds being 750 creds. Was better prices for what they're worth to be honest.
  14. SBH and LCG make swiss cheese of most vehicles and infantry, maybe should be more expensive by 50 - 100 credits more. Just like how the Meds are 800 and this leaves GDI at such a huge disadvantage in a lot of games, it is easier for Nod to have an economic advantage.
  15. You are then a unit with a grenade outside of your class, possibly, no overwriting. Seeing as how Patch cannot 'X' due to gun the SBH get no nades either. Effective to a degree might be a start, tibnades are effective, smokes are decent, frags are shit but they are frags, with a shock grenade GDI get a fair faction-specific item to the tibnade and a cluster grenade would just be a more effective frag.
  16. Class customization doesn't work with a game which relies heavily on identifying classes based on visual cues, if I saw an officer player-model whilst driving a tank but was taking serious damage I wouldn't think twice that it was the Officer player-model. Maybe a silenced and non-silenced weapon of the same type? Or different types of grenades based on infantry tier?
  17. So to avoid derailing this thread. Sidearms like grenades would be nice, especially with a bit more variety to them and minor-hybrid class specialization? Nothing major, and this shouldn't apply to Engineers, Adv. Engineers or T2/T3 Anti-Tank classes. But to summarise- Grenade Freedoms: Tier 1 Infantry (Officers / Chems / McFarland / Rocket Soldier): Tiberium (Nod Only) Shock (GDI Only) Frag Smoke Tier 2 Infantry (BHS / Dead-Eye): Tiberium (Nod Only) Shock (GDI Only) Smoke Cluster Tier 3 Infantry (Sakura / Havoc / Mendoza / Mobius): Cluster Tiberium (Nod Only) Shock (GDI Only) EMPs would be permanent to Anti-Tank classes only for good reason (mines & rushes), as hilarious as it would be to have 10 infantry throw all their EMPs at once on a building or a vehicle rush it would imbalance the efforts of defenders and vehicle rushers. Engineers and Adv. Engineers have enough on their utility belt. Updated ** Patch's weapon gets in the way so cannot have a grenade, SBH have stealth and are effective enough. As the tiberium grenade already exists and is specifically for Nod a Shock grenade specifically for GDI would be a great addition. Shock Grenade: Moderate radius Minor higher multiplier to Lazarous (Stealth units) Reduces movement speed of infantry and vehicles for 2 seconds (increases with Veterancy) Low base damage over a period of 3 seconds Ideal for catching out stealth units specifically but also useful to impede enemy movement. Cluster Grenade: High radius Minor higher multipliers to all infantry types Low damage if caught in first initial explosion Additional volleys fire off in all directions Amount of volleys based on Veterancy: Rct. 4 volleys Vet. 6 volleys Elt. 6 volleys Hrc. 8 volleys Volleys deal medium damage if a direct hit No headshot multiplier Minor damage to vehicles
  18. Madkill40


    Ban the 3 nay-sayers.
  19. No. Stop highlighting how I just made myself look worse for failing so hard how dare you you who cannot even make a post without leaving two spaces below their own post.
  20. I estimate (albeit rough estimation) but I also go on your word about the multipliers not being as one might think, i.e. x3 = 600, x2 = 400, x1 = 200 therefore x.05 = 150? Is that 200+150 or 200 -50 = 150? It is hard to estimate so alls I can do is guestimate until you're like "You know what MAAADDKIILLL ... ? You actually make sense there" But for the blood of Kane reduce their headshot multiplier. Spread of Railgun/PIC 0.05? (Seeing as how the Ramjet is 0.15)
  21. Figured as much so in that case, please reduce the headshot multiplier even more to something reasonable which isn't just OPAF, maybe to x1.5? Keep Ravs and Syds on the front against vehicles instead of in the tunnels against EVERYONE and let them do a bit more damage to heavy vehicles by increasing the Heavy Vehicle Multiplier to x0.529
  22. Rav/Syd headshot multiplier should be reduced to x3. x5 is excessive.
  23. Madkill40


    Genuinely did not know 'Qft' was an acronym.
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