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Everything posted by Kaiser739

  1. - Ingame server browser says "Unknown Game Type" for all servers. - Map bug: On Field, the ramp behind Barracks floats.
  2. I posted this idea in another topic before: How about making K/D stats appear on the after match scoreboard only, so that during the game they're not displayed?
  3. Great idea! Afaik there were first aid kits in Beta 1 (I only started playing during Beta 3), so it would probably not be too difficult to implement them (again).
  4. LCG reload exploit still exists.
  5. I like this solution even more than Madkill's idea, I'm all for it.
  6. @lawANDorder makes some good points. About the removal of K/D statistics - how about making them appear on the after match scoreboard only, so that during the game they're not displayed? I think this could already lead to a change in the gameplay. Even though I don't care too much about my K/D, it's always interesting to see those stats. Agree with this. I'm currently taking a break from the game, mainly due to some high skilled players team stacking in every single match they play. I understand that people want to play in the same team as their friends, but it gets really annoying when they completely dominate game after game, sometimes just to rub in the other players' faces how good they are. From a competetive point of view, would it not make more sense to actually play against each other to find who's the best? With restricted team swapping there will be less team stacking.
  7. Just encountered this bug again. Firing one of the weapons does not fix it. Please looks into it, devs.
  8. I agree with Luhrian. Perfect temporary solution until soft borders are fixed.
  9. @UnitYour name rings a bell...weren't you the player that was almost unstoppable with Officer? The game is still being played by a small but loyal playerbase. The CT Marathon Server (with 60 player slots) is usually full during European evenings, during weekends there are organized pick-up games (PUGs) which fill a second server.
  10. This issue has been fixed for me with one of the recent patches, good job devs!
  11. Agreed. I prefer the Beta 1 spin-up animation and sounds over the current one, but that's just me
  12. The same thing happened twice to me yesterday. Some weird new bugs are popping up lately
  13. Sounds good @Ruud033
  14. Since 5.283, I get huge freezes on Walls (~20 seconds) from time to time. According to Henk it has to do with Medium tanks exploding. Was never a problem before, now it's happening frequently.
  15. When you're an SBH below 50 HP, your cloak is not supposed to work. But when you kill an enemy and pick up their health-drop, so you get back over 50 HP again, the cloak still won't work - bug or intended that way?
  16. Nod's last measure of resort when GDI snipers are dominating the tunnels on Field:
  17. Two more spots to get stuck at: #1 #2
  18. Another stuck spot:
  19. Kaiser739

    Old Field

    I can upload Beta 1 Field if you want, Luhrian.
  20. For me, C&C mode is the unique feature that makes Renegade a game different from others and it is fine the way it is now. I disagree with many of the changes that have been proposed in this thread. Let me explain why. When I started playing Renegade X during Beta 3 days, people were complaining about games taking too long and being to stalematey. So changes were made - classes were rebalanced, map designs were altered, surrendering was added as an option, veterancy was introduced and so on. And these changes have had an effect - the average game doesn't last as long as it used to and there are less stalemates. Teams can actually finish off games now, which is good. The changes people have proposed here will only lead to games being more stalematey again. When airdrops were introduced in Beta 4, there were games in which Nod infiltrated and destroyed the GDI WF, but subsequently could not finish GDI off because they'd airdrop Medium and Mammoth Tanks all the time. It was almost as if there was no disadvantage to be felt on GDI's side and that's just wrong IMO. Losing a building should really hurt a team like it did in early Betas. For me, when the Barracks/HoN gets destroyed, only free infantry classes should be available. WF/airstrip goes down = no more vehicles, no airdrops at all. Refinery destroyed = very little income, almost none at all. This teaches people to defend better next time - it might lead to more camping, but it also leads to more teamplay on the other side, because you need to organize to overcome a good defence. Comebacks can be made in the current state of the game. People only need act together as a team. So when the Hand of Nod is destroyed, the remaining Technicians can stay in the base and help defending/repairing, while the other players could do a tank rush. I don't see anything wrong here. There are plenty of options already. If building reconstruction is added, games will last forever. It should not be an option. Buffing airdrops will only lead to more stalemates again, which is not desirable.
  21. This sounds like the best solution to me. 45 seconds should do IMO.
  22. My opinion is to leave everything as it is. I'm fine with giving Hotties/Techs the silenced pistol again to nerf them in close combat, because they really are a bit overpowered in that respect. Sneaking/infiltrating a building is not that easy to pull off, anyway. Sure, once you have demined a building and gotten inside, you are pretty certain to destroy it, but you need to get there first. 2-3 dedicated defenders per team should be able to stop any infiltrators. Sneaking and infiltrating a building for me is THE supreme discipline in this game and it should stay that way. Maybe timed C4 should take longer to explode, so you actually need to defend them when you're inside an enemy building, but that's as far as changes should go in my view. Also, what is the problem with early APC rushes? It's not like they can't be defended against. From my experience, early game is when the APC is used the most - people rarely use it mid or late game, unless strip/WF is down and they airdrop them in masses. Please don't remove money crates completely. Lower their probability, yes, but if you remove them, that takes away many early game options. I can imagine there will be people thinking crates are useless and not worth going for when all they give are speed upgrades or veterancy points. These people will probably just sit in their base and wait for the harvester to drop before they do anything. There are quite a few early 1k character crates on CT at the moment, I agree their crate propability should be lowered or even set to 0.0. Edit: How about this: Significantly lower the chance of money crates during the first minutes and add a rare APC crate during the same time. So you can't buy an APC that easily. If you get one from a crate, you will need to drive back to your base first and then pick up your team mates. EVA would give a "Player X found an APC crate" so enemy teams would be warned and could prepare.
  23. Hehe, or even a Tesla tank rush. We played with ~15 people on the sandbox server some days ago and most of them didn't know that the Tesla tank existed in Ren X.
  24. Just wondering why the refinery ramps were not removed in the non-flying version, since the other buildings have been changed?
  25. Sandbox mode for commanders, ie commander can announce "Stank rush" and spawn 20 stanks
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