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Everything posted by [NE]Fobby[GEN]

  1. APCs handle identically. Apaches and Orcas also fly the same way, both of them are VTOL and the Orca is designed to behave like a helicopter (and was even referred to as a helicopter in C&C 95). However, the Apache and Orca have different missiles and guns. The Apache is more machine-gun focused, while the the Orca is more rocket-focused. The Chinook has a passenger chaingun on each side.
  2. Renegade X is NE, and NE is Renegade X
  3. A bit late considering we're in beta. But a couple of those ideas are being implemented, you'll have to wait to see.
  4. Massive update to the first post.
  5. Hey Son of a Slumlord, nice to hear from you after so long.
  6. Vehicle queue is quite straight forward - the vehicles are constructed in the order they were purchased. No more wasting time in front of the PT. As for tech buildings, it looks like we will be starting off with capturable Tiberium silos, then pushing the other tech buildings for future versions. Free aim ("V" button) is not yet in. Airstrikes are initiated with binoculars. You have to zoom in, paint the target area, and a laser pointer will aim towards the centre for 5 seconds. Mid ranged. Players cannot move in those 5 seconds without re-initiating the process. The laser is visible to all players, but it's not easy to notice and it does not usually "give it away". We did consider other methods (beacons, flares) but the binoculars and lasers worked best. It takes a few seconds for the plane(s) to come in, they then strike the targeted radius. We're liking how the airstrikes work with the gameplay. They are not always successful - timing and luck is everything - but they can be successful in keeping the gameplay dynamic. There isn't too much screenshake or "throwing around" in Renegade X currently. There was a little more in the UT3 version, if you played that. Most of the throwing around is when you die.
  7. Aerynsun, good to hear from you. Hope to see you all ingame.
  8. gse on Renegade X would be a dream come true
  9. https://www.facebook.com/aaronkaufman4/ ... 9019989664
  10. https://twitter.com/therealcliffyb/stat ... 3250076672
  11. Renegade X aims to resurrect Command and Conquer's failed FPS dreams Starcraft fans have it easy. Four official games or expansions, all of which were great. Command & Conquer's supporters may have access to more games, but that hasn't always been a good thing. Between free-to-play cancellations, web browser abominations, and even some lacklustre sequels, the series isn't what it used to be. Arguably C&C's first major misstep was over a decade ago, when Westwood wondered what would happen if they made a first-person spin-off. The answer was "it would make a bad game", and that game was called Renegade. But where Westwood failed, modders want to triumph. Formerly an Unreal Tournament 3 mod project, Renegade X is a first and third-person standalone shooter that takes the C&C concept in what, from the release date announcement trailer, looks to be an exciting direction. Home > News > Renegade X aims to resurrect Command and Conquer's failed FPS dreams Renegade X aims to resurrect Command and Conquer's failed FPS dreams Phil Savage at 07:23 on 28 November 2013 Starcraft fans have it easy. Four official games or expansions, all of which were great. Command & Conquer's supporters may have access to more games, but that hasn't always been a good thing. Between free-to-play cancellations, web browser abominations, and even some lacklustre sequels, the series isn't what it used to be. Arguably C&C's first major misstep was over a decade ago, when Westwood wondered what would happen if they made a first-person spin-off. The answer was "it would make a bad game", and that game was called Renegade. But where Westwood failed, modders want to triumph. Formerly an Unreal Tournament 3 mod project, Renegade X is a first and third-person standalone shooter that takes the C&C concept in what, from the release date announcement trailer, looks to be an exciting direction. In development since 2007, the release of the tactical shooter has been set for February 26th, next year. Despite that, you can already play some of the team's work through Black Dawn, Renegade X's singleplayer campaign mode. For the full multiplayer release, Renegade X will offer a strategic and economic layer on top of the action: "Renegade X is not an ordinary game. We are bringing the popular "Command & Conquer" RTS series to ground level as a large-scale team-based tactical shooter. Players will be able to fight for two unique teams - the Global Defense Initiative (GDI), a UN international military force committed to world order and peacekeeping, and the Brotherhood of Nod, a messianic international terrorist network that aims to push humanity into the next stage of human evolution. "Players will be able to manage their own economies, choose from over 30 weapons, 15 vehicles, and call in nuclear strikes, Ion Cannons, and airstrikes, and much more." Each base's buildings will need protecting for your side to stay at full strength. If a barracks is lost, for instance, players will lose the ability to buy special weapons. It'll be interesting to see how this FPS base defence will work, but here's hoping that Renegade X can be a Command & Conquer project that can live up to the series' former glories. For more, check out the Renegade X release announcement post over at the game's forum. Thanks, Eurogamer. http://www.pcgamer.com/2013/11/28/reneg ... ps-dreams/
  12. Command & Conquer Returns in a Spectacular Fan-Made Shooter This is Renegade X, a fan game in development for over six years. It's come quite far since then, and now, it's just about ready to go.1 Renegade X actually started out as a mod for Unreal Tournament 3, which meant to bring the multiplayer aspect of the 2002 title Command & Conquer: Renegade to a modern game engine. Eventually, the mod was abandoned in favor of a new stand-alone game, which is what we're getting early next year. The game prides itself first and foremost on its Command & Conquer mode, which developer Totem Arts describes as a close-up version of Command & Conquer's top-down battles: Players will be able to fight for two unique teams - the Global Defense Initiative (GDI), a UN international military force committed to world order and peacekeeping, and the Brotherhood of Nod, a messianic international terrorist network that aims to push humanity into the next stage of human evolution. Players will be able to manage their own economies, choose from over 30 weapons, 15 vehicles, and call in nuclear strikes, Ion Cannons, and airstrikes, and much more. Each team will have a base of operations that composes of several key structures. Each structure has its own purpose. For example, the GDI Barracks gives GDI players access to special weapons and characters. If the Barracks is destroyed by Nod forces, GDI will lose the ability to purchase these special weapons. There will also be a Skirmish Mode, which simulates C&C mode offline with bots, and there's a short single-player campaign called Black Dawn which you can try to get a taste for the upcoming game. Mind the hefty download size, though. Renegade X 1.0 arrives on PC, free to play, on February 26, 2014. Keep an eye on the forums for more news. http://kotaku.com/command-conquer-retur ... 1472493462
  13. Command & Conquer Renegade done right By Robert Purchese Published Wednesday, 27 November 2013 A first-person Command & Conquer game: it sounded like a good idea at the turn of the millennium, but the tripe that EA and Westwood turned out - Command & Conquer: Renegade - was, well, tripe. Thank goodness for a group of fans determined to do better - much better, by the looks of things. In 2007 they embarked on a project called Renegade, an Unreal Tournament 3 mod that would be everything C&C: Renegade wasn't. Six years later it's almost done: Renegade X will be released 26th February 2014. This is an admirably free and non-profit pursuit, the game created in the team's - Totemarts' - spare time. Gameplay itself is first- and third-person, and both teams - Nod and GDI - will have bases to look after, as they do in the C&C strategy games. You'll be able to manage your own economies, choosing from more than 30 weapons, 15 vehicles and massive attacks such as nuclear strikes, ion cannons, air strikes and more. If structures are destroyed, various upgrades will be lost to you. In other words, there's a layer of tactics and strategy on top of the blam blam blam, which also looks entertaining. There's all sorts of vehicular combat mixed in as well. Betas for Renegade have been released before, as has the single-player campaign, Black Dawn, in 2012. The multiplayer in Renegade X will apparently be in beta shape when the game launches. "That means that although all core features will be in the game, it will not be the finished product," Totemarts explained. "We plan on releasing patches, new maps, and new features throughout 2014." Great stuff! http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2013- ... done-right
  14. Renegade X launches in February, no versions of UT required Promises all the nukes and orbital strikes you can point a pixelated dog at. I remember playing Command & Conquer: Renegade at a small LAN party well over a decade ago. At the time I remember thinking how much fun it was even though there was only four of us and the map could fit about 32. A lot of games are like that, spoiled by an ignorant crowd too busy playing something more mediocre. If you were one of those unfortunate souls who missed C&C Renegade back in the day, the time to rectify your mistake has come. Renegade X, the free fan remake of the FPS-RTS hybrid, will go live to the public on February 26 next year. And unlike previous Renegade X releases, this one is standalone rather than being a mod for Unreal Tournament. “Renegade X is not an ordinary game. We are bringing the popular “Command & Conquer” RTS series to ground level as a large-scale team-based tactical shooter,” the announcement on the Renegade X forums says. “The multiplayer release will be a beta. That means that although all core features will be in the game, it will not be the finished product. We plan on releasing patches, new maps, and new features throughout 2014.” The developers also admitted that the throttling of Victory Games (EALA) was a contributor to the delays behind Renegade X 1.0, which was originally scheduled for release this year. “Without going into much detail, Victory Games was going to provide a supportive role in advertisement, distribution, and server and client-side features. Now that Victory Games has closed, we have a few more tasks on our hands.” On the bright side, at least someone is still doing something positive with the Command & Conquer IP. You can watch the trailer for Renegade X below. http://games.on.net/2013/11/renegade-x- ... -required/
  15. Renegade X: A Command & Conquer Shooter Done Right? As far as memorable shooters go, Command & Conquer: Renegade is somewhere between Soldier of Fortune: Payback and Rogue Warrior. Still, making a third-and-first person C&C just seems like a great idea, despite the ho-hum product EA and developer Westwood Studios put out in 2002. That’s why a group of modders calling themselves TotemArts took it upon themselves to expound upon and polish the concept with the Unreal Tournament 3 SDK. They began work on the project in 2007, and on February 26, we’ll finally get to see the results when Renegade X is released. Like the game it’s based on, Renegade X brings C&C down to ground level and will feature multiplayer battles on large maps featuring a wide array of vehicles as well as structures that grant various weapons and upgrades. However, the Renegade X folks believe they’ve perfected the recipe. “We believe that this gamemode – Command & Conquer Mode – can potentially revolutionize the FPS genre,” TotemArts stated on the Renegade X forums. “It is the gem that went unnoticed for many years. Now is the time to uncover it.” Of note: the Feb. 26 release is a beta, and will not feature all of the gameplay elements the modders have planned. Expect the full release in mid-to-late 2014. Hopefully it will bring everything C&C fans hoped we were getting when EA began work on, before eventually canceling, Command & Conquer: Renegade 2. http://www.gamefront.com/renegade-x-a-c ... one-right/
  16. Renegade X Commands, Nay Conquers, Your Attention Command & Conquer FPS spin-off Renegade: bobbins. Commander & Conquer FPS spin-off Renegade’s fan-made reinvention Renegade X: not bobbins? Watch this video. It is quite an exciting video. Despite the name Renegade X isn’t a ‘remake’ of the disappointing Renegade, but rather it’s an Unreal-based project that takes the original concept – C&C’s base-building/base-trashing played out from a first (and third) person perspective – and tries to do it well. A bit like Natural Selection on a bigger battlefield, and with Nod vs GDI rather than humies versus alienies. The project’s been in the offing for over half a decade but has just announced a release date – my 35th birthday. RPS superfans will automatically know exactly when this is without my having to tell them anything more, but the three readers who don’t have a poster of me on their bedroom wall would probably appreciate my clarifying that this means 26th February, 2014. This release, deemed v1.0 despite apparently not being out of the beta woods, is multiplayer-focused, offering 15 vehicles, 30 weapons and iconic super-powers such as the Ion Cannon. A singleplayer campaign of sorts was released early last year, though despite Craig’s promises then to tell us if it was any good, I remain ignorant on that front. And many other fronts, let’s be honest. Renegade X is, given its IP-troubling nature, a free and not-for-profit project, though devs Totem Arts claim the recently demised EA Victory Games were going to play some manner of supportive role in its release. No more, clearly. Some early looks at unit and weapon types can be found here, along with more discussion on how the thing works. It’s definitely appealing: back in 2002, Renegade sounded like the single greatest idea of all time. Planetside has arguably stolen much of the concept’s thunder by this point, but hopefully the base-managing aspect will keep this its own creature. http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2013/11 ... ease-date/
  17. Fan-made Renegade X brings first-person shooting to Command & Conquer Renegade X is a Windows PC fan-made shooting game based on the real-time strategy series Command & Conquer. Developed by Totem Arts over a six-year period, the game is due for release on Feb. 26. It brings the overhead third-person combat of Electronic Arts' C&C series to ground level, offering 30 weapons, 15 vehicles and the ability to call in air strikes and nuclear attacks. Taking its cue from the original series, the multiplayer game attaches strategic importance to structures, which must be protected in order to secure abilities and weapons. Players can choose between representing the Global Defense Initiative (GDI) or the Brotherhood of Nod. The game was due to be released earlier this year, but was delayed to add polish, and due to the unexpected closure of C&C studio Victory Games. "The closure of Victory Games (EALA) is definitely a factor in our delay," offered a forum update from Totem Arts. "Without going into much detail, Victory Games was going to provide a supportive role in advertising, distribution, and server and client-side features. Now that Victory Games has closed, we have a few more tasks on our hands." Renegade X's release date is the 12th anniversary of the arrival of EA's only shooting game based on C&C, Command & Conquer: Renegade. http://www.polygon.com/2013/11/27/51523 ... nd-conquer
  18. Renegade X - Release Date Unveiled (Trailer) Check out our latest trailer below! k-bLTYiaqqk http://www.renegade-x.com The End is the Beginning The news that you've all been patiently waiting for has arrived. Renegade X is a free multiplayer Tactical FPS game that will be released on February 26, 2014. The release will coincide with the 12th birthday of C&C Renegade. Renegade X is not an ordinary game. We are bringing the popular "Command & Conquer" RTS series to ground level as a large-scale team-based tactical shooter. Players will be able to fight for two unique teams - the Global Defense Initiative (GDI), a UN international military force committed to world order and peacekeeping, and the Brotherhood of Nod, a messianic international terrorist network that aims to push humanity into the next stage of human evolution. Players will be able to manage their own economies, choose from over 30 weapons, 15 vehicles, and call in nuclear strikes, Ion Cannons, and airstrikes, and much more. Each team will have a base of operations that composes of several key structures. Each structure has its own purpose. For example, the GDI Barracks gives GDI players access to special weapons and characters. If the Barracks is destroyed by Nod forces, GDI will lose the ability to purchase these special weapons. We believe that this gamemode - "Command & Conquer Mode" - can potentially revolutionize the FPS genre. It is the gem that went unnoticed for many years. Now is the time to uncover it. Release Date Renegade X version 1.0 will be released on February 26th, 2014. Our journey began in 2007 - we released five betas for Unreal Tournament 3 in 2009 and 2010, and we released our singleplayer campaign Black Dawn in 2012. Our original promise was to release Renegade X version 1.0 in 2013. The game went into its private beta phase in June 2013. We then decided to postpone the release from December to February, as the team believes that an additional few weeks of polishing is necessary. We'd like to deliver a stable and balanced game, and the extra development and testing time would produce that. We realize that this may disappoint some fans, but keep in mind that we are a non-profit team working on this game on our spare time. Our team has had six successful releases in the past, and we have always launched on time. This will be the first time that we postpone the game's deadline. The closure of Victory Games (EALA) is definitely a factor in our delay. Without going into much detail, Victory Games was going to provide a supportive role in advertisement, distribution, and server and client-side features. Now that Victory Games has closed, we have a few more tasks on our hands. The multiplayer release will be a beta. That means that although all core features will be in the game, it will not be the finished product. We plan on releasing patches, new maps, and new features throughout 2014. You will be able to post your suggestions for the game and issues with the game, and we will address all of them. With a game as large scale as Renegade X, a public beta is necessary to iron out any glitches and balance fixes that are necessary. We will be pumping out a lot of news, videos, interviews, and updates from now until release. Can you keep up with us? You are more than welcome to ask any questions either on this thread or on our Forums: http://www.renegade-x.com/forums/ Other news The leader of Nod's "Black Hand" special forces is this man: Gideon Raveshaw. General Raveshaw is a short, cold, unforgiving man. He possesses unmatched charisma and intelligence. The name "Gideon" is Hebrew for "Mighty Warrior"... that's pretty befitting for a man wielding a railgun that is almost his own size. Check him out. Mendoza Carlos Mendoza is mercenary who came to Nod after his methods became too extreme even for the extremists he was working for. He stays in General Raveshaw's employ due to the amount of money he receives for his services. Mendoza has a very confident and arrogant fighter, often insulting his enemies during firefights and gloating. He carries the electrifying Volt Autorifle. Sniper Rifle Here is the new and improved 500-credit sniper rifle. Shiny. Sidearm Weapon Reveal In Renegade X, all characters spawn with a default silenced pistol. We will be giving players the option to customize their weapon loudout. Advanced characters will be given the option to exchange their silenced pistol for either the Machine Pistol, a short-ranged fast-firing weapon, or the Heavy Pistol, a handgun with incendiary armour-piercing rounds. We will be discussing other secondary weapon customization options in later updates. X-Mountain Kenz, one of our beta testers, has begun working on Renegade X's first fanmap, "X-Mountain". The first version of X-Mountain was featured in the UT3 version of Renegade X back in 2009. It quickly became a favourite, and now Kenz is working on a remake for the upcoming release. It's looking really good, check it out below. Keep an eye out We're very excited to be finally releasing Renegade X version 1.0. This is the summation of seven years of hard work. The game is finally playing the way we want it to, and it brings a grin to all of our faces. We'd like to thank you all for your continued support! See you on the battlefield. Stay connected: http://www.renegade-x.com https://www.facebook.com/CNCRenX https://twitter.com/RenXGame http://www.indiedb.com/games/renegade-x
  19. Release date is not yet out, but expect it to be released by the end of the year. 1. Gamemodes: For the first release, just C&C mode. 2. You can destroy all base buildings and capture tech buildings. 3. All C&C Renegade characters with a couple weapon differences. 4. Ladder, but no achievements or RPG ranks with the first release. 5. Check out the "News" section for all of our updates and videos. December 2012 preview: September 2012 game design video: New trailer, videos, and info - coming very soon!
  20. Two days ago, we celebrated the 4th year anniversary of our original release. To commemorate this occasion, Fobby, Havoc89, and Nielsen had a dev playthrough of Black Dawn. Check out the playthrough below, full of fun commentary and plenty of information about our upcoming Standalone Multiplayer Release. RBEbK7rrsTc
  21. Whoo! It's been 4 months since we've put out any updates for our upcoming indie FPS game, Renegade X. We've been in our corner tinkering with the game, working on new assets, and having a blast in test sessions. Honestly, we just forgot about yall. Oops? Today we'd like to discuss a huge list of items. Let's start! Stuff Renegade X is a tactical FPS game for the Unreal Development Kit. It is a shooter with RTS elements, and it will feature tons of weapons, vehicles, maps, and two unique factions. Our singleplayer demo is available for download, and our multiplayer version will be out later this year. The game is shaping up. All of the base components are there, and we have been playtesting for months. There is a lot of polishing that is necessary, and that has been our main focus for a while. We've been working on the netcode to overcome lag issues, which hinder the fluidity of the game. We've also been refining and fine tuning the experience - re-adjusting game values to bring Renegade X up to date whilst maintaining its arcadey classic-FPS feel. RypelCam is back! RypelCam is a custom software that allows players to take images and record and watch interactive videos of the game. You'll be able to rewatch recorded games at whatever angle you want, slow things down, quicken things up, and make some really awesome trailers. Let that be a hint at our next media update Currently, Renegade X has seven core maps (Mesa, Field, Islands, Hourglass II, Lakeside, Goldrush, Walls_Flying), all of the core buildings, all of the core weapons and vehicles, a skirmish mode with customizable bots, superweapons, and much more. Railgun We finally got down to doing a new railgun which is not an amalgamation of other weapons put together! This weapon was a GDI prototype that was confiscated by Raveshaw's Black Hand special ops teams. The weapons were being moved from France to Italy via the Mediterranean in GDI transport disguised as a civilian freighter. Nod forces boarded the ship and took its contents to Libya, where they found that the ship was carrying a valuable cargo which was on route to the eastern European frontline. That cargo would become Raveshaw's trademark weapon: the Railgun. The railgun will work a little differently tha how it did in the original game, and we'll be releasing the details in another update. Check it out below! Silenced Pistol The pistol needed an upgrade, so we've decided to model a new one based on the P22 Walther with a silencer. It resembles the alpha C&C Renegade pistol that can be found in old pre-release trailers and screenshots. We've overhauled our audio systems dramatically, and each of our weapons now have their own distance-based sounds, so the significance of silenced weapons has greatly increased. The silenced pistol is now a much more viable infiltrator weapon than it was in the original game. Grenade Launcher Our older model had some animations issues, and it wasn't to par with all of our other art. We wanted to make it pretty, like the rest of the game! The GDI Grenade launcher is a free weapon that fires explosive rounds. It's hard to top that. What more do you want? Come at me bro! Ion Cannon Beacon The Ion Cannon Beacon, nicknamed "Godsend", is GDI's way of calling down its spaced-based superweapon. All a player needs to do is purchase the beacon, plant it at the enemy base, wait a few seconds, and kablamo! Hourglass II Hourglass II is a remake of the original Hourglass with some revisions. The original Hourglass was infamous for all of its "pointwhoring" and camping, and most matches resulted in a timelimit expiry rather than base destruction. We wanted to make the map a little more fluid. We removed the major base defenses and added flying units, and we unanimously say, this level is a lot more playable now. For you oldschool RenX fans, it has the excitement of Horologe with the calculative qualities of Hourglass. We also replaced the dirt with snow. Winter is coming, so might as well get used to it now. Mesa Aaaaaand we'll end off this update with some screenshots from Mesa.
  22. We sent out the emails on April 30th and added the new testers onto the beta team. Your application was not accepted for phase II testing, but there will probably be other testing opportunities in the near future. If we feel that we need more testers, we'll allow people to apply again. Just remember that, either way, Renegade X will be released this year.
  23. We sent out the emails on April 30th and added the new testers onto the beta team. Your application was not accepted for phase II testing, but there will probably be other testing opportunities in the near future. If we feel that we need more testers, we'll allow people to apply again. Just remember that, either way, Renegade X will be released this year.
  24. We've got plenty of sunny maps in the new multiplayer (Lakeside, Goldrush, Walls, Islands, the upcoming Hourglass). Besides Field, this is our only dark map. We wanted to give this map a more ominous feel, kind of like Tiberian Dawn and Tiberian Sun. You can read about the story and artstyle in the link given in the first thread. As for the Chem, believe me when I say we tried every colour in the spectrum and although I get what you're saying, this was the only colour scheme that kind of "works". It's not perfect at all. Though as Kenz said, it does look better ingame.
  25. We're just about ready to roll into our next phase of development, and so it's time to let you in on our housekeeping business. New Forums! The current Renegade X forums served us well (not really), but it's been needing some visual and technical upgrades. We will be migrating to a new phpBB3 forum this weekend. The new forums will require a password reset, so before you say that your old password doesn't work, please press the "Forgot Password?" button once the new forums are up. You will know the forum has changed when the layout looks different from the current one. And it'll actually be decent this time, we promise. Beta Testing - Phase II In March, we put out an application to our Phase II closed beta. For a long and tenuous application, we had an overwhelming response. We are happy to announce that roughly 75% of the applicants have been accepted and will be hearing from us on April 30th 2013. We will then give the testers some time to get cozy and familiarize themselves with the rules and tasks. The internal beta will start in May 2013. Progress has been great. The game is running smoothly and most of the core features have been completed. A lot of polishing and bug-fixing is necessary, and we hope to be focusing on that in the next few months. Overall we are very excited to be starting our first rounds of major testing, and we'll be sure to show off some new footage in a little while. Mesa Mesa was a stock map for the original C&C Renegade, and it has now been remade. You can check out our full story on the map here: http://www.renegade-x.com/forums/showthread.php?51084-Beta-Preview&p=89869&viewfull=1#post89869 Below are some fresh new images: Mesa is the first map that would feature the blue Tiberium that C&C Tiberian Sun made famous. Blue Tiberium is more valuable, but it is also explosive and therefore more dangerous to both infantry and vehicles. Flak Cannon 6 months ago, we announced in our Game Design videocast that the GDI Tiberium-based weapons would be exchanged for new alternatives. This was a creative choice, and it was done because we believe that it is not in GDI's character to weaponize Tiberium. Tiberium and chemical weapons has been more associated with Nod in the C&C universe, so it was strange that GDI had more Tiberium weapons in C&C Renegade. As we've said in a previous update, Patch's Tiberium Flechette was exchanged for the new Tactical Rifle - the incendiary weapon featured in Black Dawn. Moreover, because the same GDI character (Sydney) was used twice for two different character classes, we decided to exchange the 150 Sydney character with Angus McFarland from Black Dawn. This way we could avoid confusion in multiplayer with having two "Sydneys". Since her Tiberium Autorifle was removed from the game, we've created a new weapon: the Flak Cannon. Not only did the Tiberium Autorifle not fit GDI, it was seldom used in multiplayer. The new Flak Cannon works much like the Unreal Tournament gun. It has two fire modes: the primary fire shoots flak shells that disperse with distance, and the secondary fire shoots a flak grenade. Since Nod's 150-credit weapon worked like an upgraded Flamethrower, we thought it would be befitting if GDI's 150-credit weapon worked like an upgrade of GDI's basic infantry as well. The primary fire resembles the shotgun while the secondary resembles the grenade launcher. "The McFarland" will cost 150 credits, and it is most effective in close-quarter combat. ChemSpray The Nod Chemspray is the answer to the GDI flak cannon. It fires a deadly toxic gas that leaves a long-lasting poison effect on enemy infantry. The Chemical Warrior will also be given a Tiberium suit that will allow it to walk on Tiberium without harm. Check it out: - That's all for today. Keep an eye out for more updates.
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