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Everything posted by salarite

  1. and DO give one if you need it at a 20% odds or so. 50% would just make me rage less at not getting one. If it is 50%, then RNG hates me, I tried 4 times and didn't get. Yet I still sometimes get them when it feels stupid to. I agree the chance of refill crates is not high enough. Most of the time when you are hurt you will just get money, money and even more money.
  2. Yes, but silenced pistol and Chinook guns are not the same as all free infantry classes' weapons. also why the caps?
  3. I really support trying out ideas! Not just this one, but others as well - seeing a proposed change for yourself ingame is much better than arguing in words only. I personally feel seeing infinite ammo is a bit immersion-breaking, but I'm open to the idea.
  4. The question is, how hard is it to implement this sticking effect? Can we expect it to be done soon, because if not, we should just be considering stat changes, which is simpler to implement.
  5. This is a good idea! Also about the gun range increase: keep in mind orcas/apaches don't just fight each other but infatry (and tanks as well). I think the gun range increase would overpower them too much in this regard.
  6. Then I would support some RoF increase
  7. Can someone post what have they changed from B3?
  8. you and your Chinook>Orca But to remain ontopic: I think it would be interesting to test it out. Like setting up a test server for this.
  9. I hope Lavadragon doesn't mind, I link a short relevant part of his latest video here: http://www.tubechop.com/watch/5846122
  10. I think it do needs some buff against infantry. There are a lot of situation when you are fighting infantry (for example grenadier, mcfarland, gunner, or anything with tiberium weapons) uncloaked. Whenever an infantry starts shooting at me, I always just try to "run" away, because stank is currently not capable of killing them fast enough or at all. When I see an uncloaked stank as an infantry, I just go attack it, it's almost like a sitting duck, can hardly defend itself.
  11. Just tested ingame (RenX). With every missile hitting, medium tank kills stealth tank in 9 seconds. On the contrary, it takes 15 seconds for a stealth tank to kill a medium one. So even if the stank gets 2 missiles off at the start, it still doesn't matter.
  12. Axesor chill out a bit, this thread is not like a crusade against SBHs and Hotties/Techs. This is not a complaining thread, this is only about the question of sidearms. Someone else has already brought this up; we can also discuss snipers here as a 3rd class (I personally disagree though). I personally disagree about taking away 2nd timed from Adv.engineers, but I'm open about this topic. All infantry having 2 timed c4 would be pretty OP, meaning almost any kind of character would be able to bring down (to 20%) a building by itself. yes that's a huge bug in the game, but! It's a bug and not a balance issue, and has no place in this topic.
  13. This grenade definitely needs a buff. 1. As an antitank grenade, useless, even Mammoth tanks can "run away" before it activates. Activation time should be like in Beta3 or slightly higher at most. 2. As a mine-dearming grenade: it does its job well, but. Nobody uses it, because the cloud it generates is simply too big. It can be seen from kilometers. Personally tried a lot of times the past weeks, and it was almost immediately noticed by people right away every single time. The building under attack message is good, but the smoke cloud should be smaller.
  14. confirmed, still happening every now and then
  15. www,youtube,com/devicesupport "Youtube is upgrading to a newer version, which is not supported by this device or app."
  16. You are still an invisible soldier, able to sneak in to enemy bases to c4 or nuke, easily steal tanks, put timed c4 on snipers. If you surprise people you can bring most characters down to low health, then finish the job with sileneced pistol. With that being said, I agree SBH gun should receive reduced spread.
  17. salarite


    For future reference, if you see hacking ingame, summon moderators! On EKT !modrequest, on TmX !requestmod, etc.
  18. Salarite, every unit can deal with 3 unit on their way to the enemy base if they have an underpriced powerful sidearm and the skill. Yeah, but the point is: Adv.engineers shouldn't be able to do that, like every other unit.
  19. I think the sidearms with SBH and hotwires/techs should be discussed in this topic instead: http://renegade-x.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=169&t=75102
  20. We can all agree he was owerpowered in Beta1 and 2. He was underpowered in Beta3. I personally feel they almost got it right in Beta4, however, I think it needs a slight nerf, it is a bit overpowered in tunnels, taking on Mendozas and most other characters. Some people said they think it's fine as it is now. What do you think?
  21. 1. Ref dead credits 2. Repair/Damage Credits 3. Airdrop 4. Shotgun (nerf) 5. LCG (nerf) 6. Stealth tank (buff) 7. Officer (nerf) 8. Mcfarland (slight nerf) 9. EMP (buff - reduce detonation time) 10. Sidearms And also (11-15.): MRLS (slight buff) Flamethrower (buff) Orca/Apache (nerf) Tac Rifle (slight buff) PIC/Railgun (slight buff)
  22. 100% this.
  23. I agree with B0ng. Both classes are the same in this regard. Both are unique (more unique than snipers), both are tailored to fit a specific role. Currently they can do more than that. SBHs can quickly execute unsuspecting infantry on the field, without having to aim really well with the default gun. Adv.engineers can "deal with 3 infantry units on average" when trying to get to the enemy base. This shouldn't be like this. SBH should only rely on it's stealth, on the effect of surprise. Adv.engineers should not be an all-purpose commando. They should need to rely on other characters to help them on the combat field.
  24. I agree with the people asking for a range nerf. Countless times I was able to run away/get a fair distance from shotgunners, only to die anyways, because they still to high damage at mid ranges currently. That is unrealistic.
  25. I agree it needs to be changed. In my opinion Beta3 officer was fine. Now it is almost better in 1v1 against LCGs and mobiuses.
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