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Everything posted by salarite

  1. Yes! People used stanks much more in earlier Betas (maybe B2?), now it's just not worth it to buy one anymore. Yeah on larger maps (like Lakeside and Xmountain) you can drive around and surprise people, but on the others it's almost useless. You have to think twice before attacking even weakened tanks. As the only Nod tank (not counting APC) with anti-air, you are trying to fend off orcas? good luck with that. Currently it feels like you are sitting in a super expensive invisible cardbox car that does nothing else. In my opinion it needs more stable missile trajectory and somewhat higher range.
  2. I personally don't see rocket soldiers being abused in public games. It's nice to have something low-tier decent against aircraft. I don't think it needs a nerf for the time being.
  3. +2
  4. Also the community feedback on balance should be tidied up. Currently the related posts are loitering around the General, Feedback / Bug reports, and Balance sections. And once again, different categories in the Balance section would be welcome.
  5. *bump* How hard is to implement a thing like this? I think most people here support this idea, so can this update be included in the next patch?
  6. We definitely need different categories for different types of balance discussion (inf, buildings,etc.). Even a constantly updated sticky post wouldnt hurt in each section, which summarizes the key opinions/proposed changes of the posters.
  7. THANK YOU BroTranquilty!! Even though the game does look like minecraft, I'm finally having consistent 30+ FPS (sometimes even 40-50). This really brought back the enjoyment for me for this game. I even got called a cheater for the 1st time, when I was sniping lol.
  8. I'd really support this idea. Using the Ctrl Alt number system feels like you are using the game console, just a bunch of text on the left side of the screen. The proposed new UI seems much more welcoming, less "hardcore" to new players.
  9. Yeah, in 90% of public games B4 Field plays just like the old one. I suggest removing the walls from the Refineries also. On a sidenote, not long ago I played a Field match where both AGT and Obelisk were desroyed early. Suddenly, GDI patrolling for SBHs, Nod fearing for Hotwires, etc. It was truly a refreshing experience.
  10. I almost never see EMPs used in public matches anymore (I'm talking about ~50 mine limit gameplay). Probably because of the disarm mines ability, you have to wait a looong time for them to go off. Making them useless against tank rushes. And sneakers would rather disarm the mines either by rep gun or by face, because the EMP cloud is just too visible.
  11. Allright! There are a ton of posts in this topic so far, I gathered the relevant ones to make a short summary: 1)xtractor's issue, which started the topic: mostly solved, it was a votekick by other players, most likely unjustified. 2)It became clear that "the issue of overmining" is an important topic/problem, it has been voiced by several people here. IDEAS/POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS: I)Short tutorial - Rypel[Dev]: a quality tutorial made by the community is the one they are looking for, f.e. by Yosh, DoctorB0ng, HaTe, etc. - JeepRubi[Dev]: confirms this, but raises concern if most people would watch it or not. - xtractor: the tutorial must adress the mine limit differeces /i.e.: not the same on low minelimit servers (TmX AOW) and high minelimit servers (EKT Marathon)/ II)Change to mine mechanics - JeepRubi[Dev]: not 1st one placed disappear, but ones which are: furthest from the base/are in large groups. III)Updated warnings: - JeepRubi[Dev]: warning message to miners, that old mines are disappearing! - CampinJeff: -> yes, add in-game warning when mine limit is full/flashing when overmining -> make mine counter more noticable -> mods should be able to send "big, bold, obvious text" to a player's screen of overmining behaviour -> ability to disarm teammines, not just own (if possible 3x times faster) - sidenote: with the next update, server moderators will be able to properly disable all mines placed by a person, which will help
  12. 100% this. I remember myself a year ago in Beta 2 when I first joined, happily mining entrance, not understading why are people shouting with me. Then some said look, there is a mine limit on the mid bottom of the screen. Look, old mines disappear as you place new, etc. As Ryz also said, we players (and mods) cannot educate new players almost every single game. There should be a tutorial for mining, which everyone sees who installs the game.
  13. I see your name is "xtractor", I guess you are talking about yesterday's Xmountain match on the Matrix AOW server. I'm a moderator there, and I was ingame yesterday. As I told you ingame chat, we moderators did NOTHING, you were votekicked by the other PLAYERS. The guy who started the vote (I think it was Davidbeast) said you were overmining. So it was probably not about the shape of the mines, but rather placing a lot of mines at not-the-door positions. With a 45 mine limit, on a map like XMountain you need like 37-40 mines to cover the doors. Is it not possible you placed more than 6 mines? I don't know, I wasn't inbase at the time. About Jean-Claude Van Damme: he is NOT a moderator on the TmX server; when he said 'shit mines', he expressed his personal opinion, just like any other player.
  14. DON'T remove the water paths from Goldrush. It is a base defense map, with 2 possible inf routes (one of them the water), each of them takes skill/coordination/good timing to use. If you take away one of the inf sneak routes, it will become a stalemate. As to the water invincibility from outside, that's another question. But don't remove a long existing integral part/strategy of this map.
  15. >>I'm new to these forums, so I don't know if this issue has been adressed recently or not (if yes, then please delete this).<< Now the overmining problem IS real. 1-2 overminers are enough to lose the game for the whole team (we know a lot of pros like hottie/tech sneaking). Almost 4/5 games overmining happens, luckily sometimes there are experienced guys who keep remining (to an extent). So this NEEDS to be adressed. - I have heard a lot of suggestions including more complex ones: higher moderator activity, allowed areas, blacklists, whitelists; and more simple ones: nametags and DEFUSABLE MINES (you can defuse teammate's mines). - All I ask of the devs is to do implement a solution SOON. Now you could say 'It will be patched in Beta4'. When will Beta4 come out? Later. With a lot of awesome stuff we got in Beta3 I don't think Beta4 will come out anytime soon. I'd really love if this OVERMINING could be 'mended' before then. If not, I can certainly see myself (and some others possibly?) quitting this game in a few months time because the amount of enjoyment overmining sucks out of it. Disclosure: I know this is a free game, and I have been (and will forever be) very thankful to you for making this game. Consider this post as a feedback and nothing else; and sorry for the caps, just had a game where 40minutes of hardwork was ruined by overmining..
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