Allright! There are a ton of posts in this topic so far, I gathered the relevant ones to make a short summary:
1)xtractor's issue, which started the topic: mostly solved, it was a votekick by other players, most likely unjustified.
2)It became clear that "the issue of overmining" is an important topic/problem, it has been voiced by several people here.
I)Short tutorial
- Rypel[Dev]: a quality tutorial made by the community is the one they are looking for, f.e. by Yosh, DoctorB0ng, HaTe, etc.
- JeepRubi[Dev]: confirms this, but raises concern if most people would watch it or not.
- xtractor: the tutorial must adress the mine limit differeces /i.e.: not the same on low minelimit servers (TmX AOW) and high minelimit servers (EKT Marathon)/
II)Change to mine mechanics
- JeepRubi[Dev]: not 1st one placed disappear, but ones which are: furthest from the base/are in large groups.
III)Updated warnings:
- JeepRubi[Dev]: warning message to miners, that old mines are disappearing!
- CampinJeff: -> yes, add in-game warning when mine limit is full/flashing when overmining
-> make mine counter more noticable
-> mods should be able to send "big, bold, obvious text" to a player's screen of overmining behaviour
-> ability to disarm teammines, not just own (if possible 3x times faster)
- sidenote: with the next update, server moderators will be able to properly disable all mines placed by a person, which will help