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Everything posted by Idiotas

  1. This. It's easier to make accusations and get sheeps group up with you. Some people even accuse our CT mods lawl. I guess the more you whine without proof the more legit it makes??
  2. Well the apaches didn't really do stuff. Apaches wanted to group up at plateau and waited there without doing something. I Q spotted the MRLS the whole time but none of them reacted. Then another MRLS joined with a med hitting hon but they still didn't do a thing. Then on the other side there was a med, apc and a MRLS. In the end the apaches got wrecked by a bunch of sydneys. gg
  3. Also.. where's the "omg building destroyed, i must surrender" option
  4. Add a bit of poison to it. I heard it gives a boost
  5. This My playstyle is running around in base like a nub
  6. Adding Yosh to this o/
  7. At this point, i was already in the PP. The guy who was there didn't check the PP very well which made you lose that building aswell. Also a side note: if ryz or yagi is commanding, i rather play something else lol
  8. Hah. I'm still figuring out what my mouse sensitivity should be. Always too slow or too fast, it's never right lol
  9. Yosh is horrible at making teams! Gg have fun next week. I won't be there.
  10. lol, do you even play your own map? Also you should have seen it because it happened on a pug when you were on.
  11. That happened to me aswell a time ago. It was on a pug and i was repairing a med. I touched the remote c4's that were on the back side and they got stuck on me.
  12. Won't be playing the pug for a month or more. Have fun guys.
  13. Field is like the most played map next to walls. People seems to hate it, but it gets voted everytime. There's like around 17 votes for field and like 3-5 other people chooses different maps and when it's field, 20+ people whine about the map. It's like some kind of fetish, choose field and whine about it how bad and campy the map is. Kinda hilarious. Personally i like field, but it's just overplayed and 90% of the time people are derping around.
  14. Well..you are wrong about that lol. They shouldn't play the pug, they should play the public games instead. Pug games are all about working together and listen to the commander, but as you can see...that's too much for a lot of people to do. You can do all these things to make people listen and get their attention and stuff.. but isn't that retarded? People can't even go to the right TS channel. That's already too hard for them. Pug and stuff is good, but the people are just too sad for words.
  15. No need to.
  16. How do you want to do better when most of the team are not even listening? Before i left at mesa, we said like "get tanks" and do this and blabla. Most people agreed. In the end we only had like 2 tanks. That already shows a lot. People agree to do things, but don't do them in the end. At walls same story with the LCG's ect. Seriously i don't see the point on wasting my time on a chaotic game.
  17. I'm not agreeing with that jeff. We had like what? 3 snipers, 2 decent players and the rest were not that great at all.
  18. Why discus it? looking at the teams said already enough, hence why i left.
  19. Yosh, you can read my last post at: viewtopic.php?f=169&t=76335&start=15 But if you are to laisy for that here it is what I have wrote: ----- Thank you all for your replies. I know that people are different and thats perfect. Everybody likes/dislikes different stuff. I understand it fully, when someone does not like the one or the other class, for example sniper. Thats also OK for me. No problem with it. I think, people should be aware, that there will always be people who likes playing snipers, no matter how BUGY or hard to play it gets. That should be accepted too. Therefore, if you do not want people play snipers, just remove the class. But do not try to make it buggy and unplayable, because it wan't work. ----- Do you really think they did that on purpose? Lots of other classes has it aswell. It will get fixed later eventually. Just be patient.
  20. Because walls is a simple map with a simple gameplay and that's what mappers forget.
  21. Thing is.. people on teamspeak with mic only listen to people who speak. They clearly don't have any attention to the in-game chat. So if someone without a mic says something in chat, he gets ignored. Also lots of people talk bs on ts and because of that, a lot of stuff what's going on gets ignored and nobody pays attention. So you can say people without a mic is trouble.. but the same goes for people with a mic.
  22. PUG was boring. If i didn't kill wf on volcano, we would pobably lose that one aswell.
  23. So in other words.. everything different from the old ren is bad and they dislike it.
  24. We'll see how it will end up. I'm not against new maps ect, but i just want them to be fully tested. Of course the map doesn't need to be perfect/flawless. For example..take snow, sure it had some minor issues and few b2b spots and stuff, but it hasn't had anything major. Gameplay wise, it does need to get tested with like 20vs20. TrainingYard and Eyes got many times removed due bad gameplay, beacon spots,crashes ect because they didn't got tested when they were put in (probably only a few did). I don't want it to happen to the other maps that gets added. It will also be very annoying and fustrated for the server owners to put the map in and out again and again. Especially when lots of maps get added. I guess most people just want new maps and don't care if it's ready to go or not.
  25. Yeah! Put every map out there and have people talk about the game how broken the maps are! Cliffside, beachhead and crashsite aren't tested yet (crashsite was but it had so many stuff that made it broken, should be tested again if it's ready to go) Don't rush everything. Could always make an small patch after when they are tested.
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