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Phase 5 Beta Testers
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Everything posted by boxes

  1. Base entrance needs to be wider and you can try making your own touches to the map, particularly another vehicle entrance in the base.
  2. Who was commanding on sunday?
  3. Nod had no tanks, and was about to lose ref with veterancy from the ion cannon. We had two dedicated campers, and mines were still full when the ion was going off. It's a draw when the building count is the same or similar, not when you're 1-2 down with meds getting stuffed down your throat. Also I won't be around tomorrow and next week @Fffreak9999, things came up. Remember that if you have daylight savings, PUG starts 1 hour later
  4. I would have if there were mines down or if you guys still had a large number of tanks, by the time the crash happened we had 5+ meds with repairs on your front door shooting ref that wasn't being repaired
  5. Tunnels - Nice back and forth tank fight with equal harvester trades. Nod gets the upper hand and deals perma to WF/Bar and infiltration kills GDI PP. GDI surrenders. Canyon - GDI saves the second harvester and overwhelms Nod with meds. Ion cannon on the strip was about to go off and perma to ref before the server crashed. Under - Nod starts out strong but gets pushed back and fails to regain field control. Meds kill strip and OB while SBHs kill PP. GDI then wraps it up with veterancy advantage. 2-1
  6. Mendoza actually wins in dps, you also need to consider the nonhitscan on patch on recruit/veteran. There's never a situation where 2 characters stand still and shoot each other without taking advantage of a projectile based weapon. Also consider that mendoza can solo buildings on his own and wreck heavy armor. Problem is that on elite, patch's only disadvantage is no longer a thing.
  7. Patch is the only real problem i see, particularly at elite. Thought the guy had way too much projectile speed, making him hitscan was literally saying "here's a cheaper deadeye alternative that moves way faster with better building/tank killing capability in exchange for smoke grenades".
  8. The silo chimneys actually make it harder for Nod to shoot harvesters than GDI
  9. Refunded ages ago and no plans to buy it again
  10. @Ryz In the end PUGs are about winning. Going for standard tank rollout is the most common strat because it's the most substantial. Teams can go for any silly rush they'd want, but pulling one off without field control first would mean almost certain death. You'd get spotted, enemy tanks roll in and overwhelm your defenders, and you lose. ~ Also want to point out the definition of "keeping the tank limit up" to everyone. It's not just selecting the vehicle on the PT; that doesn't at all make me think you're a significant player. It's more so about staying alive. I often judge players on their skill level on how they behave with a tank, sometimes more than their aim with infantry. Common annoyances I see is people rolling out with 0 repairs and ending up getting mauled, throwing away tanks into an overwhelming ball of enemy vehicles, not utilizing cover in the field and wandering in the open, not protecting field repairs, driving certain tanks forward and not backwards, or not falling back behind healthy tanks when low on HP. As soon as I see people learning how to stay alive with a tank, they become one of the better players in my book because that knowledge translates to other game mechanics, particularly field repair.
  11. Complex - Nod wins through brute force with better tanks/repairs, GDI never got proper field control Volcano - Nod gets the harvy advantage and rolls down as per usual with mass tanks Tunnels - Nod stank rush kills Bar/PP, while GDI infiltrators kill HON, Ref, and Strip. Nod masses rockets and gets an armor break on WF, but eventually GDI then wins with tank spam. 2-1
  12. As of right now light tanks are only good/decent on maps with multiple vehicle paths and entrances that don't lead to the same place. Complex, Tomb, and Field for example are good maps for light tanks because they can actually use their speed as a real advantage to get from one point to another. I agree that they should get a turret turn speed increase to help them switch targets, but increasing speed may make the APC more obsolete. The problem is that most maps have 8-10 vehicles or something. Vehicles are a team's main source of firepower, and light tanks have the worst DoT. Artys covered by stanks/flamers as meat shields instead of lights have far more damage potential when it comes sieging or breaking out of one. In fact I think the flame tank by itself deals nearly the twice the damage of a light, and stanks aren't too far behind either.
  13. Think GDI is super strong with high player counts because their tanks are individually better and there's more room for repairs. Nonstop 10/10 meds with available hands for repairs will beat any Nod vehicle composition. However it did show that blobs of advanced repairs behind tanks and inf are difficult to stop because of flak armor and heavy pistol.
  14. Mammoths can nearly one shot artys, always been like that, and had 2 mams most of the time
  15. Been happening since the player cap was pushed to 40+
  16. Arctic Stronghold - GDI med spam with good repairs holds field for majority of the game. Tank rush destroys OB while infiltrator kills GDI ref. Infiltration kills Nod PP afterwards, and Nod fails to recover. Complex - Arty party chips down WF to ~30 HP, but loses field to mass meds. Tank rush kills Nod ref and strip, while stank rush/infiltration kills WF. GDI uses remaining tanks and advanced inf to ion Hon Walls - Infiltrators destroy GDI PP, destroy both AAtowers, and chip down refinery to 30 HP. Apache rush with stanks finish off ref while infiltrator kills strip. Stalemate occurs and GDI surrenders 2-1
  17. That was the original intent, but views have skewed overtime given the effect on dividing the playerbase and as additional development members stepped in. I understand your situation, but you have to take into consideration that the game has always been freeware. It's still in beta and devs need to effectively observe how their changes to C&C mode will play out with their preferred circumstances, and will perhaps be more open for customization after they're satisfied with the finished game.
  18. I will start issuing priority speaker to commanders by default unless requested to alleviate off-topic chatter ~ Officially starting now, the commander with the first pick must always allow the following commander to pick two straight players as well as the first map choice. Whoever gets the first player pick is up to them to decide.
  19. Thank you devs and community members for all the hard work in keeping this ship sailing
  20. Mesa - Standard Nod arty party with flame tank cover, GDI fails to control short hill and loses Tomb - Nod has the upper hand early game by dealing perma to 3 structures, but forgets to buy tanks after killing GT. Slowly gets rolled down by meds afterwards. Whiteout - Same thing as mesa but worse with snipers picking off repairs Under - Med spam with infiltration on both PP and strip leads to PP dying Complex - Easily the best game, both teams having good tankers and repairs leads to armor breaks all around. Saw a bit of everything here, different tank rushes, infiltration, nukes/ions. GDI eventually loses bar to stanks, and the rest of the base soon afterwards. 5-0
  21. All good, don't worry about it Also you're doing a lot better at commanding, remember the mentality isn't commander vs commander, it's not in your power to see to it that your team is good enough to control the field. As long as you tell your team to buy tanks and repairs and call out for rushes you are doing your job perfectly
  22. this is the same issue with EKT having inflated mine limits, it showed that having server customization over gameplay isn't the best move when there's a player base <100. devs want newcomers to experience one consistent version of renx, not server variants of renx that give the wrong impression of the intended result
  23. Dev specifically said that he did not want the game to be played with more than 40 players
  24. having more than 40 players affects the gameplay, and not for the better
  25. Recap for sunday?
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