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Phase 5 Beta Testers
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Everything posted by boxes

  1. Also just a reminder that Sunday PUGs will be cancelled until further notice. You're still welcome to join TS and play some public games with each other; I'll be around as well.
  2. AOW is flawed in Renx because it offers another victory condition outside of blowing up an enemy base, one that particularly favors defensive gameplay. For example, vehicle rushes are very risky because if a team fails to destroy an enemy building with the rush, they end up offering the camping team a vast amount of points in return. Beacon placements also become a risk and whoring buildings doesn't give many points; essentially playing defensively is the safest way to win, and that often means for example sitting around on the Walls plateau with helis and PIC/Rav and whoring vehicle kills and never attacking the base for a whole AOW game. Snooze fest. Plus playing AOW requires players to know how the point system works, which just adds complications to this already difficult to learn game
  3. Why is this mutator running on a public CT server in the first place?
  4. boxes


    I like to q-spot a single enemy timed C4 on an MCT that I'm safely disarming and watch those yellow dots on the overview map converge on my position
  5. Due to lack of participation in the recent weeks, the Sunday PUGs will now be postponed indefinitely unless notified otherwise by me or Ukill
  6. Complex - Med spam overwhelms Nod and they kill airstrip with an ion at the tower. Meanwhile a stank rush nearly destroys barracks, but GDI simply rolls over Nod's base with their tanks. Under - Nod permanently locks GDI in their base with Flames+Arts. PP distraction by a tech allows Nod to rush AGT and destroys it, while a hotwire kills airstrip a little later. Snipers and Ravs roam the field while Nod's existing tanks manage very well with proper repairs, and end up getting a heroic flame tank to seal the deal. LakesideNF - Med spam controls field, and slowly rolls over Nod's base with mass tanks. Canyon - Nod wins the harvester and deletes GDI with flame tanks and artys. Officer rush almost kills HON, but wouldn't have mattered anyways. 4-0
  7. EMP grenades are anti-minefields. In original renegade, one big issue on the defensive end was laying down 1000 mines at a chokepoint, resulting in you having to repair a teammate walking into them (doesn't work as well anymore because mines do like 10x the damage) or you having to disarm one by one for a long time praying that nobody sees or hears you. Reason why defense is nerfed is because you don't win games by defending, you win games by attacking. And if attacking is impossible because of a certain defensive mechanic (minefields), games drag on unnecessarily. Also they serve as an alternative form of infiltration other than repair guns, sacrificing discreetness for faster overall disarm rates. Even then it's really easy to deny it, just repair the mines if you're inside the building; mine repair rate is way faster than disarm. Nothing wrong with allowing other classes than engineers to infiltrate buildings and do damage
  8. good old renedrama, half the reason why some of us are still playing the game
  9. Nope
  10. Forgot to mention, Tunnels Airstrip needs to be turned around 180 degrees so it won't be as easy to farm vehicles as they drop off @Henk
  11. The stank can do much more annoying things with its missile launcher on the top of the vehicle. There are so many spots where you can shoot at meds and they can't shoot back, such as the small hill next to the GDI tib on Field.
  12. Mic's not recording again sadly, look at Gliven's videos to hear me
  13. This PUG pretty much establishes that light tanks are the reason why Nod loses. Two artillery deal nearly the same damage as three light tanks, and as long as there's a technician on you the amount of HP you have doesn't really factor in too much. With a vehicle limit in RenX it would best to most optimally maximize damage output with the given vehicle count, and light tanks have the worst AT and anti-inf capability in the game. Flame tanks have nearly twice the damage output if not more, while serving as much better cover for technicians and thus playing a more consistent role as the damage soak. Stanks would replace Flame tanks on open maps and would still be a much more effective choice than lights as the damage soak despite having 400 HP because the reasons stated above, even when considering Stanks don't have passenger seats. Also on top of that lights give a generous amount of VP (+7) on recruit, 2 more than the arty and 1 less than flamers/meds.
  14. Islands - Nod rolls out pure arty with flame tank cover and locks GDI permanently in their base. Arts kill ref, nuke on WF, GDI surrenders after a failed inf rush on HON. Mesa - Artys wreck GDI base right off the bat despite GDI winning the harvester due to a buggy picking off reps. GDI tries an APC rush but failed. Glasses - Tanks battle it out for 30 minutes with Nod having the upper hand for the majority of the time. A multi-pronged attack on WF with stanks and AGT/Ref by artys destroys 3 buildings. Tunnels - Long tank/sniper battle for 40 minutes. GDI has the veterancy advantage despite their PP dying to infiltration and continues to farm vehicles as they drop off in the strip. Nod PP dies and they surrender. 3-1
  15. I think equally nerfing hotwires/techs would hurt GDI a lot more than Nod. From my observations, hotties are purchased far more often than technicians, and toning down their combat (heavy pistol) and removing flak armor would have quite an impact. Another thing that I've been thinking is probably a tank shell nerf that would lean more towards Nod's favor. Basically slow down all tank shells (meds/mammoth/light/arty) to a similar speed like in OG ren, so it makes it a lot easier to dodge things (light tank buff). Or just make LCGs strong vs vehicles again, since the patch buff and the spin-up can make quite a difference
  16. Nuke crates should be removed from the game
  17. The real stalemates happen when both teams are missing structures, most notably the refineries, and it doesn't matter what map it's is being played on. Game will last hours long because rushes are a lot riskier and options to blow buildings up get narrowed down.
  18. GDI nerf inbound
  19. I actually wanted to record myself commanding this week to help give people a better idea of how to do it
  20. He's joking, first person in renx is pretty much obsolete
  21. Games are long mostly because of flawed map design and lack of proper re-additive gameplay mechanics
  22. basically Goldrush was just won due to a rush and walls because of incorrect rollout from GDI (only saw quincy as syd and suicidal meds/mammoths) and holy shit my mic is awful
  23. @Quincy I'm playing on a laptop in 640p with 20 fps, so i'm not really useful with infantry
  24. Goldrush - Back and forth tank battle, sydney rush kills HON around the 20 minute mark. Meanwhile a solo stealth tank almost kills AGT, but after stopping a Nod rocket rush, Nod surrenders Walls - Nod goes heavy on Apaches while GDI goes mostly tank. As a result Nod controls plateau and GDI surrenders after a failed orca rush and some perma damage done to their buildings. 2-0
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