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Posts posted by isupreme

  1. With anticipation I tested this map today.   New maps rock

    I really like the buildings look.      I am curious how infantry actions might be unique in support of the vehicle  Highway.  No flying ?


    Totem arts server.   I could not join. no download rcvd.    I tried again after using CT serve and recieving map.

    CT beta test.    :)   I could join as it gave me the download .   


  2. Tonight i tried to join the Totem arts marathon server, but was unable to join game.   twice attempted.

    I seem to have bad luck trying to join empty servers  during this time  of the night,     ( aka   John Carter!  )    and other examples.

     Is there some weird lock out after 12:00 edt? ...    or my bad kharma that I often fail ?

  3. well,

    >look around the room.  Mostly dark and obscured, but some areas barely lit.

    1. >find streamers and deflated balloons.

    >remains of fun litter the floor and sounds of good times reverberate in the walls and floor.  Its as if a party of the century has been abruptly stopped.  Confetti, poppers.  empty champagne glasses......


    The sun rises and a new day begins. 

    > With broom I  sweep the floor. 

    > empties the dust into the bin

    >crosses stage left and exits.

    • Like 1
  4. Just some thoughts on the current situation with Field.

    1.  Why do we not have more maps like field?  Seriously   i .e: maps that players believe will build the server.    i.e. maps that players feel comfortable with in small population servers.

    2. Why not put the snowy version of field in the rotation?      At least if we gonna bail to field when things get small... we can try it in a def skin.

    3. Field teaches us that core of good game play is when all the players can see/ understand the battlefield.  i.e.  maps that are very big lose this aspect of game play.


  5. As someone who feels very active in the game, and a frequent user of the Forum,   I find the Preference for Discord problematic at best.  The Bias is obvious.

    I am glad that when ever there are new player posts with questions - they get feedback.     THAT is  Wonderful.



  6. I used to live near a Krispy Kreme.    Only two blocks away.   There were times when the smell of fresh donuts was irresistible.

    Sadly,   that  store was hit by vandals and burned....  never to reOpen.


    • Sad 1
  7. so...

    Blaming bots for crashing the game is a legit reason to force the server to Field?

     i.e.  Tonight.

    I seeded the server, I placed mines on both sides. I put in some bots and..... .  I waited until. ..  I found some fun when 1 Human joined.   NICE!   We Played around a bit had some fun.. made a few jokes...   ......we...  Welcomed a 3rd player... I Hoped for more fun....... then    BAM!  We are forced from Oasis to Field.


    I realize that FIELD is the new HOly Grail Magnet for filling a server.   Really.  I do.  But manipulating the player's experience to facilitate your server population serves only your self interest and not the players of RenX.



    It really GRINDS MY GEARS  when  players want a new map...  but  we get Plunged into Field hell again.  Seemingly because the server mod thinks we should.

    Let players Choose the next map.    Do not choose the map for us. 

    You might feel like because you are the moderator of a server that you know best what we need.   YOU. DO. NOT.

    Let us choose and suffer the consequences.   Don't take away our voting.


    For example:  just now we were playing Field X.   It was horribly unbalanced and no one was happy.   Eventually nod voted to surrender.   BUT instead of going to a map vote... we went back to Field X again.     ? WTH?



  9. I tried to play 2 Totem arts servers today.

    1. Defense server.   It froze up. bots froze up.      How does this work anyway??  do all humans work together?

    2. AOW server.      ITS NOT AWO!   cmon.       When the timer goes UP its not AOW.      Wake UP!   

  10. Where are you?    hmm...   Have  you not seen how often this server is active?

    Do you not notice the awesome late night   (est) games that can SPonTaniously Happen?

    .....     come back....


    Come back!!!


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