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Posts posted by isupreme

  1. Gex_str 

    Great comments and information.   I will differ on one point tho...


    Re : personal buffs


    Can lead to people using it to buff themselves and more or less turn into one man army

    I do not believe this to be true.     Imagine you buy an offensive buff for yourself.  It is not that much of a buff really.  You are a bit stronger, but truly the buffs require a large number combined to be really effective.   { ok in small population matches the buff may be a bit strong but.... }

    As buffs are used now, it usually takes a large  % of the team being buffed to make a difference.     One lone rocketeer who buffs is not going get much done.    But!!!   If 4,5, or 6 players all spend money for buffs... and then set them off together - now that could be some first rate action.

    I feel that no matter what ability you give to players, there is an appropriate balancing mechanism.   What about the  enemy players who bought a defensive buff? 

    Overall the players should have the maximum abilities and the role of commanders should be reduced.   Commanders are so very....  Old school.    Look at modern warfare today.    Armies that rely on top down control are vastly inferior to armies that are built upon soldier initiative.    Sometimes this dependency on Commanders reminds me of how wars  were fought in the past.    It is time that RenX looks to the future.


  2. RenClassic thank you for your comments.    It is a lot to comment on, but I would like to add my 2 cents.

    #2. Nukes


    Make. Nukes. Fair. I dont want to hear anyone complaining about nukes ever again regardless of "population". Its a stock game mechanic that has been built into the game since 2002.

    Yes.   I have grown increasingly unhappy that players expect certain behaviors in low  population matches.   People need to practice, and not just with bots.    Commanding and beacons should be encouraged.   We fear too much the killing of the server.  This also becomes a chance for players to be abusive to each other, sadly.

    #3 Crates   Please do NOT  enable sbh snipers again.   That is good way to drive off new players as well as piss off some of the rest of us.  

    #13 demining    YES!   Harvy control should be possible by voting.   

    #15 vote abuse.  I agree more should be done to curtail the overwhelming stream of input the players must process.

                               YES!!   More should be done to tailor the size of maps available at vote to the  population size.

                              But,   I would say no to cancelling the restart map option.   It is very useful.

    #19  Surrender after 1 building loss is sometimes appropriate.     At first I hated the existence of the surrender vote and I was very vocal about it.   But as time went on I came to understand it's ability to keep players engaged and not just waiting for the next map.    RE:  surrender after 1 building can be my preferred choice if:   The action and points clearly show the team is losing, and/or if the building destroyed is THE most important one to the team.

    #20  Individual CP      I have been arguing  FOR this for some time.     The giving over of abilities to a Commander removes the personal initiative that drives the best part of game play in RenX.     I would like to see small personal buffs purchasable.   There can always be a limiter like a timer or  max number allowed.

    #31  Yes the need to scroll for map selection is a small problem.

    #34   Yes we need to see the bounty on ourselves.    I am glad the game included this mechanic.   Lotsa fun in it.

    #38    As someone who often uses bots to make tiny population matches a bit thicker and longer,  any help with bots would really be appreciated and beneficial to the community.   

    #44    Silo  status shown.    Yes.   I  did hear there were some plans for this to be done a while back.

    #45   Voting on beacons allowed.    I recently advocated for this on another thread.   The argument was made that it would be too confusing for new players.     I am not sure if I agree, but I do understand the position.                               

    #47  game message for killing nuc holder.       Yes

    #50    Totally agree w ya there  :)

  3. You know that funky smell you get when you use a repair tool?    I never gave it much thought.    O sure we were warned that it was toxic and to something to avoid.   But the other day a REP member cornered me after the meeting with a lot to say.   In short, it was his opinion that the fumes were addictive.   WTH ?  He went on and on about the possible side effects of doing repairs.   I politely listened, tho frankly skeptical.   But one thing he said has stuck in my head.    "Why?   Why do you think folks stand at the building  MCT and repair and repair and repair?   Why do they do it sometimes when the building is not even damaged?   Why I ask you ?    It is because they are Addicted to the Fumes!"

    Now I am wondering. . ..  Maybe my habit of doing repair work out in the open air has spared me from this?

  4. REp  Log.  Entry 523.

    Some Fav memes from fellow REP members.


    STAnd StiLL wont ya!!!!!!

    Why am I out in front?

    Won't someone think of the Cow ??? !??

    This building is so doooooommmmed.


  5. Silv,   Thank you for the informaton about how Harvester VP works.   I did not realize it was low at the start.

    Hicks, your most recent post included the idea to create votes for very small population games to regulate the use of beacons.   I have often wondered why we do not have the ability to make these votes.

  6. I often use bots.    It is my opinion ( no facts)  that using high numbers of bots greatly increases the crash chances.

    32 each side would be pushing the high end limit.   Maybe try using less might avoid that pain.    I would be curious if you try this and what you experience.

    Myself, I try to use some high level bots  ( 7s and 8s) mixed with some low levels for target practice

  7. The effect on the obelisk is awesome.

    I would be  pumped to see what these ideas achieve.

    for me,  anytime we can give players abilities to shape the battle - then we give them more power.. or at least the Feeling of power...   The better.

    i.e.   more abilities = more dynamic fun.


    >looks for the FPI server .......

    • Like 1
  8. I like how fast the launcher pops up now.  Very nice.    Also, it is nice that if you happen to leave the launcher on (but you minimized it and forgot it was on) - if you click the launcher icon then the launcher simply pops up.   No annoying notice that you were stupid and its already running.

    • Like 2
  9. The Official Totem arts server currently uses bots.     

      I have often made use of them when we are low population.   If the bots crash then the default map is usually Field, which is also favorable  for low population.     In my experience the crash rate is fairly low when the bots are not tooooo  many.

    I find when there are less than 8 players then players will vote for them....  then usually dump them when over 10 players.

    I say all this because I consider  FPI restorable structures as also beneficial to building population in a server.  - and we need that sometimes.


  10. Quote

    Effective immediately, our new Totem Arts Launcher will replace the existing launcher for Renegade X.

    Really?    You couldn't say:   Presenting the new Launcher!   

    or you couldn't say:     We are proud to announce!

    Instead  we get  the Offensive and impersonal :   Effectively immediately?

    You Will Comply~!!!



    • Haha 1
  11. I know bots got problems.   I understand they crash to field sometimes....

    I like using bot.   I cannot lie.

    When the server count is very low...  like  NON exiistant.   ( 1, 2, maybe 3? )..   Bots can really help the game play.

    Currently, my favorite  Bot Recipe is:      3 8s, and 3 1s.

    Some challenge and some turkey shoot.     I have seen 5s take down buildings and 8s dont mess around...   but everyone needs to shoot some 1s dont they? 


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