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  1. No city, no fun.
  2. Regarding the end of windows 10 support, I think that by the end of this year I must change to a linux distro to keep my computer secure. Is there any guide for dumbs like me to follow up and install it on linux? I was thinking about a step by step installation guide. Thanks!
  3. No city no fun.
  4. I'd make timelimit. maybe 45minutes. 5h field feel a little too long
  5. DDOS protection sometimes block legit people.
  6. I could suggest to make your own copy of the keybinding. I think the file is located in \Renegade X\UDKGame\Config\DefaultInput.ini Please correct me if i am wrong.
  7. Will firestorm have cnc mode? how many maps will be available at the beggining? Do you plan to release more maps after that?
  8. To be honest, I didn't remember this layout. I prefer this one, 2 purchase terminals instead of 1.
  9. No city, no fun.
  10. I don't know what you mean
  11. Do you still have soundbug? I think i didn't have sound bug for 1 year at least.
  12. City and walls (both flying) are the best of original renegade maps. to be honestI wish city more than FS
  13. Same happens to me but I have never tried to connect to it.
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