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Posts posted by Handepsilon

  1. While I'm all about helping commanders, I'm not sure if PMing them a vital information that is also very relevant to the rest of the team is actually a good move.

    I mean, you can do that if the commander is unresponsive to your first or second warning, but if you're warning about possibility of rushes, then you shouldn't have PM'd the commander. You should warn the entire team for that. I honestly would feel better as a commander if the team member actually communicate ideas or warning on the team chat instead of dumping the responsibility of choosing and relaying warning solely to the commander.

    I dunno, but having to retype stuff all the time especially if I'm in the heat of battle or trying to do other things is not ideal. If you do need to highlight important stuffs via PM, I'd also appreciate it being sent to team chat as well so other team would know what's up. Imagine if the commander is in the middle of the field battling their tanks out and trying to stay alive, and then you PM'd the team-important info to the commander, completely banking on them to stop whatever they're doing to relay that info to the rest of the team instead of just telling it to the team yourself.

    More on that, I personally feel like that's a cowardly move. If the idea fails or the warning turns out to be false, the responsibility lies solely on the commander with nobody except the Comm or the PMer knowing who exactly suggested it in the first place.

  2. Armor modifier's a thing (kevlar resists bullet,  flak is weak to them). Health and armor number got changed. You need to scope to not have bullet spray. We also had the TTK lowering a few months ago. 

    That's about it regarding things related to snipers,  I think

  3. We won't. As implied,  the team already recognized the problem with putting commander in charge of the whole team.

    My beef is not really whether or not the team can function with it, but rather what usually happens when it doesn't.

    I feel sorry for commanders who gets the flak for losing, but at the same time I have little to no respect to those who talks down to their team for messing up. 

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  4. Before I get to the point, I just want to state that this isn't a topic to urge a change in the Commander function itself or any other mechanics. This is just my thought on the mechanic itself based on my personal experience, so feel free to take it with a pinch of salt.

    Without further ado, let me get straight to the point : Commander is a flawed mechanic.

    That much is known to people, including my fellow dev. On paper, it's sounded logical : an FPS with RTS mechanic, having a role where you can be a pseudo RTS player in the game... taking control of units and pointing them towards victory. Unfortunately this is not what happens in RenX. These units will judge you for failures, rebel against you for orders that doesn't follow with what they want, and they cannot be controlled the same way you control squads in RTS.


    There are multiple reasons people doesn't find commanding in public games appealing. Self-esteem is one, when you are around people who's so much better at you and you feel like they should command instead. On the other hand, frustration on the team's uncoordinated antics can also make people averse to take on the role. Of course, the most notable reason of all is the pressure.

    As a commander, you're basically in charge of the rest of your team. Doesn't matter if there's no enforced mechanic. Everyone will look up to you for ideas; everyone will attempt to give you one whether in teamchat or private; and most importantly, you will be the easiest target to blame on failures.

    It's easy to shift blame on others before yourself. Commander berates their subordinates, the grunts berate their leader, the players blame their team for their loss. It's a common sad sight, and it's all the more reason why elites among us would rather play as the regular joe than taking the commander shoes, despite knowing all the metas.

    Closing thoughts?

    Really, the problem with commander mechanic is ingrained with the social problem of RenX. You have a team full of strangers, with varying skills and knowledge. Sometimes your combined effort works, sometimes it doesn't. This is all fine. What's not fine is the atmosphere that I see when an attempt of teamwork just doesn't work out.

    Instead of quickly blaming your team for losses, perhaps we should look more on ourselves. After all, you're playing as a team. Their victory is your victory. Their failure is your failure. No matter what failing the rest of your team has, you are also at fault one way or another.

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  5. That won't work. The scoreboard is designed to intercept ANY attempt of input key even when it's not used for the scoreboard (sadly). Printscreen *should* work though, without any other key involved.

    Steam MIGHT take some resources, but there's barely any spying unless you count the whole ID saving on our end, which we really only use to track down cheaters or rule offenders ingame

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