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Posts posted by Handepsilon

  1. Hatred? Heard from a news that mentions Epic's request for removal of their logo in the trailer

    Some opinions says that it is because of the game's main, not optional, goal of killing innocents for no clear reason

  2. Well, monetize it!

    Just kidding. Yeah, I was expecting that. Too much work to realize it

    I'm also thinking about a mode where only one team gets a base while other team needs to destroy it/infiltrate it/complete certain objectives in an allotted time. That kinda sounds like UT's assault, yea, with classes and limited vehicle assets.

    Off topic : would be nice to see the 'full version' of the buildings too. I still remember getting lost in HoN trying to find the MCT in single player. Then I also was like... 'oooh, cozy bunkbeds', but yea, you get the point

  3. I believe this won't work, but I'd love to see RTS coming straight to FPS, and not just with buildings and charrie, but the whole system itself

    Imagine driving an MCV, or be those engies that actually capture buildings. That'll be a crazy gamemode

    So, something like Natural Selection?

    I'd like to see something more of a compromise, though. The MCV driver deploys, then controls the base, becoming the commander. Basic infantry are controlled by the commander. Tanks are deployed without drivers, and guys have to be sent into them. Commandos, however, have much better stats than basic infantry. This extends to them taking over vehicles. They are also player controlled. Commanders can give them general orders which they are rewarded for following, perhaps with increased veterancy points, but they can disregard them.

    I don't know what you mean by Natural Selection

    I think it would be a complicated mode to code on (the devs need to know how to actually code a proper RTS, and various buildings and models need to be made) but at the same time, sounds awesome. I don't suppose there'll be too many complication with buildings, seeing they're most likely either one big mesh, or prefab

    Random Scenario :

    Commando : "Sir, I need a Mammy ASAP!"

    GDI Commander : "Noooo, I'm saving our precious money for APC rush, go F yourself!"

  4. I see where you are coming from. I too have experienced the misfortune of being on an uncoordinated team as opposed to one that does an instant APC rush. I do not think that we should simply disable donate function for first 3 minutes of the game, however.

    If communication was more intuitive in-game, teammates could easily organize things without knowing each other. I believe a big addition everyone is waiting for is in game voice communication. Its teamspeak until then.

    That's exactly what happened to me today in X-mountain. Nod APC rolls past me filled with 4 players. I tried warning my team about it... but I was surprised they weren't stopped at all, even more surprising when they reached our PP which were in the deepest layer of the base according to its' route

    Even more surprising yet, it happened again in the same game to our refinery... or was it barracks?

    Off-topic : I believe a feature like a battle plan menu where people can share tactics by marking things and drawing lines would be nice... like the one in Empire Earth II

  5. I think that's because those packages are cooked

    Would love to see the release source code of Ren X to.. you know, fool around... but it's not very likely, plus problems will arise, like custom builds that are totally broken and cause builds to pile up that it's hard to determine the official ones

  6. Menu selection

    Engineer and Rocket Launcher holds their weapons as if it's a rifle on the selection menu. It looks funny in the latter's case, since the bazooka seemed to be floating above the soldier's hand


    In First Person Mode

    You can cancel animations of weapon reload, but not the reloading itself, and you seemed to be able to reload while sprinting, and the animation went to normal walk after that, then blinked a bit when you finished sprinting

    Also, if you sprint to ladder, you still looked like you're sprinting even though you're already climbing.

  7. I'm switching back and forth from battery power and AC power (AC Power lags more). It'll be a good idea to add settings on the pause menu rather than jumping back and forth from menu to game. Had to do this to prevent the game from lagging... and it's quite annoying...

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