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Everything posted by DeadlyCobra

  1. I understand why there should be a difference between abstain and no. However with the current system an abstain actually acts as a no and No acts as double no. If you have 20 players (10 votes to pass) and 12 abstain then no matter how many of the remaining 8 vote yes, the vote can never pass. Wouldn't it be better if an abstain actually acted as an abstain and removed you from the vote? So 20 Players and 12 abstain means that the vote would be between 8 players so 4 yes votes would pass it? (Just me thinking out loud, the above system wouldn't work because people often miss the vote by accident and you wouldn't want something important like a map change being passed by 4 ppl, etc)
  2. I experienced something similar. It's only happened to me once though and I've no idea how it happened but I used up all my proxy mines and could not refill them again, making my hotty somewhat useless
  3. I'd rather have this then have someone on defence properly mine the entire base and then lose connection/leave. You'll go from defended to completely vulnerable in seconds. You could make it so that players can remove mines of there own team but that would allow grievers to screw things up so you would have to limit it to just own team mines of players that have left and then its only useful in limited situations. Maybe you could implement a mine tutorial overlay that could then be forced to be shown to a player if enough fellow team mates vote to show it. It could be done with a few other topics too and would certainly help new players out that don't read chat log
  4. Don't know whether this has been discussed before but I'd personally like to be able to hold a key to bring up a full screen/largish chat log of say the last 20 chat messages (excludes the generic messages such as Defend Building, attack etc). I am aware of the chat log in the ESC menu but I'd like something quick and as far as I know the ESC menu chat has all the generic messages mixed in
  5. DeadlyCobra


    I think I was in the game OP mentioned or at least a similar one. Many times a rush failed cos someone stopped and blocked and also although rushes were organised (somehow), no one seemed to organise what to attack, seemed to be a free for all. I'm always quite happy to support tanks with a hotty (I'm usually more useful to the team as support than attack) and always get a hotty when I get a tank so I can assist when I lose vehicle but it seems so futile when the tanks don't support you (eg running away leaving you exposed) or just point whore without doing anything constructive.
  6. I thought on first reading that vehicle drops meant that when a vehicle was destroyed it would drop something, I was hoping that I could run around as infantry with the cannon of a mammoth tank that was dropped when it was destroyed. Still air drop of vehicles is pretty cool too
  7. You could also put the number on the purchase tiles in the purchase terminal menu, that would avoid having to design logos too.
  8. It made me so happy Just type allweapons into the console in skirmish mode. Also noticed that in ghost mode you can drop ion strike/nukes from any height, some serious bot carnage when you combine it with unlimited ammo. p.s. anyone miss the old days when UT3 used to have a large online community?
  9. Nod should of let them win just for the effort they put into making this monster
  10. They should get the screen in the middle playing renX too
  11. Never really thought of it that way. Guess you learn something new everyday
  12. I'm sure there is a huge list of minor tweaks like this, each one only taking a few minutes each but it soon mounts up. I'm not saying don't do the minor tweaks, I'm just saying that it being a beta I would prioritize game play bugs. I can live with people flying off map, I can't live with the constant crashing. Just my 2 cents
  13. This is a very minor bug and I'd rather they fix something that actually helps gameplay rather than just cosmetics
  14. I was there too, the problem was that I couldn't reach the ID number to raise a kick vote. I think we managed to kick him in the end but 2 mins later he was back. Hoping beta 3 fixes this voting system
  15. You can't repair a building that has been destroyed. If it has a percentage health above 0% then point your gun at the master repair terminal (the only terminal that isn't a terminal you can purchase an item from)
  16. I only come here for the kitchen designs, have no interest in playing Renegade but I heard that this forum was the place to be for trendy kitchen designs. On a more serious note, banning a bot doesn't work, it re-registers as a different name and continues as normal, you have to stop them being able to register in the first place to fix it.
  17. Get in the vehicle as a passenger and press 1. You automatically overrule the bot and get control of the vehicle. Shame this doesn't work on real people when they steal your vehicle.
  18. Here is a crazy idea: add a scanner onto the humvee which decloaks SBH's within a certain distance. This would allow a defensive team mate to drive around looking for them.
  19. Love the video. It'd be really cool if you could make a video showing the entire development of the map but use either timelapse or film everything and speed it up. So over say 10 mins we get to see the map made from start to finish (with maybe an hour # timer at the top).
  20. I was told you can use first part (4+ characters) of a username providing it is unique.
  21. I wouldn't really call most of the suggested stuff features though, more tweaks. Features I would class as big stuff such as buildings, characters and maps.
  22. +1 for the Titan
  23. That is something I would like to see: partial refund when you switch character.
  24. Think you may have the wrong end of the stick. He's not talking about credits, he is on about points. In AOW after the time limit is reached, the team that wins is the one with the most points not credits.
  25. Don't think I ever saw it get properly jammed, could always push it back onto its normal track (back to the tiberium) but it wouldn't surprise me if it could get permanently stuck. Plus the smart players would usually remember to set it free again. I think that currently its pretty good as the harvester can go over you when you drive at the front but it just needs a little something adding to it so you can reverse into it and it jumps over you instead of pushing/blocking you.
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