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Everything posted by Nero

  1. Sorry for replying so late... My net was having issues this days. I even tried to reply today 4 times and every time I pressed Submit my net was off......... Anyway. If you refer to the building package and so yeah I have them. But if it isn't that I don't know what you refer to. I'm trying to upload the files so you can check them if you want Ruud, and everyone who wants to get them. They are all the Nod buildings and units in blue I made months ago. If you find a way to make them into the multiplayer that would be awesome. P.S: I haven't checked because my UDK crashes (I should update it probably) but its possible that both Stealth Tank and Raveshaw Railgun have the alternative skin that its found in UDK (the black and awesome one that should have made into the game) They are not blue but way cooler imo P.S2: Link https://docs.google.com/uc?id=0B_Sj-2bA ... t=download
  2. Blue Obelisk has been out there for months already sadly never got into the game because it would require to change archives and if players doesnt download them they wouldnt be able to join the game ^^ Enjoy http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/f ... =426276444
  3. Not going to lie... rappelling sounds useless when we all already have parachutes. Airlifting vehicles MIGHT get considered down the line... like WAAY down the line. Imagine people airlifting mammoths or MRLS/arties to top plateau on walls. No base will be safe 8)
  4. COuld be a nice idea for those who can't make it at Saturday.
  5. I will be here all day. We also have a backup server if needed. If I'm not on TS then I will be on TmX IRC. Anyway I will try to be at TS since 8:30 pm GMT. So the PUG will be at 9pm? On TmX forums 2 players said that they can't make it at 9pm but yes at 10.30- 11pm.
  6. Nero

    UDK (First Time)

    Sorry. Edited the post. I don't have an english OS so I tried to translate it ^^"
  7. Nero

    UDK (First Time)

    To open the SDK via file you need to creat a shortcut, right click the file, go properties and type after the "Target" editor. It would en something like: "C:\Renegade X SDK\Binaries\Win32\UDK.exe" editor (Don't forget the space between the directory and "editor". I think is easier just making the shortcut than making a batch file, etc.
  8. Last week we were waiting for some time to make the PUG but as I've been told, bong didn't show up that's why it didn't took place. Sorry if I'm wrong, I wasnt on TS because I was in another server with some friends, but I was waiting for confirmation and nothing happened.
  9. First of all, I apologize for not making a post earlier, my PSU died and I couldn't make the post with more time. As everyone who weekly played on the PUG that B0NG hosted has noticed, last week it didn't take place. As we don't know if bong is going to host another one from now on the weekly PUG server will be made in one of the TmX servers. Everyone who wants to participate and join the PUG is welcome even if he isn't a TmX member. There is only 1 requirement, be connected on TeamSpeak on Saturday. Even if someone can't talk it is enough if you can listen . The time can be chosen if you think 9pm is not the best time for everyone. If not it will be at that hour. Let everyone know ingame just in case they don't see this post, is funnier with more people! We will also need to choose 2 new commanders (I don't really know how it was made on latest PUGs ^^) to lead the teams! Every team will have a 2-5 minutes pre-game talk before the game starts so they can set up a strategy and positions in the team. And I think that's all for now. I will edit if there is something new. Also, if you want to suggest any options, mutators... to make the game better as there were in bong's server (I only remember the 500 sniper with 7 bullets/magazine), feel free to post it here (or TmX forums) and I will try to set them up asap. Have fun ingame and see you tomorrow, soldiers! This is just to make the PUG more stable, if bong wants to host it and he just couldn't make it last week then he can say it, and if some weeks he can't host the PUG because he can't make it in time for it then we can host it instead of him. That will allow everyone to have their weekly PUG not matter what happens.
  10. Yo Yo Yo guys! Finally Nero is here with his creation is not really started, I will start today with the mapping but everything else like buildings, etc. are done. Please forgive me for my drawing skills . Well, let's get started to introduce the map. The map name is not its final one, it could be called Dead End but I will leave it up to you guys as I'm not really good with names It takes place in a red zone, just where one of the Tiberium meteors have fallen. The GDI EVA found some kind of energy emanating from here and they fastly built up a base. In a Nod attack to one of the GDI bases they found the information about the unknown energy source and Kane decided to come and explore what GDI could have found. When GDI first reached the place they discovered misterious buildings that magically appeared in their faces, it's thought that these buildings were hiden in some kind of other dimension while they built up an army. For some reason this unknown creatures weren't able to acomplish their objective and left the planet. Everything points that they came with the tiberium and that their technology is by far stronger than Earth's technology. When Nod discovered this, Kane quickly acted and made another base to gain the control of the ruins like he knew what they were. This is where the map takes place. GDI needs to defend the instalation and the ruins in order to be able to retrieve all the technology/data they can and Nod must control them so Kane can investigate further into the final ascension. With the introduction ended let's talk about the map: -As you can see by looking at the bases this map will have 2 AGTs/Obelisks, yeah 2. Why I took this decision is because this is a really important battle for both teams and they are fighting with all their forces. -The map is pretty big, not like Field or Walls. -There will be a silo in every base, yeah inside it to keep the players with some more credits that with only 1 silo in the middle of the field. -Both bases have 2 vehicle entrances and 2 infantry entrances, the bases are pretty big too and mines would need to be places more strategycally (I will try to achieve this objective so mining the inf. entrances won't defend all the base. Also I'll try to make the harvy walk to the first AGT/Oby possible without just being spotted by everyone. -I know you can see the scrin logo in the bottom left square, the reason why I didn't refer to them in the introduction is because Renegade/Renegade X takes places before the C&C 3 history so no one knows anything about them right now. -The center thing is a very big blue tiberium crystal. If you think green would be better then I'll make it green tib. All around this tib crystal is the infantry path which connects both bases, but be careful, if you get too close to the crystal it will severely damage you, not like normal tib ^^. The infantry path has 2 paths so it will make harder for both teams to just interrupt infantry rushes. With 2 paths normally only 1 will be used at a time. -The back infantry entrances to the bases aren't connected with the main infantry path. In order to get there you'd have to go up at the normal field (probably crowded with vehicles ) and reach the other side of it. And well.... that was all I typed a lot more than I thought I would type. I hope you like this map. I'll save some surprises, when the map is getting close to its final form I will reveal them! Keep tuned! Any suggestions/opinions about the name of the map, whatever will be appreciated. Thanks for your time! ^^ Some work that is already done: I think the blue tiberium crystals material need a bit less light so it wouldnt see that shiny. What do you think guys? I can even make it red tiberium of TS. Thoughts are appreciated!! For those who don't know. Red tiberium:http://gyazo.com/878...addd5641d820a4f Also planning on making blue crystals bigger as green crystals but wanted to ask first, may be they look better like they are now
  11. Can I ask something off-topic? How much in the world did this cost to you? .___. Do you plan to hack the NASA servers?
  12. Nero


    A campaign would be something really cool, I'd like to see one larger than the one RenX already has. I doubt this can be made only by us, so only Totem Arts would be able to make one if they want and if they have the enough time.
  13. This is my idea, and of course, even if this is accepted by everyone and some day makes it into Renegade X it won't be in B4. Everyone is complaining about the Havoc nerf (random spread over all). We must test it but god, I can understand the damage nerff, even if150 is too much, 180 would fit nice so you'd need a ramjet shot + pistol shot to kill a unit giving hime some more time to react (they are Tier 3 units, shouldnt be easy to kill by free units) but the random spread... No, please devs, don't do that as a lot of people said Renegade is a skill based game, luck has no option here (well a bit in some rushes or sneak in tactics, but no with snipers). On the other hand I was thinking in the multiple C4 for Havoc/Sakura and I had an interesting idea, at least for me. Here we go: What about keeping the current Havoc/Sakura as it is now, with the damage nerf and make that "Commando" class like the different outfits Renegade had? Let me explain. Default Havoc is the main anti-air unit with the ramjet and the main long range anti-infantry. Then we would have the option before buying havoc to change to the other "outfit" which would have another clothes (not needed but would be nice to see some more clothes like Renegade had) and to make the commando class as it should be, it would have a silenced semi-auto sniper with let's say 8 bullets/magazine and obviously not the ramjet damage, it would could have 80-100 damage per shot and like 150-180 headshot damage as it's a sniper rifle to don't make it the favourite sniper it would have the range like the PIC/Railgun but with low damage vs light armor vehicles and basically 1-5 damage to heavy armor ones, imo that would be nice as the silencer makes the bullet go slower and in consequence a bigger bullet drop which will make the weapon a shorter range. Added to this Havoc will have the double timed C4. Something like that is my idea, if the players like this, the other Tier 3 units could have another class with different gameplay so more strategies and gameplay styles could be made. I personally like it (as it's my idea... xP) I wouldn't like to see having only 1 class with it's role being changed almost completely and as the commando should be it would be an infiltration unit so the silenced weapon fits him. Also with this system the balance wouldn't be broken by that lot's of changes to one unit. So, what do you think? If we can give it a try to the Havoc changes can't we give this a try too? I don't know if this would be hard to implement as a dev, I know making a new weapon/outfit will take some time but is not a new whole unit, the basics are already in the game. What do you think, wouldn't this be better and funnier?
  14. You mean another games made in UE3? Because another games not from UDK I already said some of them . If that's what you're answering... - Mirror's Edge: 60 stable fps (Playing on 4k resolution) - Borderlands 1/2/The pre-sequel 50-60 fps (Playing on 4k) - DmC: Devil May Cry 70+ fps (Playing on 4k) - Thief 90 - 120 fps (1920x1080) No problems with another UDK games and my CPU never goes higher than 45-50ºC (I have a very good cooling system with lots of fans around the "world") If you need more info about the system or something just tell me what's needed
  15. I play and I've always played on Windows 8.1 with a resolution of 1920x1080 (full screen), I also tried to run the game windowed, it gives me 1 or 2 more fps but still in the same the windowed mode is a little more tiny but almost nothing, like 1780x1020 or something like that. I have W7 in another HDD so if there I can get more stable fps then I'd play using W7, but I don't think the OS will be the problem here... or may be yes?
  16. Because EA knows this can be a extreme sucess and they don't want to
  17. Yes I know AMD CPU and Nvidia GPU doesn't feel very good with each other but never had true problems with that combination, I want to get a new CPU from intel, but I just can't do it until.... who knows, summer or next christmas, but anway my problem is not related to the graphics (that's why GPU usage will never go up to 90-100%) I got max fps possible when playing but when more than about 26 players are in the same server I start to get fps drops, the more players, the less fps. I tried to play with 30 players/bots and I played at 50 fps a few more sometimes, then tried with 40 and got 45-50 fps, is not that low fps I know, that's why I said in my first post I'm more curious of what causes it than trying to find a fix. Here's a pic of a normal game with (thanks Afterburner): -GPU: Temp. / GPU usage / Fan Speed (this is just for me xP) / Core Clock -D3D9: fps -CPU: All the 8 cores usage -CPU temp. http://oi61.tinypic.com/264m2pk.jpg If as Truxa said is a optimization problem, then I should wait for upcoming updates ^^ but as I said in the first post, a friend of mine got up to 90 fps (not always but it's really hard for him to go down to 50 fps), idk which graphics card he has but can't be much more potent than mine and even playing alone with all graphics on the lowest possible I can't get more than 62fps. It's like my game had a limit, nonsense (v-sync is OFF).
  18. I have disabled the "Static decals" option as devs said it will give more performance to the game (that was the option devs said) before I changed the graphics card, I had a GTX 650 I could play the game on max settings but iwht the "dynamic lights" option with about 50 fps with some little drops due to some effects of the map (explosions didn't affect the fps unless there were 2-3 nukes exploding at the same time). Now I'm playing with that option enabled and got those fps but with the GTX 970 it's weird because as I said I should be able to run the game perfectly at 60+ fps. If AMD CPUs can cause troubles with the game, as with some games do, then I should consider changing my cpu too Edit: I tested some things, it seems that in low population servers I can run the game on stable 60 fps even in a ion cannon/nuke explodes in my head. The problem comes when playing on populated servers (20+ players), even if they aren't spamming vehicles as hell (what shouldn't be a problem) when fps starts to go down to 45-50 fps is when more players/bots are on the game. Edit 2: Forgot to test the game with low graphics (everything on low and ALL options disabled) I still getting 45-50 fps when 24+ players are ingame, it's not a graphics problem, guessing something?
  19. Before start I'll say that I do this more because I'm curious of what problems could someone have with the game or if there are known issues with some kind of hardware than to find a "fix" or at least know if it's because the game needs more optimization (that will come with future updates obviously ). Why I say this is because of this quote: I have an AMD-FX-8150 Eight-Core Processor (not many differences, almost no differences, with the FX-8350) 12 GB RAM and a GTX 970 I can run games like Watch Dogs (even with the bad optimization of the game) at stable 50-60 fps, BF4 at 100-120 fps and FarCry 4 65-75 fps all in ultra settings with no problems. But with Renegade X, game that doesn't have that high system requirements, is running at 50-60 fps with drops to 25-35 fps sometimes on nuke/ion explosion, EMPs and sometimes even when running through the map with a bigger field (like X-Mountain, Lakeside, Mesa II, specially in the cave). I have to say that they go up again to 45-50 fps in matter of seconds, but I should be able to run the game at least 60+ stable fps, as a friend do. To end I'll like to say too that my game for some reason can't get more than 62 fps, idk the reason but it's weird because my friend gets 90 fps. Is there a reason? Thanks for reading me and take your time to answer! ^^ ~Nero
  20. Hello
  21. Nero


    I was checking Nielsen site.... And I saw the prototype of the Railgun (the black one) I just thought... I need this *---* so I'll ask it any probabililty to have this super awesome skin of the railgun in a future day? :3333 Please.
  22. Thanks for the info Nielsen I really apreciate your job, devs. Let's rock & roll!
  23. Those "few weeks" are getting longer! How is it going devs? I'll appreciate if you can say something good about the patch status
  24. I remember 1 game from the old ren marathon, I believe it was Under. The game was a stalemate from the start, after 2 hours I quit to go to bed. The next morning I went back to check the game and it was still on! a solid 8 hours of 1 map! Thats the good old fun! Even more wonderfull (sorry) Vanilla World of Warcraft had this PvP zone called Alterac Valley. Back in the days, a single Alterac Valley game lasted for days or weeks even. It was a continuous tug-of-war without end. I enjoy those kind of stalemates, but when a team wins due to a glitch, thats sooooo off-putting, it ruins the fun for me. The "casuals" as you say, get bored after 10 minutes. But a solid game plan or tactic isn't set up in 10 minutes. These "casuals" are regarding Renegade X as "just another FPS" which HAS to be fast-paced and must end within a certain amount of time, like (yes I bring this up again!) CoD or BF4. RUN SHOOT KILL CAP DIE RUN SHOOT KILL CAP DIE RUN SHOOT KILL CAP DIE. Renx isn't like that at all, sure it is sort of fast paced, but the teams (GDI and Nod) are so different they require tactics and no head-on-engagements. I should say that not everyone is a casual player, probably most of them but not everyone, I played Renegade since it release and I always prefered a time limit (1 - 2 hours). Not because marathon isn't funny, only because I don't want to use the time I have to play in only 1 map or even leave without finish it.
  25. That was said 3 weeks ago, idk the meaning of soon now, but they are working on it. When they have a moment they'll come to the forum and say something about the update.
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