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Closed Beta Testers
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Everything posted by Nero

  1. Nero

    Joystick support

  2. Devs already said something and showed a screenshot on the Renegade X Facebook. It's not the forum but is enough to me, they still working and they do what they can, if any of you have lost the hope just forget the game. The game is not dead, the people who leaves (in Beta... lol) kills a game. Check Facebook
  3. Almost every game crashes in Beta, as i said the beta is there to fix these problems As devs said, release an anti-cheat program takes a long time and a lot of games of big companies were released without anti-cheat and they didnt have so much problems, only a few kids hackers who were banned in a week or two. Go to the war, you think 1 or 2 soldiers with machinegun can blow it up? of course no, tanks are tanks, you only need 2 or 3 mobius/mendoza or 1-2 engineers ambushing a vehicle and its destroyed. Tanks are tanks no infantry, right? Also the vehicle lag has been fixed (in servers with good net) and you can play and use tanks without that "parkinson". You don't believe me? Go play and see if im wrong. 12 years? Seriously? Make a mod for a game (Unreal Tournament 3) is not nearly the same as make a whole new game, develop a game requires A LOT more work, you will have, of course, more troubles with bugs, etc. So Renegade X hasnt taken 12 years (only 7 years) and you have to know that devs has only used their free time to develop the game. Other games like Watchdogs has taken 5 years with a full team of developers working on it, and the Final Fantasy XV has taken 8 years and STILL in development! There are no "mistakes", the game needs fixes and rebalances but if you have played more games you'll see that ALL games start unbalanced and with the time (not the first month, it takes 1+ years) they get more balanced gameplay. And I can tell more, if you played/remember the release of Battlefield 3, THE RELEASE, BF3 had had constant lag, crashes and a lot more issues, but of course if you see the game in the TV and you pay for it the devs "will do something fast" so don't worry. Finding the crash issues is not easy because the logs don't save the information about the crash (logically) and they are trying to do all they can spending their money to fix them, if you don't like them ok, don't play, but the game is not dead, people like you kill the game because you cant wait 1 minute every map change to join again the server or because "the tanks are too op"... Seriously go play Candy Crush Saga... (Sorry for my bad english..)
  4. Of course Renegade X need some changes but not only to attract new players. If you are a real gamer u dont need to make a game "like you want", as Truxa said, Renegade X is not Call of Duty, Battlefield or something like any other shooter. Ren X has its own gamestyle with its own units/weapons/etc. The world dont need an exact 100% copy of the original Renegade but you cant make a new game saying that is a remake of Renegade while it looks like Call of Duty more than the original Renegade. The Renegade MP is a brute diamond, a good gamer who loves strategic-teamplay shooters would play it but if he only tries to make the game look like another shooter which is not Renegade then is a rat kid. Also I can see that not a lot of people know what is a "Beta game" everyone is complaining about crashes, bugs and exploits and leaving. The game is in Beta because the Devs are still working on fixes for crashes and bugs. If everyone leaves because of that is just because they are kids, the devs need support to find out and fix the problems of the game, thats the purpose of a Beta and they are using their free time and their money to give us this awesome game again and fix all problems we report.
  5. I personally dont think that "bigger games" should give more points. 1v1 is an exception there you shouldnt win the same amount of points as in another game but I dont like 32vs32 games (if they return to RenX) its too crowded for what a Renegade map is made for. You cant go anywhere (and if your team dont help is worst) and the map is always with 7 - 12 tanks of each team. 20vs20 is acceptable but still a bit crowded for some maps like field, walls or islands. Little maps. I personally love the 12vs12 or 16vs16 games, not because I'm noob or dont know how to play just because i think the game wasnt made for that big amount (sneak in base is pretty impossible and the game gets boring with the time) and because of that i dont want to get less points than a player who plays in a 64 player server. The time of the game could affect the points but not the amount of players.
  6. I'm not meaning change map crashes. My game crashes while playin, loosing all the score and always when the match is finishing. I know is beta and the patch will fix crashes but only want to know if the patch will fix it or there is another fix. Here is the log. Thanks Launch-backup-2014.03.20-16.49.53.log
  7. Nero


    Well, I just wanted to say something about some people, is not for me in particular, i don't mind leaderboard too much but I can't stand that people who don't play with anyone and only farm points alone, how? I don't know it very well, may be with 2 computers, 1 afk and the other playing. In the SS you can see it. Between the 2 SS 4 hours have passed. Calculating 5*k points and 20 mins per game (is very difficult to earn more points so fast) a normal player can earn 60k points, may be if you are pro you can earn 7k points in 20 mins, but in 5 hours of matchs and before 130k points, only 23 kills...? Its a nonsense. I'm not crying about anything, just let people know that you can farm a lot of points in a few hours if you want to be top 1 in leaderboard. And may be mods can do something. I can't stand the people who makes the efforts of someone useless for a number. The leaderboard is there for something i think. Sorry if you don't understand something I'm still learning english. Screen Shots:
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