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  1. Updating the launcher seems to have worked, but I don't have time for a quick match now. Will report tomorrow.
  2. So I copied the files over to my installed directory, but the game wants to update from 0.63 to 0.65. It downloads, but then it gives me an error when beginning to install.
  3. I have the same problem. RenX Launcher has all the bloody permissions, I even tried turning off my firewall. It won't reinstall.
  4. You make your work look like a Renegade X Constitution with these amendments. "Versions" are for the uncool, I guess ; D ?
  5. Bye!
  6. About the loss of strip on Walls, it wasn't mined at all. At first I thought there were just mines at the door and not the inside door, but at a later inspection there were no mines in strip with the counter at 29/30.
  7. Yeap, I did not know about the new cave route. I thought the map was still stupidly Nod favoured, and becouse I spawned in HoN I went to attack WF as ordered. The team I got assigned to was really struggling.We only put up any fight on Xmountain and on Mesa beforehand (which we won with constant arty pressure, harvester snipes and silo control). The rest was mostly a disaster,
  8. I looks like very few people have come and it doesnt look like it'll start off.. Real shame. EDIT: The countdown suddenly gained one more hour. The PUG is on as normal I guess.
  9. Man, this is so cool!
  10. Guy from Poland here. Despite what they say in the wide world, it's not bad here - just the ususal political shitfest with people calling the other side the worst, it's just that our liberals have friends in western media and EU structures and are just that desperate to use these connections in an internal fight. I'm not saying that the current goverment is OK, mind you. As for US elections, I think both Hillary and Trump were terrible candidates from ethical and political standpoints. I am afraid America is slowly spiralling downwards and their position in the world will steadily crumble. Bad news for us, becouse Russians are living the USSR dream 2.0. right now.
  11. I really like this change. Organized attacks are no longer binary and it helps with breaking stalemates.
  12. Lt.Hargrove


    I don't even think that game accounts are needed. Sure, it's cool when the AAA titles have all these profiles with stats, badges and unlockables but it is completely not necesarry for a game that, let's be real, will never be super popular anyway.
  13. I managed to get around it by uninstalling RenX and redownloading the installer. It forced me to download 6 gigs, though.
  14. When I still played, all I did was playing 500 dosh snipers and killing techs/hotwires or mid-field SBH who c4d vehicles and supported the team by sniping repair boys or snipers with pistol. That was a year ago.
  15. I've stopped playing becouse game is too stale for me. 1. I am an active defender and have to camp my base the whole game on my own or with 1-2 more people from SBHs/stank techs/ninja hotties which results in watching mines dry in the sun for an hour with some breaks for skillful remote c4 kills on infiltrators with some Carbine rounds when needed. Defending from infantry is too easy when Tech/Hotwire can have necesarry firepower, area denial and heal/repair abilities at the same time. One man army. 2. I am an active solo player who tries to take out key targets and get rekt by people who are doing 1. 3. TAAAAAAANKSPAAAAAAAAAAAM!!! Seriosuly, some sieges are just unbreakable for either side. The last patch which allowed to buy vehicles after WF/Airstrip kill made games go on even longer, which crossed the line for me. I was supportive of more room for comebacks, but this one made losing buildings completely insignificant. Ref started giving too much money, too, so the very increased prices after building loss weren't so restrictive after all. I also had personal problems with maths at school which made me unload rage on other players (if you are reading this, sorry lads.) when I couldn't achieve anything. Some servers have mine limits set too damm high, they allow mines to be spammed with too much leeway, which is very frustrating for the opposing team. Some maps can have entire parts locked out of use by a 24/7 APC camper like Goldrush, Under and Field, some are imba like Canyon. This game has a lot of potential. It is certainly unique and has it's great moments. Soundtrack is more than solid, too. I think I'll come back to it after I'm done with my KF2 map (and stop looking at the materials screen like a dazed teengirl at Bieber's poster so I can get down to work on Installation). BTW, I made some signatures using my mad MS Paint and Power Point editing skills and use them everywhere. Lack of publicity is also a huge problem, so if you can, do it as well. Maybe a bloke or two will at least check it out.
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