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Everything posted by Severencir

  1. the only guess that i can come up with in retrospect is that the validation failed the first couple times. i can't say i remember clicking a confirmation message the first 2 times, but i can't say for sure
  2. i also included the render tab as that shows my dedicated gpu while display does not
  3. is having to verify multiple times normal? do you know of an easy way i can just run something to gather my system specs, or am i going to have to look up what i have?
  4. thank you for your help. i can't explain why, but verifying the integrity for the 3rd time seemed to have fixed it
  5. for additional information, attempting to join a server from the launcher causes the game to freeze
  6. i just saw there is another log file named differently with the appropriate time associated. Launch.log
  7. i just restarted and tried again with no success, here is the new log fileLaunch-backup-2020.06.26-14.15.03.log gotta love SSDs though
  8. most recent log Launch-backup-2020.06.26-13.28.30.log
  9. i can't seem to select anything upon opening the game from the launcher. i have not seen this issue reported elsewhere video of the problem https://drive.google.com/file/d/10HzM1CeCjwyKbjAKgomwFMDa-TRT73mz/view?usp=sharing
  10. i've tried playing with the settings in audio and have had no luck
  11. it's way too quiet for me, and i can't seem to figure out how to increase it's volume
  12. i considered that it's pretty much dead already, and i just figured it didn't hurt to suggest it, maybe something good could come out of it. as for the paying $1, yeah they'd be willing to, maybe, but it would be less likely they'd continue to do it over and over if they have to keep paying, maybe even something as simple as registering an account with a new e-mail to play may deter some simply because of the effort.
  13. first, not all games are steam exclusive. second, making a new steam account is as easy as changing your ip
  14. is it possible to require an account to log in and require anyone who wants an account to donate at least $1 to some other cause. keeping it cheep to not completely discourage people, and sending it to something else to not violate copyrights. this way, you can just ban hackers' accounts and eventually it'd become expensive for them to keep cheating.
  15. alright, i do appreciate the periodic comments, it's nice to know you guys aren't dead
  16. yes thanks for the update, that's all i can ask for, a new estimate would be nice though
  17. Same. I'll play again when the game is in a more polished state. But I don't want them to rush it either. Perfectly fine with waiting so long as the result is a much more complete release. completely agree there were new crashes occuring after the second was released i wasn't blaming anyone, i love what they've done, and i'm patiently waiting for the next version, because i don't want to play a game that i crash at least 6 times in per game Any honest person must admit that this is the crux of the situation. Why do 50,000 people download a free game but only 100 remain to play it? The answer can be deduced with some simple logic. RenX was released as a totally free standalone game with the hope that it would attract a larger audience than its previous incarnation as a UT3 mod. This logic is undeniably sound because a free standalone is obviously more enticing than a mod which requires ownership of a prior game. However the game itself has at least two major flaws which are off-putting to the audience it is trying to appeal to: 1. The game does not run well on ATI gpus, especially cheap ones, and that is the very hardware people hunting for free games are most likely to have. 2. The overwhelming reason most new people download RenX is because they think it is a free version of BF3 and once they see it is not they immediately discard it. Please don't get me wrong here. The devs have done something truly remarkable by releasing a totally free standalone fps game with modern graphics. Unfortunately if those two problems can't be addressed then I don't see any possibility of it continuing with more than a handful of die-hard C&C fans. i think it's impressive that people mistake this with bf3 in the first place
  18. i personally have been lurking here every day, in hopes that i would see a new release because i'd really love to play it again... but i really can't in it's current state
  19. already been done? http://www.tiberiumalliances.com/intro? ... fgodLgoAIg
  20. try the torrent, i know from personal experience that downloading large files is much more stable if you at least have a non browser management program/torrent client. microsoft has their own download manager, here (http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download ... x?id=27960) and i personally use bittorrent as my torrent client
  21. in the original cnc renegade, flame tanks tore apart vechs as well, not to mention, mammy camping is a big problem, and getting a hotwire on a mammy is much easier than a tech on a flamer, which would give the mammy the advantage
  22. i have 2gb ddr2 ram currently (cpu i bought with my machine was doa, using old mobo/cpu/ram until i get a new cpu) and i have no problems with lag as long as i don't run anything else.
  23. thought i posted a post saying this, but i guess i forgot to submit it, but yes, i have seen this too, except in my case it's usually fatal where in my gf's case it usually goes back after a couple seconds... the only significant difference between the two computers is that mine has fewer rams in the pasture. this only seems to happen when you SEE a vehicle explode, tested and confirmed with the two of us also, just a shot in the dark, but since end game reacts the exact same way to end game, maybe a similar string of code, or a similar effect, causing the problem? and i have the same issue with the crashes only in beta 2 EDIT: i'm tired and stupid, i forgot a thread can have multiple pages, and got all jumbled up with the posts... also, i only witnissed the vehicle thing on walls as well, now that i think about it thanks to the former post on the topic
  24. in addition to at the end of maps, i have noticed that very frequently (but not always) when seeing a vehicle explode (from death) it caused 3 different computers (my own, my gf's, and my friend's) to crash the game.
  25. as it mentions in his link, and just to save a bit of time http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download ... aspx?id=35
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