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Everything posted by Severencir

  1. true enough... but would it hurt to even just so much as ask EA for limited copyrights to the c&c franchise? maybe showcase a bit of what's been done and see if they would do at least a little, at no cost, to support it?
  2. what qualifies as a developer could someone join the team, invest their money, and then leave?
  3. no, basic infantry need triple stealth
  4. i do, why? yeah... $10 i probably shouldn't have spent
  5. yeah... no... i even went so far as to install a second fresh partition of windows 7 to check if it was a system issue, and had no luck... i guess between then and now the computer just decided to stop trying... have a new gpu and psu coming in the mail, thanks for your help though
  6. i have to say i'm a real stickler for adding content that wasn't in the original into this game, i hate the idea of changing so much it causes the game to be different entirely, including adding achievements, and other things people will work towards outside of winning each individual game game... that being said... i support this idea completely, though it still could cause people to just, say bombard a building all day for points and nothing else, it's not as bad as having an achievement system, and adds permanence to the games
  7. long before, and i plan to update that gpu eventually, but funds are tight and i can't afford to spend more than $50 right now, which wouldn't be enough my main rig is a GTX 650 anyway, is there anything i can do to get it working to hold me over to that point?
  8. yeah... i have been told that for years, but i never learn... ended up resorting to that in the end.
  9. i had this issue on one of my comps, it turns out when downloading the Xinput1_3.dll i got the 32 bit version of the dll when i needed the 64 bit version, try geting the right version and make sure it goes to the right place
  10. even tried a system restore, and no luck
  11. i installed on my gf's computer a while ago, and played a few games with her went perfectly fine. then a few days later it started giving very skippy lag on the main menu and in game intel core 2 quad Q8200 @2.33ghz (4 cpus) 8192MB DDR2 ram Nvidia GeForce 9500 GS tried forcing gpu tried lowering all graphics settings had minimal success changing res to 680x480 (i think, whatever the lowest resulotion available in the games settings is) at lowest graphics, but i can't have her play like that, and it still was a bit laggy all drivers updated directx 11 up to date
  12. this sounds interesting, but the game isn't designed to be that complex, it's designed to have a few major focuses and many ways to get to those points, also would be very dificult to code in and not worth it
  13. Screen Names: i agree, but it might be dificult-impossible to manage properly if it's anything like the original renegade... only real solution would be to make it steam only or something Settings: again i agree, but that would also cause problems with changing, say graphics settings, and forcing the game to reload half of it's self... maybe only include lower impact settings like key bindings, audio and such Chat: first half agree completely, second half... tilde Voting: yes Hints: yes Damage Indicators: maybe optional, i can see the use, but i don't want this game to look like an rpg shooter... no offense to valkyrie chronicle players Hotwire's Repair Gun: skin: sure, not too important though range: no, it would be way overpowered if there was less threat to the life of the hotwire while in a firefight Sidearms: yes Purchasable Repair Gun: no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no... major strategy changes and imbalances as well as risk/loss preventions... just no... Apache/Orca: if the armor was higher with original renegade-esque firepower/maneuverability, it would be very overpowered, (done it on cloud-zone many times) firepower/range/reload needs rework, verticle speed needs buff, otherwise love the handling of the vehicle Whiteout Turrets: full agreement Stupid Harvesters: you'll irritate some traditionalists with this one Purchaseable/Drivable Harvesters: maybe fan maps only, but not core maps Voice Communication: optional only, default set to off... maybe setup as a seperate process so you can turn it off to reduce lag (like in ddo) for computers that barely cut it to play this game Physics: physics are cool Beacon Timers: i agree with another solution in a different thread Airstrikes OP: totally
  14. i'm sure none of you remember me and you've been thanked many times, but here it goes... i am the son of chaotic warrior and the nephew of aknightwhosaysni(knightofni[knight]) and i heard of this project as soon as they did. renegade was the first multiplayer game i played and i was hooked as soon as i started. i have been waiting the full 8 years since i was 13 when i heard about it (i think) and keeping myself updated on it and i have to say, thank you for this. i thought, at first, the idea of nostalgia would make me immediately dislike the new release (the original is always better) but considering that this is the FIRST open beta release. therefore being mindful that things will still need to be rebalanced/fixed. i would love to say that i have had no disapointment playing this game
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