Screen Names: i agree, but it might be dificult-impossible to manage properly if it's anything like the original renegade... only real solution would be to make it steam only or something
Settings: again i agree, but that would also cause problems with changing, say graphics settings, and forcing the game to reload half of it's self... maybe only include lower impact settings like key bindings, audio and such
Chat: first half agree completely, second half... tilde
Voting: yes
Hints: yes
Damage Indicators: maybe optional, i can see the use, but i don't want this game to look like an rpg shooter... no offense to valkyrie chronicle players
Hotwire's Repair Gun:
skin: sure, not too important though
range: no, it would be way overpowered if there was less threat to the life of the hotwire while in a firefight
Sidearms: yes
Purchasable Repair Gun: no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no
major strategy changes and imbalances as well as risk/loss preventions...
just no...
Apache/Orca: if the armor was higher with original renegade-esque firepower/maneuverability, it would be very overpowered, (done it on cloud-zone many times)
firepower/range/reload needs rework, verticle speed needs buff, otherwise love the handling of the vehicle
Whiteout Turrets: full agreement
Stupid Harvesters: you'll irritate some traditionalists with this one
Purchaseable/Drivable Harvesters: maybe fan maps only, but not core maps
Voice Communication: optional only, default set to off... maybe setup as a seperate process so you can turn it off to reduce lag (like in ddo) for computers that barely cut it to play this game
Physics: physics are cool
Beacon Timers: i agree with another solution in a different thread
Airstrikes OP: totally