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Everything posted by Cherno

  1. On the "desert map" (can't remember the name), with the infantry-only cave/ancient ruins in the center beneath a flat, high rock outcropping, what is a viable defensive strategy for GDI? So far, I think GDI lost every match on this map because even as the tunnel that leads from outside under the base entrance to two openings inside the base gets heavily mined, SBHs manage to sneak through the main entracne (I imagine) to plant nukes all over the place, resulting in TBK (Total Base Kill) every single time So if the Hand of Nod is not taken out in the first few minutes, does NOD rally have a major advantage or is this just my imagination and GDI forces just have to suck it up and counter by massed Mammoth attacks and/or APC rushes?
  2. If several engineers repair the same buildings, that's called a good defense (of that one building). Keep in mind that these engineers are not available for other tasks or for attacking the enemy. So if that one building is decently defended, the attackers has to do a little bit of teamwork himself and go for another one; the defender can't have multiple engineers in every building. As for the repair cost in $$$: I would think that this is a very bad idea. Engineers already have a tought job that not many people really like to do, mostly keeping inside the base seeing little actuion, being armed with sub-par weapons, but nevertheless a job that is critical to success; they are the enablers and force multipliers. Without engineers, no vehicles get repaired, no buildings get repaired, no beacons get disarmed, and no on lay minefields or even watches our for infiltrators. So if doing that kind of job also means having to LOSE money for essentially doing what your class is meant to do, who would still choose an engineer over a more combat-oriented class? There has to be some kind of reward or no one would do this job. TL;DR: If a maaster terminal is spam-repaired by engineers, choose a different building to attack. Brute force with five Mammoth Tanks can work sometimes, but most victories get scored by a small band of infiltrators who manage to c4 and nuke critical enemy structures.
  3. Okay, I didn't follow the original Renegade community development (only played in the old beta for a few days), what is jelly?
  4. Okay, thanks. Those two APCs were probably saved from before then. IAdmittedly, I was a litte it aggravated because I was the only one who managed to take out a GDI building and nevertheless they won the round because those two APC carried enough saboteurs to blow our baase up
  5. Hello, I have one simple question. Is it somehow possible to build vehicles after the Factory has been destroyed? The reason I'm asking is as follows: On the snow map (with the tiberium hill between both bases, and the pilotable turrets), I managed to nuke the GDI Weapons Factory. "No more Mammoth Tank for you!", I thought. However, about five minutes later, the GDI forces rushed the NOD base with at least two APCs (can't remember if there were other vehicles). I can't believe those were vehicles built before the nuke, so I wondered if certain vehicles can be ordered egardless of the Factoy?
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