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Everything posted by Fffreak9999

  1. I intend to put a full test version out on Saturday. I still need to do minor things like lights and barrels and other obstructions, but once this is done (likely friday night), I will get it placed on the map test server and people will be able to download it. Don't expect it to look amazing just yet, since I am only getting the gameplay of it sorted rather than making it look good (that comes later) @Schmitzenbergh - If I need the help building it, I will let you know, that sounds pretty tempting.
  2. Thanks, I will be producing a newer version just before the Weekend, which will be including a massive new vehicle path, which nearly doubles the effective space in the map. Once all the basic meshes and landscaping is done, this will be the test version and then will update all the other little things like grass and the textures to improve the overall look. This is more a mechanical test rather than how good something looks
  3. It will be open pretty much all day on the testing server/s I will be playing a fair bit, so any comments will be able to be relayed straight to me. If I am not on, then you will be able to post on the forums for feedback purposes.
  4. Hi All, Would anyone here be willing to help test CNC-Woods this coming weekend (Christmas Weekend) This is going to be for making sure the balance is fine and no major issues and hopefully allow the developers to add to the new patch/s Please let me know your comments and if you would be willing to assist in releasing a new map. Thanks!
  5. Hi, I just saw a beacon placement that I don't believe is the intended design for this map. In the Nod Base, there is the tunnel that goes from the field to the Refinery, However just before you leave the tunnel to go to the Refinery, you can place a beacon along the wall nearest to the Air Strip, and this spot does hit the Airstrip. I haven't managed to get a Screenshot, but when I get 5 mins, I will try to get one.
  6. Which maps are you after images for?
  7. Hi Ruud, Feel free to add my map to rotation. Map name: CNC-Woods Download link: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B1Ch2 ... 3VJMVkzblk Topic link: viewtopic.php?f=135&t=75721
  8. I know custom assets need to be bundled with the map but I know a lot of the built in editor stuff is normally included with the base map file when saved. As to your other questions I don't know unfortunately only recently getting into mapping.
  9. Hi everyone, I have starting working a map of my own creation, called CNC-Woods (At least for now until I decide to finalize the map design). I just thought I would show you what it looks like, and get your opinions on what you can see. I have also made it playable for people who would like to test it out. (It is no where near complete, but it should give you a good idea how it will play. The intended game play is Ground Units only, so all infantry and ground tanks/vehicles are allowed, although with some tweaks to the map I could enable flying units, depending on people's opinion. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/ ... 3VJMVkzblk
  10. I am sure I read somewhere that what you are describing is intentional. From what I recall the timer is 30 seconds to disarm plus 10 seconds of animation. Meaning total time of 40 seconds. So if the timer ticks down to 10 the beacon becomes immune and the attack goes off to prevent what used to happen in the original where the animation ticked down with the last 10 seconds and could simply disappear with milliseconds to spare before detonation.
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