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Posts posted by Fffreak9999

  1. The game will only download the necessary data it needs to bring it up to date.

    If you are more than 2 patches out, it tends to download all the files rather than updating the files to the latest version.

    As it stands 5.2 is a lot of patches out of date. Considering Patch 5.21 was released back nearly 3 years ago, you are very much running an old install.


  2. Add an exception to the Windows Firewall if there isn't one for the Reneagde X Launcher. Just to make sure, Windows Firewall can be annoying at times

    I can currently see 4 CT servers, FPI and one other running at the moment, so there are definitively servers running.

  3. Walls has often been swings and roundabouts depending on balance, but in a situation where both teams are "equal",

    Nod often has an easier time, because infiltration is far easier compared to GDI's infiltration tactics.

    GDI used to lay down a high amount of vehicle pressure using Medium tanks and Mammoths. But when the Commander abilities were introduced,

    Nod were able to lock down GDI vehicles far easier.


    Another map that should be "balanced", look at Snow. Nod has a VERY high win rate due to the abundance of credits and the availability of EMP effects through Commander powers and LCG EMPs.

    Now all of the above factors mean little if co-ordination isn't taken into account.


    But in general: GDI often has better luck in large plains with a lot of choke points compared to entry paths, due to their vehicle strength. Nod succeeds where there is very few chokes or many entrances, and their fragile nature make them good at hit and run, but not in a slug-fest. 

  4. But the unit that still allows this tactic is the SBH, since as before, you still need dedicated base defenders constantly on the prowl to find the SBHs using this tool.

    You won't see many Soldiers or Rocket Troopers running in with a repair tool with success (post early game rushes) compared to SBHs using it.

    And even before the repair tool was introduced, you just needed to sacrifice a SBH to the mines and have 3-4 SBH chuck timed C4 on the MCT, and when you take into account, that 3 or 4 SBH can easily kill 2+ defenders reacting to the Timed normally, with their powerful laser weaponry, they are in a much stronger position than most Hotwires/Engineers.

  5. It indicates that map balance is a problem, since Nod has a SIGNIFICANT advantage with Stealth (Most likely the SBH more than any other unit), since it requires 1-2 people constantly dedicated to base defense to prevent SBHs doing their job effectively)

    • Thanks 1
  6. Not bad Madkill,

    Except DaKuja's tag line is the same as mine, which doesn't really make sense

    • GDI gain an [additionaly] Guard Towers
    • Mines are replaced within [a seconds]
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