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Everything posted by TotemAatz

  1. TotemAatz


    Yeah TTK and recoil dont go well hand in hand if you ask me, i dont like it in renegade and think it should be removed, but thats not to say that i got issue killing people, its just that it makes hitscan much more viable as i find myself using hitscan all the time outplaying characters within and over the same cost range.
  2. TotemAatz


    Well i got the same feedback from most of my friends trying to get them to play this game but for me having played this for a few years now don't really see the game the same way and is why i feel its hard at times to put myself in a new players shoes, but i agree, something could be done but im just not sure what.
  3. Well in that map i think air is more for clearing mid and a strike force drop into the enemy base and that's about it.
  4. Well the HUD and its Damage indicators have been spoken about many times and needs some tweaking. And for headshots, dont everyone see the enemy you headshot head blow off? And the even more talked about topic, airstrikes, i think we all (or mostly) agree they need fixing or just the option to turn it off in general.
  5. Well as long as i stop getting the spam something is fixed when the same guy is repairing that 99% to 100% damage its all good.
  6. you wont get 128 people on renx im sure, also i pref 32 or 42 servers.
  7. I remember both of you from that lakeside game yesterday, people were complaining but I actually saw him miss a few shots (all on free inf running of course, bar was destroyed...) Thing about renegade is that you can do crazy scores if you know what youre doing. Also the addition of airstrike makes it really easy to rack good scores.
  8. True, some maps are really one sided, but that is the great thing about being able to select which maps the server rotate between
  9. Cant wait for proper Marathon and server settings to come up so i can see if this game lives up to the old Marathon feel Its great to fight for hours, leave to get some food and come back and the game is still going and probably affected by what you did before you returned. Its great.
  10. Would be great if they added this.
  11. This must be Raven's fault. However it should be fixed, ASAP.
  12. And when everything blows up you feel great and the enemy teams morale gets demolished and you pick off a win
  13. Teamspeak - Mumble - Vent the list goes on, however a ingame option would be cool and more would probably use it that way.
  14. Renguard.... For everything that's holy not Renguard...
  15. TotemAatz

    Ingame Hud

    The UI is fine as long as they add that HP and possibly the Ammo counter because atm i keep pushing to much because i don't think I've taken any damage at all
  16. Good Afternoon, Commander! You must be lost, this is not your precious Blue Zone, this is Nod territory! I tell you what - I'll have my forces to send you home.... in a body bag. http://www.brotherhoodrecruitment.nod Brotherhood. Unity. Peace.
  17. If we boink enough maybe Seth will be reborn.
  18. One of the problems is you wont hear the announcement. But i also think with 700 creds being able to deny the whole enemy advance ether way is stupid because you let them advance that far in the first place.
  19. Yes, i do think the airstrike can be a good tool to make packs of snipers or tanks to spread out making a point of assault viable for the team calling it in and that it should not be used as a mean to get rid of the whole enemy forces. Also i think it should be up to each server administrator to decide if they want stuff like Airstrikes in the game or not, as not everyone like this feature those who pay for the server should be able to decide if they want it in theirs or not.
  20. I think you fail to see what we are trying to point out, with as much going on at the screen there is no way to see the laser, its hard enough to see without there being explosions around and for the voice, when something like, idk, bombs and tanks shells going off all over and people using "I NEED REPAIR" commands you wont even notice it at all.
  21. Same issue, mostly getting killed zoomed in spawns you in 1st but also clicking right mouse fast with the toggle aim option off will make you stuck with a zoomed in FOV and moving like a turtle until you zoom in and out properly.
  22. I won't censor myself because others need the game to hold their hand. What? Hand holding? It got nothing to do with hand holding, there is currently no way to notice while in big combat if someone from miles away is targeting you, there needs to be a circle or giant arrow or something to show this area is being bombarded and at the same time make it so it don't hurt inf as much, as airstrikes can and have been abused already to cover beacons.
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