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Everything posted by TotemAatz

  1. You should remove that name.
  2. Reason they are so good is because they can buy weapons and those weapons stay with you after death. APC rush is a valid tactic and if you let them in you deserve to die.
  3. You must be new to renegade And that is while i was alone in the enemy base planting nukes and probably died 10 times there alone, i could of camped and racked a amazing 75-3 probably but we would of lost. I'm not saying they did not cheat, just that its not really all that hard with common sense and understanding of game mechanics.
  4. TotemAatz

    patch ?

    Patch? Here ya go.
  5. qBittorrent best torrent. Also ISP companies got no idea what you download tbh, they called me during the steamsale and said there was a lot of "fileshare" going on from my side, when i was downloading 100gig+ of games without even having torrent apps installed at the time. Its bullshit and as long as you dont over do things they will have a hard time finding out. However Netflix, hulu and all those great things are out there and so easy to use, search ,click and play in HD.
  6. It's running a Integrated HD 4000 chip, benchmark - http://www.videocardbenchmark.net/gpu.p ... el+HD+4000 There are numerous reveiws for your notebook saying that it isn't meant for demanding gaming at all, mostly because of the fact it's running an HD4000. There is literally no other way to state this, but you're going to have to find a computer that is meant for gaming, rather than office work. I freaking know!!!! I know! I know! I know! I know! I know! I know! I know! I know! I know! I know! I know! I know! I know! I know! I know! I know! I know! I know! I know! I know! I know! I know! I know! I know! I know! I know! I know! Are you sure?
  7. What the tiberium did you just say about The Brotherhood, you little GDI soldier? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Black Hand, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on GDI, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in interrogation and intelligence and I’m the top Confessor in the entire Nod armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my words. You think you can get away with saying that propaganda to me over the EVA? Think again, soldier. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the globe and your EVA is being traced right now so you better prepare for the firestorm. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you Global Defense Initiative. You’re done, soldier. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my faith. Not only am I a accomplished writer, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the Black Hand and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your GDI ass off the face of the continent. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you you and the GDI, maybe you would have held your tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you GDI scum. I will flame fury all over you and you will burn in it. You’re done, soldier. That said i think a Nod clan would be great
  8. Is that what the developers themselves have stated? They stated they are looking into it. Use search
  9. Yes, in the games the blossoms just throw a small "smoke" looking cloud in the already infected area "re" producing tiberium, so i guess we can agree that the blossoms are more for keeping the tiberium going around it, rather then to spread it unless there are some special condition that carry the spores away with them. Ssshh, you're going to blow your cover as a GDI spy. Everyone knows NOD knows everything about tiberum. Because Kane is the ultimate teacher. I mean... Nope, no NOD spy here. Move along. Um... Uh... Look behind you, a three headed cyborg! For King and Country! Wait... The Hand becomes the fist!
  10. So EVA is GDI and CABAL (I guess its this they use, didn't really pay much attention to the voice just the info) is the Brotherhoods equal, however CABAL was first made towards the end of the First Tiberium War in the form of a Prototype, which one would guess would not be used in a Nod base until it was finished.
  11. You realize you just replaced Kane with this boink, right? ...Boink shifts quickly in the Brotherhood...
  12. I'm just scared they manage to make something like a super engineer with volt gun or PIC and massive HP bonus compared to the engineer repairing tank while putting down beams of doom at the enemy tanks every now and then. Idk, might work and might not.
  13. Ooooo make volcano map and put red tiberium in the middle of the map and FIGHT OVER THE ULTRA RARE TIBERIUM!
  14. One vision! One boink!
  15. Have you forgotten that tiberium spreads without the aid of trees? (In TD) When GDI has to educate NOD on tiberium, you know it's a GDI victory. It can spread via the veins or roots if you want, yes, but the number one reason for the tiberium spread was the blossom throwing spores in the air creating tiberium fields all over the place. They had to be mutated first of course. And it was only in later times tiberium managed to evolve into re-producing itself, and if i recall nowhere near the First Tiberium War And no, I don't know everything about tiberium, however i was slightly confused about what he was talking about relating to the blossom, hence the question. The Technology of Peace
  16. If everyone could buy a Repair gun it would make the two made for fixing stuff useless in most of their aspects, pay 350 to put down mines? have havocs running around repairing tanks because they got more of a HP advantage? Nah, if you could pick it up from a kill, yes, go ahead, but simply let everyone buy it, ahhh hiel naw
  17. Thing about beacons is that without the bleep sound when deployed you already lost valuable seconds in the fight to disarm it, it be killing the one deploying or just finding it quicker, and when there are multiple ones being put down at once, you need all the time you can get considering last 10sec beacon is immune.
  18. You know that Nod stole their lazer technology from GDI and further developed the that technology from the lazer rifle and rail gun into a lazer chaingun and an obelisk of light, right? As long as there is a Blossom Tree Tiberium will regrow in that said area. Trees cannot grow either if there is no furtile soil to live on. Where in gods name does it say that? I never heard that before, Nod has made the laser technology into a extremely dangerous directed energy beam weapon which became the Obelisk, from there they made the Firefly and Tarantula weapons containing the Obelisk module. As far as i know there is no information on the blossom if it needs anything except tiberium to live. I'm slightly confused now, don't the Blossom in the First Tiberium War(Once infected ofc) throw the tiberium spores at random times into the air and when the spores land they become tiberium crystals and creating a new tiberium field?
  19. I think they are planning a tech building that will add Motion Sensor however that makes it so GDI need that structure while Nod really don't need it for that reason. I don't know what they plan, but the whole Airstrike seems to ruin most aspects of the game, not just vehicle warfare, sniping, rushing but also changes how the whole defense system will function as a whole. Not only that you can make Beacons in-disarmable with the use of a single airstrike.
  20. GDI clearly got more black smoke going on as well if you look at the WF.
  21. Ahh Vinifera sounds right yeah, no the blossom trees are infected/mutated plants, but they spread the tiberium spores as does the blue tiberium but at a slower rate, which in theory if the wind is blowing, one would think it could spread even more, over time of course. Might be wrong about that tho.
  22. You should post this here: viewforum.php?f=131
  23. Jeeees dont think we need so many threads on this.
  24. Am i the only one who liked Volcano?
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