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Everything posted by SFJake

  1. Well if we're going to nitpick, here we go! That actually bothered me. I think you can get through the door immediately when they open a bit too? I actually forgot. Either way is kind of weird, though. I'd prefer if it was a totally smooth animation from closed to opened. Otherwise you either can clip through the door, or the door blocks you for more time than it should. I think they said they would make it more obvious where the map "ends". Again on a totally personal note, I wish you just could -not- go somewhere at all if its going to randomly kill you. Getting killed by the game because you're not where you're supposed to be is a silly mechanic, unfortunately. Sometimes wreckage don't spawn. This was brought up in another topic and is being (or was) fixed. I support the suggestion of seeing the base being blown to bits at the end by the super weapon, if that is what ends the game. It would be a nice touch if the weapons factory showed the vehicle come up. I'm guessing it just spawns right now, like it used to? As for a player controlled harvester, that is an incredibly debatable aspect here. You can't just make the main harvester controllable, its too easy for anyone to grief and take control of it and screw the game over. And if they can just build their own, isn't that a bit overkill of a money advantage for having control of the field? Though it would have a cool factor to it, certainly.
  2. Since when is .ini editing considered wrong? Changing .ini files isn't changing the client, its changing variables that are loaded (and saved) by the game.
  3. I feel the same too. Might I say I have trouble playing anything, waiting for the upcoming release.
  4. You had to take the retarded response route. Whatever.
  5. Except that free aim as an aiming gimmick is completely unfun and downright stupid?
  6. I can't emphasize how much I disagree. If they were just base customization options it would be fine, but otherwise no, every slight advantage over someone is unacceptable. That extra grenade can mean you get a kill and he doesn't just because he had no extra grenade. You can have a tank fight and he can hit you and you can't. These things seem small but are ultimately ridiculous. You seem to completely mix the concept of "unlockables" and "having more options for customization". The later being good, the former being terrible.
  7. I don't mean to offend but in my personal eye, gameplay progression in a game like this is one of the bane of multiplayer experiences, particularily FPS games. Having to get scrapes by playing more is just an annoyance -nobody- should EVER have to deal with. I'm strongly against any such thing. In my honest opinion, this is the complete opposite of an improvement of the experience. Its a dumbing down of the experience into a grind and the game should be fun and full without any of that. You play the game to play the game, not to unlock a bunch of things you can't play with until you played X hours, for absolutely no reason but to satisfy players that aren't satisfied with playing a multiplayer game for what it is.
  8. You know, the fact that it was a glitch is irrelevant. Street Fighter 2 had a bunch of glitches which became features of later iterations of the game. They were clearly glitches, yes, but its really irrelevant to the discussion of -> Should it be included? Should it inspire a new feature? Could it help balance? Are Flame Tanks lacking without it? Those are true, much more interesting questions. Though it this were to be added in some way, I'd argue the best way would be to have primary fire fire the left cannon, and secondary fire fire the right cannon -> when firing only one, does more damage (maybe not 2x, but more than 1x).
  9. You got me curious there. I think if not, this should be an option.
  10. Its (in theory) an "advantage" over someone that does not bother learning this gimmicky ability that has no reason to exist in the first place. Thats my personal view of that.
  11. If you guys want to grow this community, you will need to embrace new blood too, not just people who played the original for hours on end. Yeah, but this suggestion is equivalent of removing Master Chief from Halo. Adding some replacement characters would certainly make it more homogenized for the masses, but it kills the culture of the game. Problem I have is I don't even know where the jokes starts and ends.
  12. Customization would be best, or if that is too hard because of the engine, just give a few options, some more "generic" and less out of place. I know you all love the boink but joking aside, some people actually legitimately find it annoying over time. I've played Renegade a long time and I prefer to use something else. I do like being notified of a kill however, and would rather not have to turn it off.
  13. I'd argue configurable binds would be better but, you seem to have ideal bindings already, which I'm -VERY- happy about. Good stuff.
  14. Well, in renegade (even today) I tend to avoid anything less than 40 players <-< Maps in Renegade X are bigger and I'd expect 64 players to work. The only thing I don't like about big player count is that the vehicle limit is not very well designed (even in Renegade X). Just buying a Buggy to get somewhere fast makes you feel like an asshole because you could be blocking someone else's.
  15. I had the feeling it was underpowered from the players I saw, funny how that seems, uh. Thats why I can't wait to get the numbers. Numbers don't lie.
  16. I'd be willing at release to go get all the damage numbers of every weapon, but I might not be able to (depends if Renegade X can run 2 instances of itself). Otherwise, you would need 2 people to do this. There's plenty of other changes and numbers I'm really curious about. The Volt Rifle seemed to have a slightly strange behavior, but is it just a visual thing? It also seemed like it was buffed, but I can't tell for sure. What has the basic gun damage been set to? It seemed terribly weak with its new recoil. The stealth's laser seems like it is a nerfed weapon compared to the original laser gun which was already very weak. I'm not even certain if the weapons have the same armor/damage relation. I'd love to crunch all those numbers on to a nice spreadsheet.
  17. I didn't know the Alpha purchase interface was actually on the right track. I do not understand the strange redesign it went through. The darkness of the interface is very strange. Why so dark? Renegade is not a "dark game". The darkness of the interface is weird, and it somehow puts the 3D model in a bad light. Make it bright, please. I pretty much agree with everything you said. The interface unfortunately needs an overhaul. If this game supports the keypad for purchase I might actually start doing that. The thing is using the standard number keys without looking at the keyboard is one thing I was never good at, they are way too easy to mix up. Even 5 for refill is something I very carefully went for because pressing 4 and losing a 1000$ character like that is just a sad thing to have happen to you.
  18. This is confusing, I'm not sure how it is, or how its planned to be, from the looks of this topic. On a personel level, I find airstrikes very cheap, so I'm having concerns on how they will be balanced. Airstrikes should not even be allowed to cover a beacon at all. It cheapens the event oh so completely. I have other concerns with airstrike, such as them not being obvious enough that you can get randomly killed by one as an infantry or some such. Likewise, I'm absolutely expecting airstrikes to be limited so that you can't just spam multiple airstrikes (this means NO simultaneous airstrike and a good delay between each, no matter who is calling them). Otherwise, I can only imagine the ridiculousness of airstrike spamming on Island on a 64 player server.
  19. SFJake

    Ingame Hud

    I think various interface in the game could use improvements. The ammo counter is fine for what it is, but the health and armor needs to be more obvious. In Renegade, it was VERY vivid and I found that incredibly useful. Mind you I always play Renegade in 1024x768, so the relative size was also big enough. The counters on the middle of the screen when low would be very useful as well, though I never made extensive use of that. If the main counters are well done and I thought they were in Renegade, then I always knew my health/ammo count. On a completely side note, other interface improvements that could be done: Vehicle & Mine count should indicate what the maximum is (say, 5/7 vehicles). Especially considering servers can change that number, thats a useful information to have. The buying interface is also pretty bad, the colors and contrast makes it hard to look at on the Nod side, and it just lacks any style/coloring. Renegade had a lot of images, but Renegade X decides that everything must blend in, and it kind of sucks. Anyway, sorry, just didn't want to make a topic just to point out those things.
  20. Great, thank you.
  21. Interesting about the crosshair in Renegade, I never used a custom crosshair. Yeah, you're right, we'll see how it goes when I actually play. I have another unrelated question to ask. Graphic wise, the game seems to have a few visibility issues. This could be a general youtube/stream problem, but I have to ask. Can you turn off bloom/HDR/general post processing effects? The game has a lot of situations where its very hard to see. Some of the maps are in plain daylight but look dark, also. Every goldrush video, I basically cannot see anything thats happening and when the sun mixes up, you just get blinded by everything. Otherwise, there is way too much effects in general. Walls_flying looks particularily ugly because of those effects. Am I wrong from what I'm getting from those videos and most importantly, can those effects be turned off?
  22. I'm sorry, its just that I was making an argument, but you didn't really answer with arguments. What you say about the crosshair is news to me, and definitely a new function of Renegade X, since the old Renegade uses only the dot in the very middle, I assumed every crosshair showed the box only when the very center of the crosshair was targetting them. This is actually a fair point of difference between Renegade and Renegade X, it could be a bit difficult to offer customization around this particular feature without being unfair, though its not impossible. The basis of my concerns here essentially, are actually this: Crosshairs without a dot/something in their very center, and crosshairs that only have the dot and have nothing around them, so its too easy to lose sight of the crosshair. I think options could be made to make this possible without changing the "targetting box" size per weapon. I know, its a bit of stretch. In any case, you've put a better reason on the table, so thank you. I understand now if crosshair customization is not going to happen. I still don't agree however that any crosshair should be "insufficient" for the weapon, so I'd argue at the very least that they should consider updating some crosshairs. Like I said, a mere dot is just something that will annoy certain people, but won't stop others from being godly accurate with it. Plus in those specific instances, you could still leave the targeting box only on the dot. Thats one thing that the Renegade circle-dot crosshair did universally well, its a crosshair everybody can work with, while not everyone can aim as easily with just the small dot. (though I've seen some good players use them in fast shooters)
  23. Wow. Okay. I don't play all the really bad modern FPS, no. Thats kind of the point. Modern FPS should never be used as an example and I hope that they didn't actually inspire themselves from those more, otherwise I'm in for a scare. Do tell, the game doesn't decrease accuracy when moving or even jumping, right? Does it even let me fire when jumping? Ironsights do NOT increase the weapon's accuracy, right? You seriously worried me with that one comparison. I'm flabbergasted by your stance on this. Its utterly illogical and has no merit, you just hold it to the ground for no reason. Perhaps to make a point, I'll just make sure I'm using a program to create a crosshair overlay to get that "advantage" over every player this shortsightedness creates.
  24. That sounds a bit ridiculous, if you don't mind me saying it. You don't nerf by making the a bad crosshair -> you might as well remove it, people will just plaster a more obvious sticker in the middle of their screen then. Its not that I want no scoping to be nerfed or not (I'm putting my opinion on that totally aside), but because you want to nerf, I (the players) should feel discomfort at aiming with, say, a personal ion cannon? You create what I see as a pretty big lacking in the UI's basic functionality just to satisfy a nerf. Thats why I say ridiculous, I don't mean any offense with this. A crosshair is a very basic part of any shooter and having some (arguably) terrible crosshairs forced on people is hardly doing anything good. And I'm only talking about one of them, the dots. There's a lot of very intrusive crosshair that I've never really seen any serious player using in fast paced shooters, for good reasons. The "arc" thing thats more obscuring than helpful, the very large tank crosshairs that, well, god knows why they are that large. I have to hope that some level of customization for this will come down the road.
  25. This is a huge buff to infantry in general. Positions that were difficult to disrupt by tanks are now literally impossible to disrupt, which I see as a problem because of this. Walls should not prevent all splash damage. I see this as a problem. Its fine for beacons, because beacons are highly abusable, but thats it. Now to an actual question: Can we customize or standardize the in-game crosshair? What I've seen is that everything has a different crosshair, and some are really bad. Dots for precise weapon is really the worst part of it, I literally cannot aim with those and that is a worrying problem. Ironically, the Renegade crosshair has become my favorite in any game. Will there be a way to use the same crosshair globally?
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