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Posts posted by Valor

  1. If many people are getting game crash errors like the "UDK Stopped Working," they will uninstall and not look back. A few might come to the forums and try to find out how to fix it. I only put up with it since I'm a longtime Renegade fan. This should be the priority to ensure a healthy playerbase, I'm even willing to set aside the in-game exploits to get the crashes fixed first.

  2. Let's be realistic. This would take just as long as Ren X took.

    EA shit all over the C&C franchise and has no interest in continuing it aside from a browser game. People who've never heard of C&C before won't be bothered to try this. Diehard C&C fans are becoming older and many will get to a point where they no longer care about games.

    In short, the demand for this by the time it's released would be too little to justify the time that would be needed to make it.

  3. HWID is much easier to change than IP.

    As far as I know, they must call up their service provider and ask them to change IP addresses unless they have dynamic and most people don't have dynamic IP anymore because that was usually for DSL.

  4. Thanks a lot, I have the general idea of how it works now.

    And I believe that no PC gamer would consider using a gamepad over keyboard/mouse to be an advantage. I'll be using my controller from time to time to put less strain on my wrist.

    To the devs, you ought to tell people this game supports the 360 controller. Many FPS gamers are accustomed to using it.

    Hey I tried this but it always reverts to the default controls (i.e. there's no way to shoot). Any ideas?

  5. You can have it yourself. just replace renx Win64 folder with UDK july 2013 Win64 folder. DOnt get any difference ingame. But in my case, game was more stable and smooth

    Could you give detailed instructions on how to do this?

    Do I have to find and download the UDK July file from somewhere?

  6. Even at launch there were never over 1000 concurrent players.

    I don't believe download numbers accurately portray interest in the game. Not saying they're flubbed, but anyone could download this game and not play it, or just play it for 10 minutes and decide they hate it.

    You have to look at things like Facebook likes and number of members who register on the forums. Those are better indicators of a game's actual fanbase.

    200 players, I'll chock that up to this being a beta with some game-ruining bugs.

    Upon actual release and possibly Steam or Origin release there should be numbers similar to Renegade at its prime, and I'd be perfectly happy with that.

  7. 10) Sniping seems too easy , its feels like 360 no-scope . Don't you guys think ? Like Sydney or Raven , Sakura / Havocs dominating battlefield with their skills (!) body shooting people .

    It's harder since people can sprint now (your point #5). Reload times have increased too, and other infantry have received buffs so it's easy to ambush a sniper and kill them.

    11) Sometimes when defusing a beacon , for some unknown reason character suicides . This happened to me and others so many times , I can't count how many times we lost a building because of this .

    Probably because of the timed c4. If the SBH that placed it dies he no longer gets kill credit and as such your death will appear as a suicide when you get killed by it.

  8. Drastically different games. Renegade X supported 32vs32 (hopefully again). Titanfall is 6v6, it's an FPS DotA. It will be a hit, I'm sure, but it's just not my thing and I have friends who play CoD and BF but won't touch Titanfall for the same reason.

    Previous poster is right, EA is letting Renegade X exist and the less we do to piss them off the better. And I would prefer not to have people associate Renegade X with trolls.

  9. As long as there's no need to redownload the client, people can handle manual patches.

    And many Renegade players (like myself) were people who were put off at first due to the hackers and lack of support but came back years later and really enjoyed it. The community will make Renegade X great as well.

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