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Posts posted by Valor

  1. In Ren X Nod still wins most of the time, however this was not the case in the original.

    Walls Flying - Small: GDI: 63 Nod: 54 - Big: GDI: 974 Nod: 831 - Combined: GDI: 1037 Nod: 885 = 1037 to 885

    This was because the original Orca was so much better thus it ensured GDI would always control the map. Piloting isn't very polished in Ren X so that may contribute to people not buying Orcas.

    Also because in Ren X sbh can hide easier as the base is actually larger, plus the better graphics make sbh harder to see.

  2. Yeah I've noticed many people seem to think the perfect length for a marathon is however long it takes for them to get bored. Even ran into people who purposely block teammates from disarming a beacon to force their team to lose.

    For the voting system, I don't think kicking a player and vote map end should require the same amount of votes. Also, 30 seconds is way too long, 15 seconds is more ideal. (Old system was ~7 seconds I believe)

  3. Too much notes, might be easier to focus on what hasn't been fixed yet.

    Besides 64 player not fixed what else is conspicuously absent from this patch?

    And yes, I'm also concerned about whether both GDI and Nod side entrances on Walls were fixed, the notes only mention GDI's.

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