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Everything posted by Afevis

  1. UDKGame\Config\UDKGame.ini -> under [Engine.AccessControl] -> add "GamePassword=BlahBlah" with no quotation marks. ?AdminPassword= Admin password is the password to use administrator commands via console & rcon, commands such as kick & ban.
  2. Command & Conquer > Divided & Conquered
  3. It's mostly people who bail out because they don't know that you don't die when the vehicle blows up (battlefield syndrome), or someone stopping to repair without watching their surroundings/in the middle of battle. I love stealing mammoth tanks when they do that last bit. :J
  4. Also, if you were the last person to shoot someone before they disconnect on the same life, it will count as you killing them regardless of your side (normally it would just be listed as a suicide).
  5. Try this; Make sure you restart after changing the settings. You can also find a bit more info on the subject over here; viewtopic.php?f=34&t=72024 From what I can tell, the game is having issues with 32bit OS's due to memory limitations. Having a video card with 2GB vram on a 32 bit OS isn't a really good thing. If at all possible, I'd recommend you upgrade to a 64bit OS (you should be able to with that CPU).
  6. http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download ... aspx?id=35 You did use this, right?
  7. Boink needs repair! Boink that power plant! Get out of that boink! Don't boink in my way!
  8. As previously observed, you meet the minimum requirements fine, and that video card even meets the recommended requirements. It still seems to me like it's just 32bit architecture being a pain. :[
  9. What is the error it gives you?
  10. I'm surprised this was a bug, I thought it was an awesome feature. I had made it a habit to stay completely still on flying when someone had a LoS on me, knowing about the dust. I'd honestly like to see it kept, and made an all the time thing.
  11. Are you sorting the server list at all? If so, stop that. It's currently bugged atm and will completely throw you in a different place.
  12. Should totally throw the keycard icon infront of the turrets back in too. My flametank doesn't feel right without it.
  13. I'd like to point out that the first person to report this issue was using a nVidia GTX560. That's a relatively new card that greatly exceeds both the minimum AND the recommended requirements for the game. I'm pretty certain it's more of a memory issue with 32bit environments. What're your PC's specs? (Video card, ram, OS, ect)
  14. 24/7-365 marathon all day every day
  15. Which mirrors are you using? If you're having issues with a redownloaded file, then maybe it's a problem with -their- file. I know that http://scranton1.renegade-x.com/beta/Re ... eta-01.exe this mirror here is 100% solid. Give it a try.
  16. Mammoth 120mm sounds replaced with boink.
  17. There are tons of posts about this exact issue all over the forum... lol
  18. You mean the short tech-demo that was released over two years ago? :[
  19. Aim down sights.
  20. His ingame name is now -N@ruto-. He's been banned twice tonight from The Furry Pound server for speedhacking.
  21. What's your steam version? PC specs? A little bit more info is needed to figure out why it's not working for you.
  22. Imagine all the tracers... oh god yes.
  23. Had the same happen to me. Someone on TS said that they had just thrown a timed C4 onto my tank, and that it's what actually killed me. Not sure why it registered as me suiciding, though.
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