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Everything posted by Afevis

  1. viewtopic.php?f=39&t=71045 Yes.
  2. viewtopic.php?f=39&t=7104 Yes.
  3. ^ You can clearly see a fucked up alpha from where they erased the center of it, lol.
  4. Favorites list.
  5. ..\Renegade X\Binaries\Win32\UDK.exe Right click, properties, and under compatibility check off disable desktop composition. This should help performance a little. If you're running steam as well, I'd recommend doing the same for GameOverlayUI.exe in the steam folder.
  6. Doesn't say.
  7. ..\Renegade X\UDKGame\Config\UDKSystemSettings.ini Change ResX= & ResY=
  8. What's your OS? Windows 7?
  9. He's talking about the normal movement speed. Just play for longer, eventually you'll get a feel for how to lead targets, since only laser weaponry and Ramjets are raycast.
  10. That's for nvidia, he's running an AMD card. Try messing with some of the settings in UDKSystemSettings.ini, I'd recommend some of the shadows & lighting stuff. Seems there are performance issues thus-far with AMD cards from what I recall.
  11. I'm assuming that you deleted the Xinput1_3.dll you downloaded from a third party site before you installed directx, correct? Honestly I'd recommend that you update your GPU regardless. It's around 6 years old now and had trouble running vanilla UT3 on high at a medium resolution. Playing modern games on it will be a challenge.
  12. You should -never- download loose DLL files. That's a band-aid for a larger problem. http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download ... aspx?id=35 Download and install this instead.
  13. Yes that's normal. AGT's are equipped with highly sophisticated sensors that can detect stealth.
  14. There's like six threads for this issue already. There's even more info over here if the above doesn't work; viewtopic.php?f=34&t=72024
  15. PC specs? Your screenshots are also missing.
  16. ..\Renegade X\UDKGame\Config\UDKSystemSettings.ini Look for ResX= & ResY=
  17. You don't have any controllers plugged in, right?
  18. PC specs? Install this if you haven't; http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download ... aspx?id=35 Any logs in your log folder?
  19. Build walls around your conyards. Problem solved.
  20. A Radeon 9800 can't run this game, neither can an Intel 4000 HD.
  21. APC's are pretty good at anti-air.
  22. Afevis

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  23. Look the other way when driving in reverse?
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