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  1. I have been DrDanthrax99 since birth. Well, maybe not that long, but I've used this name for an extremely long time, and that includes the time I played Renegade. I'm glad to see there's still life in this community, I log into XWIS, "23 Players Online" and I get a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach.
  2. Not even gonna lie, the trailer made me cream my pants. Excellent work guys!
  3. Hey, folks! I just completed a project with Zero Hour called The Dragon Awakes, its a short film about China declaring war on the United States for being unable to repay their massive amount of debt. Enjoy!
  4. A 64 player game from what I've played is actually terrible regardless of the map. Cairo was a good map though, I enjoyed it. We'll see what the devs pump out.
  5. Game mode? You mean a theme of the game. There already are Red Alert and Tiberian Sun themed mods for the original ren, if it took them this long to come out with this, you would feasibly waiting for years for your idea.
  6. I've been told that you hit someone in the head with two bursts from the laser rifle and they'll die, but honestly, I use the sidearm almost exclusively because I agree that the new laser rifle is incredibly poor.
  7. Well, the points in the game are used to determine which team is, in theory doing more damage/repairing themselves. The fact that the team is able to keep the one building alive despite an onslaught of attackers is points worthy. I like the time limited games simply because, well, they END. In a Marathon server you better make sure you cath yourself and wheel up a buffet next to your computer, because you're gonna be there for a while. I've seen a game on Under go for 26 hours.
  8. The Obelisk holds a charge for about 1.5 seconds after the "bzzzzz" noise finishes, if the crystal is still glowing, don't show yourself to it. It did in the original renegade too, and its meant to be a counter to you popping back and forth out from an obstacle.
  9. Jelly-Server is American. We at TP have a marathon server. (Shameless plug.)
  10. If you're on GDI and your Barracks is down, a Grenadier rush can be very effective, as shooting a building on the MCT with the grenade launcher does as much damage as if a tank were shooting at it. 3 of them can easily take down a building, and it won't cost you a dime. Actually organize rushes! I have found myself in games recently where I will go "lets do a flame rush guys" and the next sequence of vehicles I see is a light tank, an arty, an apache, a stank, etc. Everything but what I called for. Communication is key. A simple "APC incoming!" can be the difference between losing your refinery and holding off the attack. There is no shame in being an engineer/tech/hotwire and repairing vehicles/structures. It's a critical part of the game, and without someone doing it you will lose, as every vehicle needs support. Take the field! Or at least try to. If you don't have the field the odds of you winning are not very good. Constantly being on defense repairing buildings is not the way to go. Attack the harvester immediately. Get a few engies and a few soldiers and just C4 the shit out of it. You want to prevent the enemy team from getting that critical first credit drop off, which means while you're buying tanks they have to sit and wait, which is a huge advantage. Hillcamping, a legitimate strategy, even though a lot of servers even had rules against it. But, a team of arties or MRLS's on the hill in Whiteout (Hourglass) can decimate the base, or at least keep everyone on the enemy team occupied with repairs. Humvee/Buggy rushes. You and a buddy in a buggy/humvee early in the game can take out a building if you do it properly, and it is a devastating blow to lose a structure at the beginning of a game. A group of Mammoth Tanks is useless. Enough said. Have about one or two mammies backing up some meds and MRLSes. Mine your buildings. One of my favorite things to do is be a ninja and slip into bases unnoticed, and do my trademark "Waltz in unopposed and blow up a building with ease" and it is a fan favorite of many other players. 4 simple mines in a doorway will prevent this from happening. If you're playing on an AOW server, points are very, very important. In my opinion, in an early rush, you should target the refinery or power plant. Even on a map with no defenses, the doubled production cost early on will definitely hamper the enemy team's ability to quickly retaliate.
  11. Website|Join our Community|Teamspeak|IRC|JOIN TP MARATHON!|JOIN TP AOW! Hello! We are The People! An international multi-gaming community with members from every continent, including Antarctica. We were founded in 2010 out of the remains of the WittebolX Gaming Community, and grew to become one of the biggest names in alterIWnet's/fourDeltaOne's Modern Warfare 2 dedicated server listing. We however, grew to realize that CoD is for losers (NTAuthority ceased all production on all 4d1 projects) and changed our core focus to Minecraft and Renegade X. Our Minecraft server has become one of the most popular on Gametracker, peaking at #2 in the USA thus far. It is a semi-vanilla survival server where it is completely allowed to raid, grief, PvP, and betray anyone and everyone. We cordially invite you, the reader of this topic, to visit us at http://www.thepeopleclan.net and join our Teamspeak server at ts.thepeopleclan.net, we are all nice people once you get past the trolling, and our server is public, and always will be. We are a group of friends who enjoy playing a good game together. Our staff is an entirely appointed body, who volunteer their time to keep our servers free of rule breakers and problem users. We will never have applications for moderator of any kind, and asking one of our administrators for mod/admin will lead to instantaneous denial, as well as us being leery about considering you for a future position. Thank you for your time, hope to see you on the battlefield!
  12. Our Marathon and AOW servers pull in 30-40 people consistently. aow.thepeopleclan.net mar.thepeopleclan.net
  13. On Renegade with SSGM there were gamemodes such as Capture the Flag, Sniping only, Infantry only, etc. Would any of those modes be included or is it strictly C&C mode?
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