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Everything posted by HaTe

  1. Yeah this has been suggested a few time already. I too would like to see the ammo indicator like renegade had. We shall see if this is added at some point.
  2. Memory usage, primarily. So for the patch, a number of things that used to primarily load upon startup (and start of a new map) is being reduced. As I understand it.
  3. You can also use mines offensively quite a bit if you're a skilled player. Just be sure that it's in an an enemy's building and your timed c4s are on the MCT first. Then mine the door (or closest PT to the door -depending on the building) that the enemy is the most likely to come in on. On walls ground it was always best to mine the front and tunnels as GDI, so long as there was 20+ people in-game. Walls_flying you were better off mining the top of doors as GDI. That was in Renegade though.
  4. The only time you should ever drive forward in a med is if you plan on self-repairing yourself mid-batttle. Otherwise, he's right - driving backwards gives you the advantage. @unit your last post is true for most instances. However, splash damage is calculated server side, so it is sometimes true that a vehicle will do either just direct hit splash damage, and not direct warhead damage, or vice versa. So sometimes damage in renegade was not constant with any weapon that used the explosive warhead. You also could do splash damage (non-direct hit) to vehicles as well (unlike buildings).
  5. Won't that use up more than "a bit" of space then, since every single texture and model is being recorded simultaneously? I had figured it was per player perspective so that the huge amount of space would at least be limited to the FoV of the player. How big are each 2 minute long recordings projected to be?
  6. So if for instance, I wanted to briefly turn on a cheat for a couple of minutes, but I am afraid that a demo recording might be on me, I would simply just have to start a new one on a different player and for the next 2 minutes (assuming no other player/admin overrides that demo recording), I'm in the clear from being demo recorded? I mean, nothing's perfect I guess, but it is a very nice feature to have nonetheless and I appreciate it greatly.
  7. That differs per player too, though. Which is why so many mods and server edits exist in renegade. I personally like stock renegade over any mods, but many other players feel different. They're entitled to that entirely. I get what you're saying though - I too hope that the devs aren't taking some of these suggestions seriously, but it is server side mod creators that are looking to add different gameplay elements.
  8. Fair enough, sounds good to me. The whole "one recording at a time" concept is for regular players though, and an admin's recording is logged separate, correct? Just to make sure the admin's recording takes priority and doesn't have the possibility to be halted by a regular's recording, and the admin's recording would likewise not halt a regular's recording.
  9. Agreed - the team under seige will normally have less credits, but they should be the ones needing the airstrike in order to push out. It shouldn't be helping the seiging team keep the field, rush, or defend a beacon. Honestly, it wouldn't be a terrible idea to only have airstrikes be able to be called in on your own team's half of the field (including their own base), and not allowing it on the other half of the field (including the enemy base).
  10. Sounds great. One quick question though, is there anything in place to stop someone from either doing multiple demo recordings at once or doing one after another constantly, just to flood the server? As you said, they take up a lot of space and so if 15 people are demorecording a player simulatenously, or if someone is demo recording several players, or if someone is demorecording one after another, the chances to flood the server become increasingly high. Especially if the cheater himself decides to send in the command to demorecord every other player in the game, just to flood the server. Just thinking that some people will do whatever it takes to mess with a community, so it'd be best to just limit the demo recordings per player to 1 per every 15 minutes or so if not already done. It also should limit the possible demo recordings per player to 1 at a time (so that if one is already running, another 1 cannot be started on that player).
  11. What line in that video supports that claim? Just curious because I was unable to fins anything related.
  12. Seeing how every capturable silo is in the field - it'd be the team that doesn't have access to the silo's extra abilities. I had previously thought about this as well, but I'm not sure its fair to give a feature to the team who didn't capture the silo - it would make the team who have the field not want to capture it in the first place in many circumstances. Ideally, you could just make it available to the team without the silo if the opposing team has have had the silo captured for X minutes. Again, potentially problematic, but it would make the most logical sense. I'm not a huge fan on how they currently work. Again though, they are nerfed in several ways in the first patch. The pic/rave is also slightly buffed as well. Still though, I find myself agreeing with you that they should only be accessible by the team that actually needs them for what they should be used for (to break seiges).
  13. You could just have an added building give a few added functions, and have one of those functions be to give players the ability to purchase/build base defenses (different turrets, guard towers, etc) in designated possible locations. It wouldn't be the full functional ability the op is requesting, but it would be a small portion of it that can easily be added into Renegade's gameplay.
  14. It's Iran's brother
  15. ACK is totally fetch
  16. What are you guys even arguing about?
  17. 1v1 Renegade until I get my desktop fixed, whiskey?
  18. I'm sure EA would be all for it if they didn't have to pay the fee.
  19. (in what will likely be several months)
  20. The surprise is that the patch is going to be released a week after it was originally supposed to be! Kaaaa-zzinngg
  21. Briefly added in the first patch! Briefly because it is a first version test tunnels, but they're there.
  22. Yet TS was? Why do you think Kane's Wrath's storyline was so much less "C&C" than TS? Just because it was from a nod point of view doesn't mean that the storyline wasn't good and fit well with the C&C universe... I personally liked KW. I loved the addition of subfactions and the possibilities that it could have for a FPS game (like the one in I've been slowly creating a presentation for). It really makes little sense to me how you could like where C&C went in TS, yet not in KW at all. Explain to me how you will instantly be able to exit and enter a walker in a Renegade styled game. I'm not a huge fan of teleporting to the driver's seat in the first place, but I understand the gameplay aspect of it and it works perfect in Renegade. However, teleporting to a tank's driver's seat is one thing - teleporting to a walker's driver's seat is a whole different story...you'd be entering the foot yet getting it at the body. It doesn't fit when you add in buildings and the other C&C vehicles for an FPS game. That's my point. Not saying that it doesn't work in Titanfall or that they don't fit the C&C universe - they just don't fit a Renegade styled FPS game.
  23. Airstrikes are being nerfed pretty heavily for the first patch. I'd have to agree with your other points there too - but note that the tiberium weapons are not supposed to be a one time purchase. They're supposed to have to be purchased each time a person spawns if they wish to use them. This is fixed in the next patch as well. I don't really have an opinion yet on goldrush. I think people need to give it more time and play with it more, learning each strategy for each team before making any balance decisions. Getting into the nod base is really just as easy for GDI as it is for nod to get into GDI's base. You just have to get the layout down first. Sort of like glaicer in the original renegade. Everyone originally screamed "nod map," until they realized that GDI had access to almost all of the nod buildings by foot as well. Just give it a bit more time
  24. HaTe


    I'm assuming that means it's uploading, but I cat say for sure
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