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About Interval

  • Birthday 11/24/1996

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  1. Just get a bug, when i try join on server and its full - i cant close that message about it or game, cursor literally not work.
  2. I've been wanting to ask for a long time: Is switching weapons from a rocket launcher fixed when reloading?
  3. I confirm the error in 2022. Actual.
  4. finnaly, normal answer. Glad to see it. Thanks!
  5. I downloaded the archive six times on two different computers. In all cases, the archive was broken. Alas.
  6. Yes of course. How soon will we see Renegade X in Origin?
    Actual helper.
  7. EA has forbidden the use of command & conquer for commercial purposes. Your childhood dreams will not affect anything, but for the game it will only get worse.
  8. One commander with 40 players - of course this is too much, for one player. But this is another problem requiring a different topic.
  9. This is not true, the players repair it. I do not approve of your offer. The sentence j0g32 sounds more interesting.
  10. Renegade X Squad Wars Tournament #2: MANTANKS vs LAPPEN 34:00 1st Map Field (Lappen) : Team Mantanks NOD / Team Lappen GDI 1:00:20 2nd Map Under (Mantanks) : Team Lappen NOD / Team Mantanks GDI 1:31:00 3rd Map Tomb (Lappen) : Team Mantanks NOD / Team Lappen GDI
  11. I'm not against redirection of energy. Also a very good idea!
  12. Increasing the duration of the button will lead to protracted matches. Each click must be a deliberate action. 20 seconds in the game - it's a lot.
  13. Energy Button in menu When a power plant is destroyed, defensive structures cease their work and become unnecessary (AGT/Obelisk). I propose a solution. After the destruction of the power station, the player will be available a button, which for a certain time will restore: Economy. Prices will fall by half. Defensive buildings begin to work again. The button will be active for all players, after (for example) two minutes, after the explosion of Power Plant. Time: 20-30 seconds. After using the first cooldown, 5 minutes. The next cooldown is 6 (7) minutes. The next 7 (8), etc. P.S.: Sorry for my French, if you understand the main idea - correct me.
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