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Closed Beta Testers
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Everything posted by Volcom

  1. The nod announcer voice is intentionally different. Evo works for GDI so it didnt make sense for hear to be broadcasting to NOD. Also the different announcer voices allows you to tell which team laid a beacon or airstrike.
  2. They will be unable to respawn in future updates. I don't think they are overpowered as you need someone in them for them to actually work. It is pretty unlikely to find someone that will sit in all 4 of the turrets all game.
  3. Well the thing is with the game this new people get really enticed by the stealth characters. It actually becomes an advantage for GDI at certain points because over half their team is running around with an SBH. In all honesty I never really have an issue finding and disarming a beacon an SBH laid. It is much harder to defend from a beacon a tank is guarding.
  4. When in a vehicle it is much harder to see stealth tanks or stealth black hands. You can see them much farther away as infantry.
  5. You guys should register your clan on clanwars.cc/renx
  6. You guys should register your clan at http://clanwars.cc/renx . We will have an auto ladder very soon.
  7. You should register on clanwars.cc/renx
  8. I figured since we don't have gamespy we can use irc for now to get some games going as well. I threw up a channel on my irc, so if you want to get some games or talk about clans/recruiting join up: irc.Rencorner.com #Clanwar
  9. Thanks for the notes dom.
  10. If you don't have it as an option in settings in game hit ~ and type setres 1600x900
  11. This is a beta. Please remember that. Little issues like what was brought up will get fixed.
  12. I would suggest the 10 second count down starts 10 seconds before the nuke is not disarmable. That way you still have the realism and the countdown is accurate.
  13. I think it has been a great open beta. A lot of the issues only popped up once we had the large amount of players. Our Devs are very quick and very skilled and the issues will be fixed quickly.
  14. The full map thing is a maybe, The seats in vehicle is a yes, vehicle horns is actually new never thought of it before so i can be discussed. There will be new maps and models in futures updates. Thank you command in Renegade was alawys cntl+7 meaning Affirmative. All buildings will be updated in the future. Hope this helps.
  15. Try to join by ip or use the Renegade X Launcher
  16. Hey All, After some work we got up a basic Sniper-Only Server. Snipers are the only class that can be purchased and the maps are limited to Field and Islands Only. Please stop by and check out sniping in Renegade X. Few Rules: -Only buy snipers -Stay in tunnels -Do not attack buildings The ip is See you in game and work on those head shots!
  17. Hey guys, Basically without msn we have been contacting each other for clan games via steam, so everyone post your steam and let's get some games. Mine is Volcom_ren
  18. Are you running 32 bit windows?
  19. Check it out guys!
  20. My steam is Volcom_Ren add me up for some games!
  21. You guys are failing to consider that there is sprint so you can get to the beacon quicker. Also you actually have an additional 5 seconds to disarm when comparing it to Renegade. The reason the immune disarm was added so it doesn't look ridiculous when a rocket just disappears out of the air.
  22. Try putting your bat file in the win32 folder and not having the path to Udk.
  23. Rencorner.com Oceanic Server is up
  24. Hey, I am the Owner of Rencorner.com. We are always looking for active new members and moderators. We are also to the home, as Daedhart said, to many clans as well. We have a number of servers up so you should check us out. viewtopic.php?f=13&t=72384 Check out that site. There are forums there set up for people recruiting.
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