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Everything posted by TP|himselfXD

  1. Why? How is that doing any harm?
  2. TP|himselfXD

    game pc

    I would suggest doing an AMD build and buy a powerful GPU. Intel is better than AMD in a lot of ways but in price to performance ratio AMD beats them. I think budget builds should be AMD especially for gaming budget builds. This is what I would build if I was in your shoes(€525.97): http://pcpartpicker.com/p/HvxZjX That build would run Renegade X quite well and CSGO extremely well. The reason I suggest this build is because you will be able to play many new games in the future and wont have to upgrade that machine for awhile.
  3. http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2014/12 ... ing-gifts/
  4. So steam has decided that they will start region locking video game gifts. I started a petition to stop it please help! Petition link: https://www.change.org/p/valve-steam-pl ... arget_tips
  5. The game works perfectly fine on my computer. I bet that you just have a really bad computer or there is something wrong with your OS. It is possible that there is a bug with your specific hardware though you might want to provide more information such as Hardware, OS and when or how the bug happens.
  6. If you had your entire team in on it I think you could pull it off you would just need 5-10 people distracting their team from the strikes but that would require a lot of team coordination. This idea is a very expensive way of destroying a building though 700credits per player. I think a better idea would be to call in strikes all around the building while someone puts a beacon down. My idea would only need 10people in on it maybe less depending on the team you are facing.
  7. Honestly I think they would encourage you to live stream the game. One time I was in teamspeak with a few of the devs and they were asking people if they could stream the game because their friend who normally streamed for them was not there so I would assume that would me they are fine with it. I can't think of any reason why they wouldn't allow streaming but as the posts above say wait for an official response if you are concerned about it.
  8. Could the map vote system only show 3-4maps instead of all the maps? I think that it would encourage map variety.
  9. Yep good job guys you have fixed the memory leak issues! I brought my server back because of it.
  10. Is it just me or did the first two replies completely ignore what the OP is talking about? On-Topic: Well I do find the idea interesting I feel like death crates are enough making fake crates would be a bit overkill. I think fake crate would be fun to have but I think it will become overly used and make people stop picking crates up all together. I do on the other hand miss some of the forms of death crates that were in the original game like the visceroid crate.
  11. Well all b3 needs is rcon access and a live game log file that contains chat and a player info to support a game other than that just needs someone to develop it. Example game log from a game that supports B3: 108:42 InitGame: \_Admin\Admin\_Email\youandme@example.org\_Location\US - Central\_Website\http://thepeopleclan.net\fs_game\mods/1^2isnipe\g_gametype\sd\g_hardcore\0\gamename\IW4\iw4m_me\1\iw4m_remoteKick\1\iw4m_secure\1\mapname\mp_nightshift\protocol\61586\scr_game_allowkillcam\1\scr_team_fftype\0\shortversion\1.0\sv_allowAnonymous\0\sv_allowClientConsole\1\sv_floodProtect\1\sv_hostname\^0[^2TP^0]^4ThePeople ^1SND iSnipe!^0[^4US^0][150,000XP]XLRSTATS\sv_maxclients\18\sv_maxPing\0\sv_maxRate\125000\sv_minPing\0\sv_online\1\sv_privateClients\0\sv_privateClientsForClients\0\sv_pure\0 108:42 J;011000010001dbc4;6;[POL]Jagger 108:42 J;0110000100021d77;5;[POL]daboholic 108:42 J;0110000100023033;3;TheAngelGamer 108:42 J;01100001000004f7;2;Raito 108:42 J;0110000100024280;1;V3X5F 108:42 J;011000010002973f;0;LookWhatICanDu 108:44 say;01100001000004f7;2;Raito;!register 108:45 say;011000010001dbc4;6;[POL]Jagger;word 108:57 K;01100001000004f7;2;axis;Raito;011000010002973f;0;allies;LookWhatICanDu;cheytac_fmj_xmags_mp;14000;MOD_HEAD_SHOT;head 108:57 K;011000010001dbc4;6;axis;[POL]Jagger;0110000100023033;3;allies;TheAngelGamer;cheytac_fmj_xmags_mp;14000;MOD_RIFLE_BULLET;torso_upper 108:59 say;01100001000004f7;2;Raito;what 109:03 K;0110000100023033;3;allies;TheAngelGamer;0110000100021d77;5;axis;[POL]daboholic;cheytac_fmj_xmags_mp;14000;MOD_RIFLE_BULLET;torso_lower 109:05 K;0110000100021d77;5;axis;[POL]daboholic;0110000100024280;1;allies;V3X5F;cheytac_fmj_xmags_mp;14000;MOD_RIFLE_BULLET;torso_upper 109:08 say;0110000100024280;1;V3X5F;ur bad 109:10 say;01100001000004f7;2;Raito;look you got no ricoil 109:13 say;0110000100023033;3;TheAngelGamer;Lol 109:14 say;0110000100024280;1;V3X5F;yh no recoil that 109:15 ShutdownGame: 109:15 ------------------------------------------------------------ 109:15 ------------------------------------------------------------ 109:15 InitGame: \_Admin\Admin\_Email\youandme@example.org\_Location\US - Central\_Website\http://thepeopleclan.net\fs_game\mods/1^2isnipe\g_gametype\sd\g_hardcore\0\gamename\IW4\iw4m_me\1\iw4m_remoteKick\1\iw4m_secure\1\mapname\mp_nightshift\protocol\61586\scr_game_allowkillcam\1\scr_team_fftype\0\shortversion\1.0\sv_allowAnonymous\0\sv_allowClientConsole\1\sv_floodProtect\1\sv_hostname\^0[^2TP^0]^4ThePeople ^1SND iSnipe!^0[^4US^0][150,000XP]XLRSTATS\sv_maxclients\18\sv_maxPing\0\sv_maxRate\125000\sv_minPing\0\sv_online\1\sv_privateClients\0\sv_privateClientsForClients\0\sv_pure\0 109:15 J;011000010001dbc4;6;[POL]Jagger 109:15 J;0110000100021d77;5;[POL]daboholic 109:15 J;0110000100023033;3;TheAngelGamer 109:15 J;01100001000004f7;2;Raito 109:15 J;0110000100024280;1;V3X5F 109:15 J;011000010002973f;0;LookWhatICanDu 109:17 say;0110000100024280;1;V3X5F;well done nobody 109:20 say;011000010001dbc4;6;[POL]Jagger;^1you ^7A ^1VIRGIN ^8^7bro 109:25 say;0110000100024280;1;V3X5F;fucked ur mum 109:28 say;0110000100021d77;5;[POL]daboholic;lots of original jokes 109:31 K;0110000100021d77;5;axis;[POL]daboholic;011000010002973f;0;allies;LookWhatICanDu;cheytac_fmj_xmags_mp;14000;MOD_HEAD_SHOT;head 109:33 K;0110000100023033;3;allies;TheAngelGamer;011000010001dbc4;6;axis;[POL]Jagger;cheytac_fmj_xmags_mp;14000;MOD_RIFLE_BULLET;torso_upper 109:41 K;01100001000004f7;2;axis;Raito;011000010002973f;0;allies;LookWhatICanDu;cheytac_fmj_xmags_mp;14000;MOD_RIFLE_BULLET;neck 109:49 K;011000010001dbc4;6;axis;[POL]Jagger;011000010002973f;0;allies;LookWhatICanDu;cheytac_fmj_xmags_mp;14000;MOD_HEAD_SHOT;head 109:51 say;011000010001dbc4;6;[POL]Jagger;wh 109:52 say;0110000100024280;1;V3X5F;ez 109:54 say;0110000100021d77;5;[POL]daboholic;look at you 109:54 say;011000010001dbc4;6;[POL]Jagger;disgusting 109:56 say;0110000100021d77;5;[POL]daboholic;how obvious 109:58 say;0110000100024280;1;V3X5F;ur so bad 109:59 ShutdownGame: 109:59 ------------------------------------------------------------ 109:59 ------------------------------------------------------------ 109:59 InitGame: \_Admin\Admin\_Email\youandme@example.org\_Location\US - Central\_Website\http://thepeopleclan.net\fs_game\mods/1^2isnipe\g_gametype\sd\g_hardcore\0\gamename\IW4\iw4m_me\1\iw4m_remoteKick\1\iw4m_secure\1\mapname\mp_nightshift\protocol\61586\scr_game_allowkillcam\1\scr_team_fftype\0\shortversion\1.0\sv_allowAnonymous\0\sv_allowClientConsole\1\sv_floodProtect\1\sv_hostname\^0[^2TP^0]^4ThePeople ^1SND iSnipe!^0[^4US^0][150,000XP]XLRSTATS\sv_maxclients\18\sv_maxPing\0\sv_maxRate\125000\sv_minPing\0\sv_online\1\sv_privateClients\0\sv_privateClientsForClients\0\sv_pure\0 109:59 J;011000010001dbc4;6;[POL]Jagger 109:59 J;0110000100021d77;5;[POL]daboholic 109:59 J;0110000100023033;3;TheAngelGamer 109:59 J;01100001000004f7;2;Raito 109:59 J;0110000100024280;1;V3X5F 109:59 J;011000010002973f;0;LookWhatICanDu 110:05 say;0110000100021d77;5;[POL]daboholic;did you not witness that wh? 110:06 say;0110000100021d77;5;[POL]daboholic;lmao 110:11 say;0110000100024280;1;V3X5F;did u not witness ur bad skill? 110:13 say;0110000100024280;1;V3X5F;lmfao 110:13 K;0110000100023033;3;allies;TheAngelGamer;011000010001dbc4;6;axis;[POL]Jagger;cheytac_fmj_xmags_mp;14000;MOD_RIFLE_BULLET;torso_lower 110:20 say;0110000100021d77;5;[POL]daboholic;no im seeing that pretty good 110:21 K;011000010001dbc4;6;axis;[POL]Jagger;011000010002973f;0;allies;LookWhatICanDu;cheytac_fmj_xmags_mp;14000;MOD_HEAD_SHOT;head 110:24 say;0110000100021d77;5;[POL]daboholic;im 3-6 110:26 K;011000010002973f;0;allies;LookWhatICanDu;01100001000004f7;2;axis;Raito;cheytac_fmj_xmags_mp;14000;MOD_RIFLE_BULLET;torso_lower 110:27 K;01100001000004f7;2;axis;Raito;0110000100024280;1;allies;V3X5F;cheytac_fmj_xmags_mp;14000;MOD_RIFLE_BULLET;torso_upper 110:28 Q;011000010001dbc4;6;[POL]Jagger 110:34 K;0110000100021d77;5;axis;[POL]daboholic;0110000100024280;1;allies;V3X5F;cheytac_fmj_xmags_mp;14000;MOD_RIFLE_BULLET;torso_lower 110:41 say;0110000100024280;1;V3X5F;lol ur boyfriend quit 110:45 Q;0110000100021d77;5;[POL]daboholic 110:45 ShutdownGame: 110:45 ------------------------------------------------------------ 110:45 ------------------------------------------------------------ 110:45 InitGame: \_Admin\Admin\_Email\youandme@example.org\_Location\US - Central\_Website\http://thepeopleclan.net\fs_game\mods/1^2isnipe\g_gametype\sd\g_hardcore\0\gamename\IW4\iw4m_me\1\iw4m_remoteKick\1\iw4m_secure\1\mapname\mp_nightshift\protocol\61586\scr_game_allowkillcam\1\scr_team_fftype\0\shortversion\1.0\sv_allowAnonymous\0\sv_allowClientConsole\1\sv_floodProtect\1\sv_hostname\^0[^2TP^0]^4ThePeople ^1SND iSnipe!^0[^4US^0][150,000XP]XLRSTATS\sv_maxclients\18\sv_maxPing\0\sv_maxRate\125000\sv_minPing\0\sv_online\1\sv_privateClients\0\sv_privateClientsForClients\0\sv_pure\0 110:45 J;0110000100023033;3;TheAngelGamer 110:45 J;01100001000004f7;2;Raito 110:45 J;0110000100024280;1;V3X5F 110:45 J;011000010002973f;0;LookWhatICanDu 110:47 say;0110000100024280;1;V3X5F;LMFAO 110:54 say;0110000100023033;3;TheAngelGamer;dafolic Rage quit 110:56 say;0110000100024280;1;V3X5F;thats what they get 111:06 D;011000010002973f;0;allies;LookWhatICanDu;011000010002973f;0;allies;LookWhatICanDu;cheytac_fmj_xmags_mp;20;MOD_EXPLOSIVE;none 111:06 K;01100001000004f7;2;axis;Raito;0110000100023033;3;allies;TheAngelGamer;cheytac_fmj_xmags_mp;14000;MOD_RIFLE_BULLET;torso_upper 111:19 ShutdownGame: 111:19 ------------------------------------------------------------ 111:19 ------------------------------------------------------------
  12. For an "expert", your knowledge of Big Brother Bot seems lacking. I run B3 for my Homefront, Frontlines Fuel of War, Chivalry Medieval Warfare, Ravaged server. ALL UDK games. I also use it for my CSGO server which is Source. Please do not post about something, if you do not know what you are talking about. And IRC???? FFS who in the hell uses IRC anymore? I haven't used IRC in probably 15 years. IRC bot? Are you trolling? Anyways, my wish for Big Brother Both remains. Hopefully the devs can make it happen like so many before them. Please? I would absolutely love to see a b3 parser for renegade x! I also use b3 for most of my game servers and it works fantastically you just need a sql database. to be honest it probably wouldn't be hard for someone to make a parser they just need knowledge of renegade x and python.
  13. Sadly any money given to them in renegade x's name wouldn't be legal.
  14. I highly doubt UDK has an inherent memory leak that is this bad like if a full server can run on 800mb fine (which I know from experience that it can) it shouldn't leak to use 3-5gb after a few days. I know it's probably difficult to track down yes but it really should get looked into and fixed.(this is main reason you don't see "ThePeople" RenX servers anymore it's just too much resource wasting.)
  15. I don't think any of this is possible to be honest they work with the 100% free version of UDK which if I am not mistaken the max players is 64.(hard-coded I believe) Not to mention the game has some net code issues at 40players and above. I do not know anything about working on net code but this idea sounds like a net code disaster of epic proportions to me. I think the best that could come from this idea(if it's even possible) is people having pings of 20-90 but the pings won't depict bullet reaction time instead each bullet will take a half a second to hit. The reason I am so doubtful of this this would be the equation for your true ping: ping to closest server+ping from server to master server+ ping to server the other player is on + master server ping again to confirm= really high ping (especially if you have servers outside of the continent of the master server) My guess is the average ping if you factored in true latency would become: 200ms at best
  16. I stopped playing because no one in my gaming community wants to redownload it hundreds of times and the balance is all messed up because of changes in how vehicles/characters respond compared to the original game. If a patcher system is worked out, balance improves and the crashing/bugs are fixed ill be right back on. I think the crashing is the main problem almost everyone I have talked to it crashes in-between maps constantly and sometimes crashes when vehicles explode. I still think nod has been kicked in the balls hard with how the stealth tank operates in renegade x.
  17. My game will occasionally freezes/lags out for a couple seconds when vehs explode sometimes. A few times when it froze for those seconds it looked like the explosion took up half the map Might be related, I know a lot of people still get the random lag out tho My game does that that ^ but for like 10-30seconds so it really messes me up I think it's more common on certain maps.(Most often happens on whiteout and field for me)
  18. ^^ I really hope so....
  19. All I am asking for is a stealth tank that acts like the one in the original game is that too much? The original was much better balanced than this and I think the vehicles were made a certain way for a reason. Go play the original ren with a stealth tank and then play renegade x with it you will see that they nerfed the shit out of the stealth tank.
  20. The light tank is far weaker in Renegade x as well and you are wrong have you played the original game? The stank is one of most important vehicles for nod in the original. The arty and light suck against everything gdi throws at it. Saying the light and the arty is the "bread and butter" is ridiculous when a mammoth and med are GDI's bread and butter.
  21. Hello I can't seem to see why but it seems you have made the most important vehicle for nod completely worthless in combat. This amazing vehicle used to keep balance in the game between gdi and nod in the original and in Renegade X the stank isn't used much at all. I have heard the whole "It locks on to vehicles" argument this maybe true but so did the one in renegade.(it poorly locked on but it did) Here is a list of the problems it has: -clumsy (used to be the most maneuverable tank) -Slow (much faster in the original even with the vehicle sprint) -Does very little damage -Worthless against almost all vehicles -No one uses it (it used to be one of the most popular nod vehicles) -And now to add to it's worthlessness it is easier to spot
  22. The player problem is that they used a brand new download rather then using a patcher. Most of my community don't want to have to download the game over and over again and I am having a hard time convincing people to redownload it.
  23. Nods already incredibly underpowered at the moment compared to GDI vehicle wise removing the strength of it vs a mammy would tear any balance the game has to shreds. To be honest it seems to be that the way things have been going everyone says nerf nod and make gdi more powerful and it makes no sense to me and I am loosing faith in this remake of my favorite game. Also it's the mammy drivers fault if they let a flame tank sneak up on them.
  24. Well at the moment I am transferring my website over to a separate host as wells as switching the minecraft hostname from thepeopleclan.net to mc.thepeopleclan.net so my website will be down for a few days or it will be on a sub domain until.(web.thepeopleclan.net) We have a teamspeak 3: ts.thepeopleclan.net and we have a irc: irc.thepeopleclan.net. Website will be up in 3 more days or less though.
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