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Everything posted by neagu

  1. At least can the team make some variations for the chars/veh ?
  2. This is cool stuff, maybe some day, someone will make a mod with tiberium stuff
  3. QUOTE (JeepRubi @ Feb 24 2009, 12:22 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I could have sworn it's fraps Yeah i found the hud earlier.
  4. QUOTE (a1h @ Feb 23 2009, 08:51 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That's fraps. A program used to record videos and take screenshots from games or other programs. And rubi where can i download that hud from ?
  5. If you want to read the details here is a link http://www.beyondunreal.com/articles/titan...-reveal/?page=1 And it's free. "The first, and probably most important, reveal this week was that the Titan Pack will be free, gratis, no cost. This was certainly the question lingering on everyone's mind after the hint about the pack was dropped late last year. Surely the second most important piece of information is that the pack is due for release on March 5th, 2009. I know, I know, two weeks!"
  6. Will there be a possibility to customize the game? Like use different skins for example.
  7. I will ask again, will there be weapon dropping ? Also, will feign death be available ?
  8. QUOTE (a000clown @ Feb 3 2009, 05:56 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That would be a very nice feature
  9. That's a nice update, didn't saw those screenshot before, thank you!
  10. Will we be albe to drop our weapons ?
  11. what's steam ? Will i need it to play ut3 online ? Noobish questions i know
  12. C:\Documents and Settings\"username"\My documents\My Games\Unreal Tournament 3\UTGame\Published\CookedPC\CustomMaps
  13. In the lastest trailer, the characters move like they do in UT3. Will the animations be changed to match renegade's ?
  14. Don't mind Ruby, do your thing and put it in your own map if they don't need it
  15. My name's DirtycopGangsta, i'm a member of the ~SOC~ clan for C&C Renegade and i'm 17. I would like to represent Duke-Gaming and the ~SOC~ clan. If you wish to contact me: Either mail me @ djflorincool@hotmail.com or add me on msn: florin_gs_titu@yahoo.com (i'm never on msn, only yahoo).
  16. QUOTE (R315r4z0r @ Dec 9 2008, 05:57 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Doesn't every object with the surface type set to glass get bullet holes?
  17. A big blinking red light on top of a beacon should be enough to spot it anywhere
  18. neagu


    QUOTE (Pr0eX @ Aug 1 2008, 10:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Thanks it works now, cool map
  19. neagu


    ok i've downloaded the map, and i saved it into the ut3 maps folder (E:\Program Files\Unreal Tournament 3\UTGame\CookedPC\Maps) Why is it not working ?
  20. I just bought ut3 because i like ut and because i want to play rene x
  21. ok i just hope i wont forget about it now
  22. Is it 9 pm or 10 pm for those who live in gmt +1 I'l be there if i know when to
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