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Everything posted by MightyBOB

  1. There is not a big enough facepalm in the universe to describe the amounts of suck and fail that this game is made of. Although I bet God could make a facepalm that big... but if he were to do that it would completely obliterate the space-time continuum and rip the universe apart.
  2. Well they can wait for the free UDK version of the mod.
  3. No. It suxors.
  4. High five!
  5. We'll add the Recon Bike and the SSM Launcher to a few maps, but they won't be in any of the stock Renegade maps like Walls or Field and such. Maybe the Commanche. Although that's all Nod-biase.
  6. We're hopefully moving over to vbulletin at some point in the next couple of months.
  7. They snuck in the USS Enterprise somwhere. I think they also snuck in the Millennium Falcon, but I might have that confused with Star Trek: First Contact. And no one told you because it was like a year ago?
  8. That's a different twist on a griefer just using their own vehicle to block said 1-entrance structure. On the one hand, it lets them grief without needing to be present (i.e. they can still fight the enemy), although on the other they aren't there to watch the harv and make sure no one pushes it out of the way. I've had a griefer on Under before doing that with a tank that was bound and locked to them.
  9. The Decimation Master? It should play deathmetal when you push the decimate button.
  10. Well you're logged in and posting, does it matter that you can't change your password?
  11. Not sure why the accounts were broken in the first place, but apparently a secondary issue was that a DNS setting was wrong, meaning anything to do with the forum sending an email was also broken. It should be propagating out now.
  12. QUOTE Don't be a bloody fool. Never EVER cheap out on your PSU. EVER. Always buy brand-name.
  13. QUOTE (epicelite @ Nov 6 2009, 06:10 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> No, all the features we have planned are already possible. However, the engine has some sexy upgrades.
  14. I would think probably yes since we still wouldn't be selling it.
  15. lol, here's the other topic: http://www.renegade-x.com/Forums/index.php?showtopic=3499
  16. QUOTE (thrash300 @ Oct 24 2009, 08:34 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> We didn't really "implement" them. It's a part of UT3 by default.
  17. lol, the poll isn't exactly unbiased. QUOTE (Spycon @ Oct 22 2009, 06:19 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> But that's just the stereotype crap that Apple's marketers push out to the sheeple that mindlessly flock to and defend them. It's not even slightly true, just like everything they claim in their commercials is not even slightly true (I'm surprised no one has tried a lawsuit for false advertising). The tools don't make the artist; the artist makes the artist. It's all about their ability to use the tools they have. The cold hard fact is that there is no extra benefit to using a Mac or a PC specifically for any creative task, other than the general pros or cons the hardware or software has like compatibility or customization. All that being said, PC all the way. Cheaper, much more compatible, much more customizeable, less closed-source.
  18. We're not nixing the moving turret on the MLRS.
  19. No, you have to actually be responsible for running the backend of the server, not just moderating during matches.
  20. mmm, Tiberium crystals. Kinky.
  21. Well, actually, they've done studies with digital clocks and people jumping off of buildings onto nets, and you can actually see stuff faster when the brain goes into a sort of hyperdrive mode (normally you wouldn't be able to see what the rapidly flashing numbers on the timers are, but during the fall you get that "time slows down" feeling people experience in moments of survival like car crashes and they can read the timers) so maybe you really can see above 60FPS if your adrenaline is really pumping. Of course it could just be subconscious. It's not exactly the same as almost getting run over.
  22. I'm sorry, come again? It does that already.
  23. All of the following characters have the same rate of fire which makes ROF a null point. Patch has the fastest reload. The first three have roughly the same range, but the Mobius has an inferior range. The last three do the same damage per shot (not taking into account the warhead system, in which case the Officer does 2X.) Both Patch and Mobius do lingering damage (Tiberium and Burn respectively) making them more valuable for both doing extra damage and also revealing the SBH longer to both yourself and also to nearby teammates. If you're at range, this gives you time to close with the SBH to get within range of seeing them without needing to hit them (making it easier to track them). But the Patch is the victor due to longer range. Patch has twice the health of a Soldier and half again as much as the Officer for only a little more credits. The Mobius is not cost-effective. That's not to say the Soldier and Officer aren't dangerous or lethal, but I'll gladly take the damage over time and reveal. Hotwire? Really? The Repair gun is the shortest-ranged weapon in the game aside from C4 (if it's lingering highlights your looking for) and it also, you know, heals the enemy. If you're going to switch to pistol you might as well go with the other characters. The Remotes are indeed dangerous, but only if you can get the drop on the SBH, and since they can see you a lot further off, they're more likely to get the drop on you than the other way around. Other splash weapons are not fully effective as they are usually in short clips with limited blast radii (rockets, grenades). Vehicles cannot go everywhere that infantry can go, but they are definitely of higher usefulness in open areas where having unlimited ammo is a plus. But I'm talking only about infantry. Soldier/Autorifle: Health: 100 Armor: 100 Range: Long Rate of Fire: 10 rounds/second Reload Time: 2.06 seconds Projectile Type: Projectile Damage: 7 per shot with GDI rifle Warhead: Shrapnel Officer/Chaingun: Health: 150 Armor: 100 Range: Long Rate of Fire: 10 rounds/second Reload Time: 2.00 seconds Projectile Type: Projectile Damage: 10 per shot Warhead type: Steel Patch/Tiberium Flechette: Health: 200 Armor: 100 Range: Long Rate of Fire: 10 rounds/second Reload Time: 1.60 seconds Projectile Type: Projectile(Tiberium) Damage: 10 (plus minor tiberium poisoning of about 10 points) Warhead: TiberiumShrapnel Mobius/Volt Autorifle: Health: 250 Armor: 100 Range: Medium Ammo: 100/400 Rate of Fire: 10 round/second Reload Time: 2.27 seconds Projectile type: Instant Damage: 10 (plus 10 burn damage per shot) Warhead type: IonCannon (this is the generic electric warhead)
  24. No purpose? Are you kidding me? Patch is the best SBH hunter in the game.
  25. lol, they're "friends" you could say. A lot of them like the project, but we are in no way affiliated with them in terms of resources, managment, or paychecks. This is entirely a fan project.
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