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Everything posted by DoctorB0NG

  1. You can't carry an EMP and a timed C4 at the same time. Therefore, a hotty/tech with an EMP is unable to destroy a building solo.
  2. EMPs replace timed C4 and also warn the enemy team by stating that the building is under attack. There were multiple beta 4 testing sessions where I tried to effectively use an EMP to sneak in solo and place a beacon and is just doesn't work. Also, 10 seconds is a LONG time to wait. If you have an urgent APC Rush, 10 seconds is more than enough time for the enemy team to react especially when they hear the building is under attack.
  3. While I like that you're coming up with new ideas, I think that making EMPs only disable movement makes them much more situational. If EMPs disable/reduce firing then they become an item that is always good against vehicles. I like that right now you need use them only in certain situations.
  4. They dissappear as if they were disarmed with a repair gun.
  5. EMPs take 10 seconds to disarm proxies and I'm not 100% sure but I'm pretty sure they don't disarm timed nor remotes. I'll hop on beta 4 tonight and test out whether or not they disarm remotes and timed and let you know.
  6. Dear Lord. EMPs are already strong enough, we don't need them stopping firing as well. As it is in beta 4, the stun duration is getting nerfed. EMP stacking would effectively render tanks 100% useless in a rush (as opposed to 98% useless right now).
  7. There are better places to post this, iontech
  8. Games aren't meant to last that long because of the time limit. Marathon is not how the game is designed to be played. Also, airdrops aim to fix the issue of the severe penalty of losing the wep/strip.
  9. Last weekend when I talked to havoc89, he said he was going to start work on City
  10. I highly doubt it's supposed to give you full stamina. Wouldn't mind some more stamina, though. All those trained soldiers and they can't sprint very long. If you play offline, refill DOES refill stamina. It has been an online-only issue since the beginning so I'm guessing thats what this means. But, it shouldn't refill. Everyone would be sprinting back and forth, tunnel-waring on certain maps, and it would be like cheating. Conserve stamina. Maybe increase the stamina pool. After using the corrected refill mechanic in beta 4 for a while, I can confidently say that it's nicer and does not create any issues. If you're getting a refill, you're getting full health, might as well get full sprint too.
  11. Hey all, We have an awesome community member (Ruud033) who is making a custom map based off the lore from Tiberian Sun. Credits to IonTech too for the modeling of the ship. He updates his progress fairly frequently and the map is really coming together. Check it out! http://www.thematrixren.net/index.php?/ ... -renx-map/ DoctorB0NG
  12. Just use the torrent. I've been seeding the torrent on my gigabit dedicated for a while now, you'll get great speeds.
  13. ...
  14. We actually have 3 now. Also as I stated earlier, SBH are unchanged from beta 3.
  15. Wait, a dev did say they would be red, and that was particularly an important change as white maps make them invisible even if they were flickering their tongue against your neck, and red stands out on every background of map as well as emphasizes "this is a Nod unit". I can hop back on and check but I think they're the same as beta 3 as of right now. If there are any other beta 4 testers floating around, please correct me if I'm wrong.
  16. SBHs are the same.
  17. Melee has no place in this game. Plain and simple. It adds no depth whatsoever to fights and would only introduce more problems and solve none.
  18. So you'd rather just have morons running around mining the front of the base and have GDI noobs giving away free mammies to SBH on non base defense levels? This game has a high learning curve and it needs a tutorial. Noobs need to be forced to learn a bit about the game if they're gonna hop on public servers.
  19. McJonaldz and I were talking last night and we desperately think this game needs a mandatory tutorial. A quick 5 minute rundown with McFart running the player around Under and explaining how mining works, that repairers are important for tank assaults, how to use teamchat, and that show the players a few common beacon locations etc would go a LONG way. Afterwards, McFart would commence to wreck the player with his insane Beta 4 strength.
  20. The ramjet is already fairly nerfed in beta 4 with the damage decrease it got to infantry. The tracers are much harder to see now though.
  21. Who cares if this dude played original, you can make your points without berating him.
  22. Try hopping on either EKT or TmX teamspeak sometime and you'll be surprised the level of coordination that happens at times.
  23. While I do like where your head's at with adding footsteps, I dont think they would work too well with the current noise level in Renegade-x. Renegade-x is a bit more chaotic than your typical CoD shooter where footsteps are more advantageous to hear. Also, I usually play the game in third person (as do most players) and I would see anyone coming up to me.
  24. SBH C4 Rush happens way more than you'd think. It's actually one of EKT's main tactics.
  25. I'm far from a Renegade purist but how exactly would melee fit in? If it was an insta gib, it would be OP. So to balance it, it would need to do what, 40-50 damage per hit? What's the difference then between people dancing around in the tunnels shooting and dancing around trying to club each other in the tunnels?
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