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MPF PwnCall

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Everything posted by MPF PwnCall

  1. I got it to install with wine. It gave me an error at the end of installation but it looks like it created all the necessary files for the program. When I go to launch the game it doesn't open up, when I go to launch UDK.exe I get the same error that I got when it was installing.
  2. I know this has come up before but the last thread was made in 2014. I was wondering if anyone has successfully played it on mac. I have WINE and wanted to play some RenX
  3. It could be done extremely easily, although it would be using the exact map files from the original Ren, so not updated graphics or anything
  4. The bases were so big though it was easy to sneak in to get the power plants. There are 2 power plants on it and actually 3 obbys/agts two in the front one in the back. That map also had a construction yard, repair pad, and silo. One of the better fanmaps
  5. I think a Nod vs Nod map was made for original ren. I am making one for the orignal ren where both teams have all of the vehicles
  6. It was a great map we still have some good games on it from time to time. I think titan made it and he was around a little while ago, maybe he would give permission for someone to remake it
  7. This would change the game far too much. However all of these things have been done for the original Renegade in custom fanmaps.
  8. All of this stuff was fanmade and you should see some of the things modders are doing with the renegade engine. You can pretty much add anything you wanted to the original ren, and once they release mod tools for RenX you will start to see many of these hings reappear if they arent planning on adding them already.
  9. It depends more on which side gets the better players honestly. Untill the noobs learn how to play we cant really tell which side is better
  10. They were called recon bikes and in the original CnC nod didn't have an APC which is what made them equal with GDI.
  11. No vehicles can be made once it is destroyed. They must of been made before. Or 1337 HAX!
  12. Thanks!
  13. I'm hoping to have a mod or admin be able to change my name on the forums. I didn't find a way to do it from the control panel. This account I made a looong time ago with my old name, I would like to change it to my current name that I am more known as, MPF PwnCall If someone could change it for me that would be great.
  14. I'm loving the looks of these maps, and the detail!!! Walls looks amazing... *drool*
  15. First of all I wanted to say how amazing this mod, and soon to be standalone game is. This team has done an amazing job on the game. It brings back the old renegade with more amazing graphics than ever before. I've been playing the original for a long time and have been waiting for a newer version with better graphics and everything for a long time. You may remember me from in game, I used to play a lot on UN servers. I want to ask a few questions about some minor details with the mod and how it compares to the original. I was playing some of the maps and they appeared to be quite dark. I noticed on some of the night maps it seemed way darker than the original for instance some spots on Field and inside the buildings. Also the colors of the tanks and buildings, specifically the reds and yellows appear not as bright. I was wondering if these colors should be more like the original game. The main thing that I thought was different was how dark it is inside structures. Other than that this game is amazing. I'm not trying to be nit picky but these are some things that should be thought about at least. Great mod guys, I congratulate you on your efforts!!
  16. Thats really nice, whenever you were out in the open as an infantry in Ren you would be screwed if an APC came through. Now you will be able to hide from them somewhat.
  17. That looks really nice, I like how wooded it is. I feel like there weren't many maps in Ren that were that wooded.
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