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Everything posted by Kil

  1. A full guide on how the current admin system works will be put up within the days leading up to release. But basically, for the moment, it works how UT3 does; you login with an admin password, then you can use the admin console commands. A few temporary upgrades have been made to the system, to tie us over until a new fully-fledged system is in place. It includes two levels of access, moderator and administrator, and an optional Steam ID whitelist (so you have to be running Steam on an approved account to be able to login).
  2. Yes.
  3. Key binds have already been changed to be more accessible. (R for Refill, V for Vehicles, C for Characters, 1-4 Free characters etc). As for the GUI; It's more about having an appealing look than anything else, because anyone who is serious and wants high speed, they're going to learn the binds and never look at the PT again. So I wouldn't get too picky about it.
  4. It can be used to keep a better view of a certain direction while you are using your weapon in another direction, such as an engineer wants to keep his eye on the enemy direction while he aims at various teammate vehicles to repair them. Also, some people find it easier to aim by having the crosshair move rather than the camera. It is generally easier to track close targets in third-person as your camera is further away, so you don't have to move it as sporadically. Free aim furthers this by keeping the camera static, so there is generally less dis-orientation.
  5. Kil


  6. Yes it wouldn't be a default setting to allow everyone to spectate on a public server in a vanilla setup, as it is not suitable for the game mode.
  7. Not contrary. One is the simple answer and the other is a more detailed answer. Spectating doesn't work correctly, but it is technically in there because it is in the UDK. It is not supported because it is broken, so it won't be freely accessible to any player by default (hence the simple answer just being No). There is the ability to re-enable it, but it would only be used for extraordinary circumstances given it's broken state. In the future, it will be fixed, and at that point there will be options given to server admins on how much to expose the ability to people, given their specific use of their server. Some servers will only allow select people to spectate, such as moderators in a public server or shoutcasters/tournament admins in competitive servers. Other servers may allow anyone to spectate. EDIT: Note the question on the FAQ is "Will we be able to spectate at any time?", so the answer of No is completely valid.
  8. RypelCam and Demos are two different things. Demos are what R3 explained; it is a complete recording of a match, that you can then come back to and watch any time, and you have the ability to move the camera to any where you want to. In order for this demo to capture EVERYTHING, it has to be recorded by the server, not a client. Client demos (which only record things you saw) no longer work in UDK, so RenX will be restricted to just the server demos. Access to them will be up to server admins, and future features built into RenX to better support them from an accessibility perspective. RypelCam is a demo smoothing tool (that you use IN demos), this video explains what it is and how to use it: Ignore the stuff about downloading and installing it, RypelCam comes built into RenX.
  9. Spectator mode as it currently is in RenX is not setup properly. While it is accessible, it has several issues, and won't be enabled by default on servers. Rest assured it will be fixed up shortly though.
  10. Kil

    My Questions?

    For release there will be a basic admin system (like the one from UT3 but a few enhancements). You login as either an admin or a mod, both of them can kick/ban/mute, but only admins can execute commands straight on the server. Post-release, a more fully-fledged system on par with SourceMod. If you are unfamiliar with SourceMod, notable features include groups with varying permissions, automatic player authentication (not password), detailed ban systems, etc. There is also an Remote Console system for remote administration (which will most definitely see IRC Bot integration).
  11. Though if you have a shit ton of cash just laying around, by all means, buy the rights to Command & Conquer from EA and then sign it over to Totem Arts :-D
  12. I can say with a pretty high certainty that Mantle won't get implemented for UE3 (thus RenegadeX, as UE3 is the engine it runs on), Epic has moved on to UE4.
  13. That seems to be the trend with almost all of these reviews.
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