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Everything posted by Kil

  1. Kil

    Mass Disconnects

    Do the players report it as a crash? There is some client-side only crash that will sometimes occur that is triggered by something server-side; resulting in all clients on the server crashing out but the server keeps going fine. Have no idea why it happens or what the cause is, don't think I've ever seen the logs for when it has happened. And yeah logs can't hurt.
  2. There are quite a few North American players. It's probably because the EU servers are popped first as it's game-time there earlier, then as the NA players come online, only the EU servers are already popped, so they jump in there instead of trying to get a NA server going.
  3. The Purchase Terminal, where you buy your characters and vehicles.
  4. Kil


    The number of recently played maps to definitely exclude, and the number of options to add to the vote list are both server variables. Default is exclude 3, give 5 options. So it's clear how it works: The map pool starts with all the maps on the server map list, it then removes the X amount of last played maps to exclude, then randomly picks X amount of maps from the map pool to put on the vote. Example with the default settings. Last 3 played maps were Field, Goldrush and Volcano - so they get removed from the map pool. So it then randomly picks 5 from the map pool (which is now Islands, Lakeside, Mesa, Walls, Whiteout and Xmountain), and so the resulting vote list could be: Whiteout, Lakeside, Islands, Walls, Mesa.
  5. Kil


    Nah didn't bother doing any fancy tie-breaker logic, it will still take the map highest on the list, but the ordering of the maps is now scrambled. So tie breaking will feel a bit more varied than it is now, because the same maps aren't always going to be higher-priority (eg Field and Walls can be on the bottom now).
  6. Kil


    The next update will include a server option to use a set map rotation instead of the end of map vote. Though the end of map vote has also been improved, so it can exclude recently played maps and only have a limited number of options.
  7. Yes, he's either immature and ignorant or just straight being a dick. Whatever. Thread is still open so that people who are able to articulate themselves in a socially acceptable way (you get close to that line sometimes with your damn regular full page pictures Kriemhild ) can help contribute to tracking down the bug. So keep it on topic please, no need to state the obvious about that guy.
  8. You can rotate the character model in the PT by holding down right-click on the model and moving the mouse left or right.
  9. The next update of the launcher will have an option to skip movies (note this also means that loading screen, so don't be alarmed and think the game has hung when switching maps)
  10. So it's just purely cosmetic? Your shots were still hitting your target correctly?
  11. We can't help you till you give us something to go on. I've specifically asked that you try give us some additional information, which you haven't done. Continuously posting "please fix" isn't additional information, it's called spamming - and it's annoying.
  12. As I said to the OP in PM: "Well rather than being rude about it, could you maybe instead try give us more information about when and where it happens? It's not an issue I've heard from anyone else before. Reply in the thread." Screenshots, scenarios, something. Otherwise we don't know what you're talking about.
  13. The maplist isn't hardcoded. Marathon servers can remove Field from their servers if it's such a big problem. (Which imo, would be a better solution than turning off Adv Defence structures as it's quite obviously Nod sided doing so.)
  14. Both have already been addressed for the next update. There is a little bit of a wait time before the round begins to wait for players to load up, and donations are now blocked for the first few minutes of the game (the length can be modified as a server setting).
  15. Should be timed since it'll be a competitive setting.
  16. Yeah I'll want in on some of that. Though depends on how big teams are ganna be..
  17. I probably have more silenced pistol kills than I do with any other weapon. Just track them heads and you're in business.
  18. Not sure what can be done about that, but for now, are you able to view the contents of this link? http://renegadexgs.appspot.com/servers.jsp A bit awkward to read, but you can get a server listing and their IP and details from that. So you can find a server from there and then enter in the IP and port in the Join IP button from the launcher or game.
  19. Yeah the flames are now volumetric projectiles, and no longer require the unrealistic pinpoint hits like they did before.
  20. Make sure your installer is "RenegadeX-OpenBeta3a.exe", if there is no 'a' at the end, it's not the right version.
  21. HunterX. Please stop posting multiple copies of the same post in several different threads, especially when you are doing it in an unrelated topic. One word posts on old threads are not allowed either.
  22. Yeah probably, was just trying to find the first link that got the "yeah it already exists, it's called C&C Renegade" point across :-P
  23. http://www.amazon.com/Command-Conquer-R ... B00005N7YM
  24. Oh whoops typo. "Doom Rocket Jumping" (and even explicitly adding "Episode 2") top results all have the info, so something as minor as a particular episode within the one game isn't enough to out right call it a lie, especially since which episode it was is irrelevant to the initial point. Anyway, moving on.
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