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Everything posted by Kil

  1. Coolio. Though two things. One; disabling bots is a server option in the patch. And two; link isn't working
  2. It's a game demo, not a picture video. It records changes in gamestate, so you are required to use the game (and the correct version of) in order to watch a demo. It works almost the same as how your client knows how to display everything that is happening in a game when playing on a server (you just get little bits of data telling you where things are, your client does all the rendering). This sort of demo feature is in id Tech, Source, and UE, so you should be able to do some research about it if you'd like to know more.
  3. Demo recording isn't player-specific, it's a global server recording so it records everything. Thus the cheater isn't able to abuse the command himself in order to avoid getting recorded.
  4. No, one recording at a time is just how recording works - the game won't run more than one recording at once. The client record request will only go ahead if there is not a record already in progress. An admin executing a real record will stop any demo in progress before it begins and creates a new one. No information is lost, the client requested recording just gets cut short and is continued in the admin-initiated record.
  5. Only one demo can be recorded at a time. In order to maximise coverage, there isn't a cooldown between the demos being able to be recorded. But whenever a player does, they are logged for doing so, so an admin can spot anyone trying to abuse the command (besides, it'll take a fair bit of effort and time in order for the constant recording to actually amount to anything near a problem). And if in the case a server has jack for space and admins that aren't around to deal with demos, there is the last resort server option to disable the feature - but they're singling themselves out as a more hacker-lenient zone if they do.
  6. So getting rather petty and derailed in here again. Locked. Boink will remain as the default kill sound for the foreseeable future. We extremely doubt something this trivial (but high in nostalgic value to old players) will scare new players away from the game - I'd be more concerned about the person themself if it did. In the future there may be the possibility of supporting a custom sound (on a per-client basis), but still being beta, it isn't a high priority.
  7. Cleaned up thread. Keep in mind that anyone is able to register and post here, so of course every now and then you'll get a typical internet douchebag. They'll be seen to (click report), no need to respond to them... nor start judging the community as a whole negatively because of the select few. Back to topic.
  8. Kil

    Administration Systems

    It doesn't get logged as a Chat message (other than seeing the RCON: blah executed "Say blah blah"). But you'll see it in-game.
  9. Kil

    Administration Systems

    Using "Say" works.
  10. That's because your change to the UTGame settings is getting overwritten by the Rx_Game settings. Edit the TimeLimit in UDKRenegadeX.ini. To do Marathon, just set the TimeLimit to 0.
  11. Not a fan of the ones that use the mouse, don't like taking mouse control away and they only give you a limited set of options, otherwise it's tedious/requires a bunch of keys for different menus. The only real difference TF2 is from Renegade is you don't hold down the menu button, you still have several keys which I'm not a fan of. I'd rather an RTCW/ET style, where you have just one menu key, then use numbers, first for category sub menu then second for specific command, can get that shit down real fast with minimal key binds. Obviously everyone has a preference, so ideally we'd want to implement a few of the popular ones and having it as a selectable option which menu you want to use.
  12. Not being able to buy Airstrikes is on servers that have manually increased their price, but it doesn't tell the client so the client still sees the original 700 price. To be fixed.
  13. Kil

    64 bit?

    Not likely because certain UDK elements that RenX uses aren't compatible with the 64-bit UDK.
  14. Kil

    Administration Systems

    RxCmd is a 5 minute app with several holes as per the preceding "shitty program is up" and should not be relied on for protocol details other than the obvious. The protocol in the release is not in a complete state, it was brought to a level to be operational for basic server administration (not for third party tool development) and it has already been updated internally. Therefore it is not recommended for people to place too much effort into third party tools until it is ready for it. Once the complete version is available to the public, a proper protocol spec will be put up but until then, don't expect support.
  15. Kil

    Administration Systems

    k shitty program is up: ***LINK REMOVED - OUTDATED*** As per usual; better stuff will be in the works.
  16. Kil

    Administration Systems

    Pending download link for existing client. Protocol soonish, updates are being made.
  17. We don't have a required DRM system in place, so there isn't a way to pre-load the game without you having full access to the game (at least without making a system ourselves to do so). Download is only 1.7 gigs, so shouldn't take too long
  18. The Open Beta release will feature both In-Game and Remote Administration. In-Game Administration For the Open Beta release, Renegade X will use a slightly enhanced version of the built-in admin system (used by UT3). Overview: There are two levels of access: Server Administrator (from UT3) which has full access to all admin commands. Server Moderator (temporary addition) which has access to the admin commands except for the "Admin" command (basically rcon, can execute commands directly on the server) and AddAdmin/Mod commands. Commands: AdminLogin(Password) - Use this to login as an Admin or Moderator, two separate passwords are defined in the game configuration. AdminLogout - Logout of Admin AdminKick(Player) - Kicks a player from the server. AdminKickBan(Player) - Bans a player from the server permanently (bans can be manually revoked). AdminForceTextMute(Player) - Removes a players ability to use chat. AdminForceTextUnMute(Player) - Restores a muted players ability to use chat. AdminRestartMap - Restarts the map. (The vote will still be displayed, but will have no effect) AdminRestartMap(MapName) - Changes to the specified map. (Again, the vote will be displayed, but will have no effect) [ADMIN ONLY] Admin(Command) - Execute the given command as the server itself. AdminAddAdministrator(Player) - Adds the given players SteamID to the Administrator SteamIDs list. AdminAddModerator(Player) - Adds the given players SteamID to the Moderator SteamIDs list. There are a few other of the UT3 Admin commands not listed here that are still floating around but they either don't work completely/have no use in RenX. To login, passwords are required, but an additional security layer available is SteamID authentication. Configuration: In UDKRenegadeX.ini, under [RenX_Game.Rx_AccessControl] ModPassword - The password to login as a Server Moderator when using AdminLogin command or AdminPassword parameter bBroadcastAdminIdentity - True or False, defines whether admin logins are broadcast to all players. bSteamAuthAdmins - True or False, whether you'll require admins/mods to be authenticated with Steam. AdministratorSteamIDs - Steam3 ID in Hex, an ID that is authorised to use Administrator if bSteamAuthAdmins is True. ModeratorSteamIDs - 64-bit Steam3 ID in Hex, an ID that is authorised to use Moderator if bSteamAuthAdmins is True. In UDKGame.ini, under [Engine.AccessControl] AdminPassword - The password to login as a Server Administrator when using AdminLogin Setting up Steam Admins: REMEMBER, admins/mods will still need to login with AdminLogin when using Steam Admins, Steam Admins just restricts the SteamIDs who are allowed to use the AdminLogin command. Auto-Steam Auth will be a future option. First, make sure you have bSteamAuthAdmins=true. Next, there are two ways to go about it: 1) Add them by player in-game. Use the AdminAddAdministrator/AdminAddModerator commands. This way you won't have to deal with IDs directly, the game will do it for you. Though in order to get the first admin added, you either need to add them straight to the file (see below) or follow these steps: 1. Set bSteamAuthAdmins to False (and restart server if already running). 2. Get in-game and login as Admin. 3. Add yourself with the AdminAddAdministrator command. 4. Set bSteamAuthAdmins to True and restart server. 2) Add them by ID to the file. You'll need to retrieve your 64-bit Steam3 ID in Hexadecimal format. vacbanned.com will do this, just chuck in the Steam Profile link in the search bar, and you'll see Steam3 ID (64bit). Copy the one that has (Hex) next to it. Paste it under Rx_AccessControl, next to either AdministratorSteamIDs= or ModeratorSteamIDs=. You add multiple SteamIDs just by adding a new line with the same key name. Example: AdministratorSteamIDs=11000010003c480 ModeratorSteamIDs=11000010002a490 ModeratorSteamIDs=11000010503cd60 You'll notice when you run the game, and re-look at the config, the IDs will change (ie 11000010003c4ca will become 0x011000010003C4CA). That's just the game converting them to the correct format, this is normal. Remote Administration A remote-console (rcon) system is available for Renegade X. It has two functions; one is to execute commands directly on the server (like that of the in-game "Admin" command), and two it streams out game information. Configuration: The password for Rcon is the same as AdminPassword (In UDKGame.ini, under [Engine.AccessControl]) In UDKRenegadeX.ini, under [RenX_Game.Rx_Rcon] bEnableRcon - True or False, whether you want to enable Rcon or not. RconPort - number TCP port that Rcon will listen on. -1 means it is the same number port as the game itself (so in most cases, 7777). Tweaks - recommended left as default unless you have specific needs. ConnectionLimit - Max number of connections allowed at once. SubscriberLimit - Max amount of connections that are allowed to be subscribed at once. You shouldn't set this too high - UE3 TCP connections aren't meant for high load, so you may potentially notice in-game performance drop. (Though this is based on what has been stated on the UDN, haven't actually stress-tested it.) MaxPasswordAttempts - Number of password attempts to allow before banning an IP. bHideAttempts - True or False, whether to show their attempt number and max attempts.
  19. There will be direct support through ClanWars.cc via your Steam account, and will include an auto-league if you play on ClanWars designated servers. This won't be in the very first release but will likely be in a patch within the first week or two depending how it goes. Later on, there will be a specific competition mode used on servers that can be used for non-auto league competitive matches, such as scrims, pickup games, and tournaments.
  20. That only applies for code and assets. People can change configuration as they wish. If modified inis weren't allowed, everyone would have to play with the same graphics settings and same key bindings :-P
  21. It's that way because it is the UT3 admin system, which had a single access level (everything) and one password. It has just been extended a little bit to be actually somewhat usable in a real pubic server environment. Even so, there is still much to be desired and so a more sophisticated, purpose-built system will phase this old system out soon.
  22. VAC support with UDK isn't documented (publicly anyway) and the workings of VAC itself isn't much advertised, so I'm not even aware if it is running when playing a UDK game. Since RenX isn't officially on Steam, it uses the default UDK "Steam App ID" which gets shared with all other UDK games also not officially on Steam. VAC Banning bans by game (for the most part, there are various special cases), so a VAC ban that'd work on RenX would apply to all these other UDK games and vice versa, so I think they've likely just disabled VAC working for the games running the default UDK App ID. So basically: I don't think so but I could be wrong. I'm sure there will be a number of not-so-reputable characters that'll test it for us though..
  23. No. OPTIONAL. People can be running Steam, or not run Steam on the same server. If the admins decide they want extra security, they can require that JUST their admins/mods need to be logged into Steam. So if for whatever reason the admins have something against Steam, they are free to leave it disabled (which is default). It's not about having no faith, it's about not having complete faith - which to put frankly would be naive when it isn't a small tight-nit group. If you have a large moderating team, there is certainly a chance that one or two may give the password to a buddy or two (and from there it can grow). It is also easy for a shared password to be accidentally leaked. Then there is the not so uncommon case of bad apples that slip in, who get in and then purposefully distribute the password. Most admins will want to remain in charge of who has moderation access, not letting moderators themselves give it out. EDIT: Though regarding requiring everyone on a server to run Steam, that will exist in some instances too because it will be required for authenticating players in clanwars.
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