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Posts posted by epicelite

  1. "Console limitations" is more about the controller VS keyboard+mouse. Yes you can do unlimited weapon carrying but it never works just right because there aren't enough buttons to quickly switch between weapons and you end up making a weapon's menu at best.

    Yes, weapon limits can be done properly when its in context of the game's design. A survival type game, or a realistic military simulator.

    From a singleplayer standpoint limiting weapons removes a lot of the thinking and being tactical, and is just feels silly especially in a sci-fi game such as Renegade.

    You place the player on a cliff and give them a sniper rifle.

    You give the player a rocket launcher just before they head into a outdoors area.

    You give the player a chaingun right before then enter a narrow hallway.

    You place a weapon better then the one the player currently has, they're going to pick it up.

    There is no "being tactical" as you say. Maybe in another game, but not Renegade.

    I don't see how giving a player access to every weapon makes them a "tank" it just gives them more options when fighting. You worked hard for all of those guns and you deserve to have more options! You might be able to plan for what enemies you're going to encounter in singleplayer but not always in multiplayer.

    Renegade is not Call of Duty, each gun is unique. You need different weapons for different situations.

    In Call of Duty each gun is basically the same thing with a few rare exceptions, and those are limited to specific situations.

    This is RENEGADE not military simulator 2011.

  2. You say you're ADDING new features to make game-play just right? Adding = taking things away? I apologize if I missed the memo on that one.

    • Weapon limits were introduced due to the limitations of console, to make games more accessible to the masses, and for realism in some cases. (Though I'd argue Call of Duty is not realistic.)
    • Carrying multiple weapons is FUN and allows for more dynamic gameplay and prevents backtracking.
    • (singleplayer) Prevents getting stuck somewhere and being screwed because all you have is a pea-shooter while your surrounded by tanks.
    • It's FUN trying to collect every weapon without dieing.

    If you REALLY have to limit weapons in some way here is the proper way it should be done:

    Limit it to a single weapon per-slot/type, IE:

    PIC or Railgun, $500 sniper or Ramjet, Flamethrower or Grenade Launcher, laser rifle or laser chaingun or Tiberium Fanchette Gun, Chem gun or Chem Sprayer, etc...

    Even better:

    Free repair gun or upgraded repair gun, Officer's rocket launcher or Gunner's Rocket Launcher.

    Now THAT would be an upgrade, stopping redundancy when one weapon is an obvious upgrade over another, or perhaps you prefer one of another. (IE: You want the $500 sniper for its instant ballistic velocity and no tracer.)

  3. Yes, all of those things are legit upgrades. Limited weapons is a downgrade so I will complain about it till the end of time.

    Weapons limits and regenerating health are everything wrong with modern games. (Not to mention DLC that's already on the disc.)

  4. If we judge everyone online by what they did over half a decade ago, you will find that few people have a closet that isn't full of skeletons.

    I know that feel, Bro.

    Aircraftkiller, take a crack at rethinking the light tank? I always thought it looked out-of-place.

    It's like a vacuum cleaner or something.

  5. That doesn't work when you're GDI because arties kill infantry in just a couple shots due to their high damage and large splash radius. Tanks get eaten up quickly too and you can't have hotties follow the tanks because they just get killed off by the arties splash damage.

    If you're Nod and GDI is camping a few laser chaingunners can rip right through tanks in seconds, unless you got 2-3 hotties fixing one tank. MRLS's are easy to destroy, just get behind them (Easier said than done, still they can't do much against infantry that are not directly infront of them.). SBH's fucking EVERYWHERE trying to steal your shit if you hop out for even a second to repair yourself.

    I say Nod has an easier time camping.

    You can have a few artillery attacking, then 2 stanks waiting to attack anyone stupid enough to come out of GDI's base.

  6. As for the points for repairing. Repairwhoreing would be a problem if you made repairing give more points than damaging. What would be a better solution would be to add something to reduce the points you get over time.

    Say if you keep hitting a building, but the amount of health stays above 70% after 6 shots? then you are not succeeding in destroying it and your points will reduce for each shot, untill you earn 3-5 points more then the repair team for each shot. That would give people who actively seek ways to destroy a building more points over time then the whore's.

    Yours sincerely,


    I like it!

  7. Couple ideas to stop/detour people from doing this. It's not fun for either team.


    Airstrike costs $500, and a cooldown time after being bought (per-player or team?), should prevent it from being spammed.

    Damages vehicles and infantry heavily.

    Minimal damage to buildings.

    You can call in the airstrike with a radio, just point where you want it and click. (Unlimited range?)

    Can only be used on the battlefield field, not in a base.

    You call in the airstrike on the enemy's camping position, a flare is created that cannot be disarmed. Only to alert that a airstrike is coming. Maybe 10 seconds from calling it till it hitting?

    Would be fairly useless to try and use it against a single enemy as they would be able to move away easily. A group might have trouble though.


    I think repairing a building should give more points then damaging it. This will stop people from spending an hour long game camping outside of the enemy's base.

    Just a TINY bit more though, maybe .25 more points for repairing then damaging. So that people might actually think about "Are we going to destroy this building or just give the enemy more points?"

  8. Ion Cannon:

    I always found it strange, why does it rain when you plant the beacon? Maybe the satellite is pulling energy from the atmosphere and that creates a storm, but then why doesn't the storm build up slowly till it fires then dissipate slowly afterwords? It just kind of instantly shows up and leaves.

    Always hated how the beam slowly built up just before going off, because in every other C&C Game that features the Ion Cannon it's pretty much an instantaneous blast that slowly dissipates afterwords.

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