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Posts posted by epicelite

  1. I don't understand why the rockets spread out after you fire them. They sometimes hit an obstacle or even the ground before reaching the target.

    This is why I never use the stank, the rockets go all over the goddamn place they should just go in a nice straight line.

  2. here an idea how to stop that sbh rush that comes up in almost every match: sbhs should be limited. 10 players = 1 sbh. e.g. if nod has 40 players, nod can have 4 sbhs in its team.

    So all the terrible players take SBH and spend the entire game pussyfooting around and never die.

  3. Just add an option in the settings where you can choose which free class you spawn as. In 90 % of the time, I want to spawn as an engee. Now I need to E-E.


    Totally irrelevant question: If i buy a Rocketlauncher(costs), then have to switch to engineer(free) since a dire need of repair have arisen, can i switch back to rocketguy for free after done with repairing ?

    Maybe if you change characters you can get back %50 of your sold characters value?

  4. Are there plans to add more then the 4 current extra purchasable sidearms?

    Like maybe a nice shotgun, with better accuracy and range? Maybe if you have a silo you can buy a tiberium flechette shotgun!

    A revolver, those are cool right? Maybe its like a very short ranged ramjet rifle that isn't 100% accurate?

    What about some more grenade types? Maybe a sticky grenade? Tiberium grenade?

    Laser aiming for applicable weapons?

    The possibilities are endless!

  5. Like in the classic C&C games, when a unit destroys stuff worth more then its cost it gains rank and gets slight stat boosts. (I think it was 10% of the cost of the destroyed thing or something like, so if something cost $1000 it would need to destroy $10,000 of stuff to gain rank.)

    What if this was in Renegade-X?

    Hell we could have a crate that give you +1 rank too!

    Like say you rank up your Havoc by killing 10 Sakuras, you get +25HP/Speed boost/More ammo? You can represent rank in the way C&C always has, the rank chevrons in the selection box.

    Maybe if you reach full rank you can respawn as that character again when you die, the rank being reset at the same time?

    Engineer/Hottie/Tech can gain rank by repairing/disarming stuff.

    Just thought it might be cool, reward people for staying alive the whole game.

  6. Beacons should be viable on the radar once spotted by a friendly player, unless they are already I never thought about it before.

    Just have spots that you simply cannot place a beacon, the game should say "Satellite unlink failed" and you get your beacon back.

  7. Every time I am Nod on Lakeside, I buy an APC and just camp the airstrip control tower because every time a hotwire just casually walks up the river to it.

    Nobodys over there, its pretty out of the way and unless you spawn inside you have no reason to be there. Players are at the refinery and HoN all day long getting refills and whatever, but unless the airstrip needs to be repaired do you have ANY reason to go over to the control tower? No.

    There arent even that many spawn points in the control tower so you have less of a chance of spawning inside of it.

    A hotwire can casually run up the river and disarm any mines without being seen, especially since GDI always seems to have control of that infantry path for some reason.

    It needs to be moved elsewhere, or in the least place a turret over there even though turrets arent exactly anti-infantry.

    Make that area between the Control tower and the river into a cliff so you have to pass closer to the HoN to get to the control tower? I don't know just do something.

    Meanwhile, on GDI the WF requires you to be visible a bit more to get to it as its more centered in the base and the Bar theres usually a lot of players running around there. Though Nod does have the SBH, but I digress.

    PS: Orca's can shoot over the rocks and hit the HON with no way to shoot back at them without an Apache or walking all the way around.

  8. I mean how it builds up the beam before it fires, the beam should be instant with no buildup animation. Then after it has fired it should dissipate over the course of several seconds.

    Its just a small detail I always thought was kinda off.

    Like how it is in the RTS Command and Conquers. It's instant with a dissipation afterwords, there is no buildup.

    I know some dumbass is going to say it. So just for the record, I am NOT saying that it should fire as soon as the beacon is deployed.

  9. Game will randomly freeze but keep running. How to explain? Input and output are frozen, but the game is still running so if you were walking forward you will keep walking forward. After about 15-20 seconds everything is fixed but you can be half-way across the map or dead. If luck you got stick on something in a safe area.

    Sounds very much like extreme lag.

    Doesn't appear to effect anyone else though.

  10. Anti-Aliasing doesn't appear to work if turned on via in-game menu or through overriding the game's settings with nVidia control panel.

    Rockets can lock onto cloaked units, and your reticle will turn red when aiming at them. So you can just look at common spots and aim around a bit to see if a SBH is hiding there, or just get a rocket based weapon and look there and see if you get a lock. [image to come]

    I was once repaired to 101/100 armor.


    Turrets... turret isn't connected to its base.


    I once saw a rag-doll glitching out and being all stretched and jittery.


    Game will randomly freeze but keep running. How to explain? Input and output are frozen, but the game is still running so if you were walking forward you will keep walking forward. After about 15-20 seconds everything is fixed but you can be half-way across the map or dead. If luck you got stick on something in a safe area.

    There is a hole in the ground on Goldrush near Nod's main base entrance. [image to come.]

    Vehicles can be driven on top of or inside of some buildings, mostly Humvee getting inside of the Weapons Factory and driving it up ramps. However I was able to drive an APC onto the roof of every building but the barracks. Strangely the Power Plant auto-kills vehicles driven onto its roof but no other buildings do.


    In general, vehicle camera angles are terrible. They need to be farther back, especially bad with the MRLS as half the time you can't see what you're shooting at through yourself.

  11. @Demigan

    No, if I have every weapon I'm going to be using the one that's the most fun. Perhaps in some situations it will be the most powerful but other times I might choose to pull out my flamethrower to mow down some infantry just because I like to burn people. Others maybe I want to blow them into a million pieces with a rocket launcher.

    I'm wondering, the loss of carrying all the weapons doesn't seem that great a loss to me, why does it seem the end of the world to you?
    I'm fucking tired of playing the same Call of Duty clone. Not to start throwing out cheap insults, but maybe if you and r315r4z0r had been playing video games for as long as I have you would be able to see the current stagnation and uncreativeness of the current industry. All we have to fall on now is game mods, and Indy developers. While Renegade-X isn't exactly a new IP, it was SOMETHING to look forward to.

    I think the RenX team is just trying to make the next Call of Duty(Doesn't matter if you like CoD or not, its whats popular and selling.) clone in order to look good to prospective employers because they obviously would like jobs in the gaming industry. No I'm not trying to say that a job making games is a bad thing. (In fact, now more then ever, we need the right people in those jobs, and they could be those people.)

    Let me leave you with this:


  12. People do that anyway!

    They will still do it if they can only hold 2 weapons, some guy finds a Ramjet rifle he is going to do his darnedest to not die just the same as if he had a Ramjet and 20 other weapons.

    There is no difference either way in that aspect.

    Though I would understand how it's acceptable if SBH's were not allowed to change their weapons or pick up another one.

    Another problem that might come up is people buying a X character, dropping that guy, buying Y character and then having both guns easily.

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