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Posts posted by epicelite

  1. I was in a game and had the idea that we all call in an airstrike at the same time to take out the barracks. Not enough people wanted to do it, and then we lost due to an ion beacon.

    Has anyone ever done this? Airstrike does like 10% to a building, so in theory 10 players calling one in at the same time should take a building out, yes?

  2. Why do you guys not try harder to have things in the maps make sense? I know its a video game and all, but it seems like it wouldn't be that much more to do in most cases.

    On Canyon GDI's "T" ramp-bridge thing. What is that even supposed to be? Why did GDI put it there? It just confuses me. I know WHY its there, technically speaking. Gives Nod SBH's a place to run around. My question is why not make it something more... sensible? Given that the map has a tunnel system, maybe that "T" ramp-bridge thing is a piece of derelict mining equipment? Conveyor belts and shit.

    On Walls, why did GDI and Nod build big ass walls? This ones easy, they should just be styled like the old ruined stone structures in the center. I mean there's a pyramid in the background it would make much more sense!

    What are those tunnels and barriers on Islands? Why they're part of a Nod marine research project! From the looks of the Hovercraft and destroyed Nod turrets, GDI found the island and moved in quick to take Nod out. Maybe put a few pieces of research equipment here and there.

    I know you're trying to emulate the original game, but takes some artistic liberties here. I just feel sad because you put in all this effort and then drop the ball in these areas.

    Am I alone?

  3. How do people feel about this? I feel you shouldn't be allowed to place beacons in your own base. If you want a fake one you should at least have to leave your base. This would also stop people just buying beacons and dropping them where they stand because they have nothing better to do.

    You should just get a message and the beacon won't stick when you try in your own base.

    "Uplink cancelled; Friendly structure(s) within blast radius."

    Can also use this to stop beacons in glitch spots and inside tunnels because that's kinda silly.

    "Uplink failed; could not establish satellite contact."

  4. I agree that the Carbine is broken, it can kill faster then more expensive weapons.

    I think both sides should have unique sidearms. GDI can have the heavy pistol, and Nod should have a laser pistol. Only things that should be the same are the tiberium weapons.

    I say we need a nice shotgun sidearm, just because I like shotguns and the only one in the game is awful.

    Possible other side-grades that arent weapons could be like tiberium resistant boots, first-aid kit that you can use to heal yourself/allies, extra ammo. (But thats another thread.)

  5. I think most weapons should just have unlimited ammo, the acceptions being C4/grenades. (and possibly snipers)

    Its just kind of annoying when you're on a roll but you have to run back to your base because you ran out of ammo. Vehicles don't have this problem.

    I mean you can get healed all day long by a repair gun but the only way to get more ammo is to return to base and buy a refill.

    They did this in A Path Beyond and it works out just fine.

    Or just add a ammo drop system from killed enemies?

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